31 research outputs found

    Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs I. A polynomial-time algorithm

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    Linear rank-width is a linearized variation of rank-width, and it is deeply related to matroid path-width. In this paper, we show that the linear rank-width of every nn-vertex distance-hereditary graph, equivalently a graph of rank-width at most 11, can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), and a linear layout witnessing the linear rank-width can be computed with the same time complexity. As a corollary, we show that the path-width of every nn-element matroid of branch-width at most 22 can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), provided that the matroid is given by an independent set oracle. To establish this result, we present a characterization of the linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs in terms of their canonical split decompositions. This characterization is similar to the known characterization of the path-width of forests given by Ellis, Sudborough, and Turner [The vertex separation and search number of a graph. Inf. Comput., 113(1):50--79, 1994]. However, different from forests, it is non-trivial to relate substructures of the canonical split decomposition of a graph with some substructures of the given graph. We introduce a notion of `limbs' of canonical split decompositions, which correspond to certain vertex-minors of the original graph, for the right characterization.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 2 table. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of WG'1

    VLSI layouts and DNA physical mappings

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    We show that an important problem (kk-ICG) in computational biology is equivalent to a colored version of a well-known graph layout problem (kk-CVS).Comment: 7 page

    Adapting Search Theory to Networks

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    The CSE is interested in the general problem of locating objects in networks. Because of their exposure to search theory, the problem they brought to the workshop was phrased in terms of adapting search theory to networks. Thus, the first step was the introduction of an already existing healthy literature on searching graphs. T. D. Parsons, who was then at Pennsylvania State University, was approached in 1977 by some local spelunkers who asked his aid in optimizing a search for someone lost in a cave in Pennsylvania. Parsons quickly formulated the problem as a search problem in a graph. Subsequent papers led to two divergent problems. One problem dealt with searching under assumptions of fairly extensive information, while the other problem dealt with searching under assumptions of essentially zero information. These two topics are developed in the next two sections

    Locating a robber with multiple probes

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    We consider a game in which a cop searches for a moving robber on a connected graph using distance probes, which is a slight variation on one introduced by Seager. Carragher, Choi, Delcourt, Erickson and West showed that for any nn-vertex graph GG there is a winning strategy for the cop on the graph G1/mG^{1/m} obtained by replacing each edge of GG by a path of length mm, if mnm\geq n. The present authors showed that, for all but a few small values of nn, this bound may be improved to mn/2m\geq n/2, which is best possible. In this paper we consider the natural extension in which the cop probes a set of kk vertices, rather than a single vertex, at each turn. We consider the relationship between the value of kk required to ensure victory on the original graph and the length of subdivisions required to ensure victory with k=1k=1. We give an asymptotically best-possible linear bound in one direction, but show that in the other direction no subexponential bound holds. We also give a bound on the value of kk for which the cop has a winning strategy on any (possibly infinite) connected graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta, which is best possible up to a factor of (1o(1))(1-o(1)).Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Updated to show that Theorem 2 also applies to infinite graphs. Accepted for publication in Discrete Mathematic

    Connected and internal graph searching

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    This paper is concerned with the graph searching game. The search number es(G) of a graph G is the smallest number of searchers required to clear G. A search strategy is monotone (m) if no recontamination ever occurs. It is connected (c) if the set of clear edges always forms a connected subgraph. It is internal (i) if the removal of searchers is not allowed. The difficulty of the connected version and of the monotone internal version of the graph searching problem comes from the fact that, as shown in the paper, none of these problems is minor closed for arbitrary graphs, as opposed to all known variants of the graph searching problem. Motivated by the fact that connected graph searching, and monotone internal graph searching are both minor closed in trees, we provide a complete characterization of the set of trees that can be cleared by a given number of searchers. In fact, we show that, in trees, there is only one obstruction for monotone internal search, as well as for connected search, and this obstruction is the same for the two problems. This allows us to prove that, for any tree T, mis(T)= cs(T). For arbitrary graphs, we prove that there is a unique chain of inequalities linking all the search numbers above. More precisely, for any graph G, es(G)= is(G)= ms(G)leq mis(G)leq cs(G)= ics(G)leq mcs(G)=mics(G). The first two inequalities can be strict. In the case of trees, we have mics(G)leq 2 es(T)-2, that is there are exactly 2 different search numbers in trees, and these search numbers differ by a factor of 2 at most.Postprint (published version

    Tradeoffs in routing reconfiguration problems

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    International audienceNous étudions le problème du reroutage d'un ensemble de connexion dans un réseau. Il consiste à passer d'un routage initial (ensemble de chemins reliant des paires de noeuds) à un autre, en traitant séquentiellement chaque connexion. Il est parfois indispensable d'en interrompre temporairement certaines au cours du processus de reconfiguration, ce qui nous amène à étudier les compromis possibles entre deux mesures d'efficacité : le nombre total de connexions interrompues et le nombre maximum de connexions interrompues simultanément. Nous prouvons qu'établir de tels compromis mène à des problèmes NP-complets et difficiles à approcher (APX-difficiles voir non APX). Nous montrons ensuite que de bons compromis sont impossibles en général. Enfin, nous exhibons une classe d'instances de reroutage pour laquelle il est possible de minimiser le nombre de requêtes interrompues simultanément sans "trop" augmenter le nombre total de connexions interrompues. Ces résultats sont obtenus en modélisant ce problème par un jeu à l'aide d'agents mobiles

    Kernel Bounds for Structural Parameterizations of Pathwidth

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    Assuming the AND-distillation conjecture, the Pathwidth problem of determining whether a given graph G has pathwidth at most k admits no polynomial kernelization with respect to k. The present work studies the existence of polynomial kernels for Pathwidth with respect to other, structural, parameters. Our main result is that, unless NP is in coNP/poly, Pathwidth admits no polynomial kernelization even when parameterized by the vertex deletion distance to a clique, by giving a cross-composition from Cutwidth. The cross-composition works also for Treewidth, improving over previous lower bounds by the present authors. For Pathwidth, our result rules out polynomial kernels with respect to the distance to various classes of polynomial-time solvable inputs, like interval or cluster graphs. This leads to the question whether there are nontrivial structural parameters for which Pathwidth does admit a polynomial kernelization. To answer this, we give a collection of graph reduction rules that are safe for Pathwidth. We analyze the success of these results and obtain polynomial kernelizations with respect to the following parameters: the size of a vertex cover of the graph, the vertex deletion distance to a graph where each connected component is a star, and the vertex deletion distance to a graph where each connected component has at most c vertices.Comment: This paper contains the proofs omitted from the extended abstract published in the proceedings of Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2012 - 13th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops, Helsinki, Finland, July 4-6, 201

    Clearing Contamination in Large Networks

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    In this work, we study the problem of clearing contamination spreading through a large network where we model the problem as a graph searching game. The problem can be summarized as constructing a search strategy that will leave the graph clear of any contamination at the end of the searching process in as few steps as possible. We show that this problem is NP-hard even on directed acyclic graphs and provide an efficient approximation algorithm. We experimentally observe the performance of our approximation algorithm in relation to the lower bound on several large online networks including Slashdot, Epinions and Twitter. The experiments reveal that in most cases our algorithm performs near optimally