74,669 research outputs found

    A vehicle routing model with split delivery and stop nodes

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    In this work, a new variant of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is presented where the vehicles cannot perform any route leg longer than a given length L (although the routes can be longer). Thus, once a route leg length is close to L, the vehicle must go to a stop node to end the leg or return to the depot. We introduce this condition in a variation of the CVRP, the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, where multiple visits to a customer by different vehicles are allowed. We present two formulations for this problem which we call Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Stop Nodes: a vehicle flow formulation and a commodity flow formulation. Because of the complexity of this problem, a heuristic approach is developed. We compare its performance with and without the stop nodesSplit delivery vehicle routing problem, Stop node, Granular neighborhood, Tabu search

    Internalizing negative externalities in vehicle routing problems through green taxes and green tolls

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    Road freight transportation includes various internal and external costs that need to be accounted for in the construction of efficient routing plans. Typically, the resulting optimization problem is formulated as a vehicle routing problem in any of its variants. While the traditional focus of the vehicle routing problem was the minimization of internal routing costs such as travel distance or duration, numerous approaches to include external factors related to environmental routing aspects have been recently discussed in the literature. However, internal and external routing costs are often treated as competing objectives. This paper discusses the internalization of external routing costs through the consideration of green taxes and green tolls. Numeric experiments with a biased-randomization savings algorithm, show benefits of combining internal and external costs in delivery route planning.Peer Reviewe

    Advanced Planning Concepts in the Closed-Loop Container Network of ARN

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    In this paper we discuss a real-life case study in the optimization of the logistics network for the collection of containers from end-of-life vehicle dismantlers in the Netherlands.Advanced planning concepts like dynamic assignment of dismantlers to logistic service providers are analyzed by a simulation model.In this model, we periodically solve a vehicle routing problem to gain insight in the long-term performance of the system.The vehicle routing problem considered is a multi depot pickup and delivery problem with alternative delivery locations.We solve this problem with a heuristic based on route generation and set partitioning.Reverse logistics;Closed-loop supply chain mmanagement;vehicle routing;set partitioning;distribution planning

    A Survey On Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The vehicle routing problem (VRP) and its variants are well known and greatly explored in the transportation literature. The vehicle routing problem can be considered as the scheduling of vehicles (trucks) to a set of customers under various side constraints. In most studies, a fundamental assumption is that a vehicle dispatched for service finishes its duty in that scheduling period after it returns back to the depot. Clearly, in many cases this assumption may not hold. Thus, in the last decade some studies appeared in the literature where this basic assumption is relaxed, and it is allowed for a vehicle to make multiple trips per period. We consider this new variant of the VRP an important one with direct practical impact. In this survey, we define the vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, define the current state-of-the-art, and report existing results from the current literature

    Combining a hierarchical task network planner with a constraint satisfaction solver for assembly operations involving routing problems in a multi-robot context

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    This work addresses the combination of a symbolic hierarchical task network planner and a constraint satisfaction solver for the vehicle routing problem in a multi-robot context for structure assembly operations. Each planner has its own problem domain and search space, and the article describes how both planners interact in a loop sharing information in order to improve the cost of the solutions. The vehicle routing problem solver gives an initial assignment of parts to robots, making the distribution based on the distance among parts and robots, trying also to maximize the parallelism of the future assembly operations evaluating during the process the dependencies among the parts assigned to each robot. Then, the hierarchical task network planner computes a scheduling for the given assignment and estimates the cost in terms of time spent on the structure assembly. This cost value is then given back to the vehicle routing problem solver as feedback to compute a better assignment, closing the loop and repeating again the whole process. This interaction scheme has been tested with different constraint satisfaction solvers for the vehicle routing problem. The article presents simulation results in a scenario with a team of aerial robots assembling a structure, comparing the results obtained with different configurations of the vehicle routing problem solver and showing the suitability of using this approach.UniĂłn Europea ARCAS FP7-ICT-287617UniĂłn Europea H2020-ICT-644271UniĂłn europea H2020-ICT-73166

    The Pyramidal Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

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    This paper introduces the Pyramidal Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (PCVRP) as a restricted version of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). In the PCVRP each route is required to be pyramidal in a sense generalized from the Pyramidal Traveling Salesman Problem (PTSP). A pyramidal route is de ned as a route on which the vehicle rst visits customers in increasing order of customer index, and on the remaining part of the route visits customers in decreasing order of customer index. Provided that customers are indexed in nondecreasing order of distance from the depot, the shape of a pyramidal route is such that its traversal can be divided in two parts, where on the rst part of the route, customers are visited in nondecreasing distance from the depot, and on the remaining part of the route, customers are visited in nonincreasing distance from the depot. Such a route shape is indeed found in many optimal solutions to CVRP instances. An optimal solution to the PCVRP may therefore be useful in itself as a heuristic solution to the CVRP. Further, an attempt can be made to nd an even better CVRP solution by solving a TSP, possibly leading to a non-pyramidal route, for each of the routes in the PCVRP solution. This paper develops an exact branch-and-cut-and-price (BCP) algorithm for the PCVRP. At the pricing stage, elementary routes can be computed in pseudo-polynomial time in the PCVRP, unlike in the CVRP. We have therefore implemented pricing algorithms that generate only elementary routes. Computational results suggest that PCVRP solutions are highly useful for obtaining near-optimal solutions to the CVRP. Moreover, pricing of pyramidal routes may due to its eciency prove to be very useful in column generation for the CVRP.vehicle routing; pyramidal traveling salesman; branch-and-cut-and-price

    Improved Ant Colony Optimization for Seafood Product Delivery Routing Problem

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    This paper deals with a real-life vehicle delivery routing problem, which is a seafood product delivery routing problem. Considering the features of the seafood product delivery routing problem, this paper formulated this problem as a multi-depot open vehicle routing problem. Since the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem is a very complex problem, a method is used to reduce the complexity of the problem by changing the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem into an open vehicle routing problem with a dummy central depot in this paper. Then, ant colony optimization is used to solve the problem. To improve the performance of the algorithm, crossover operation and some adaptive strategies are used. Finally, the computational results for the benchmark problems of the multi-depot vehicle routing problem indicate that the proposed ant colony optimization is an effective method to solve the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Furthermore, the computation results of the seafood product delivery problem from Dalian, China also suggest that the proposed ant colony optimization is feasible to solve the seafood product delivery routing problem

    An ant colony algorithm for the mixed vehicle routing problem with backhauls

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery (VRPPD) is a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem where the vehicles are not only required to deliver goods but also to pick up some goods from the customers. The Mixed Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls (MVRPB) is a special case of VRPPD where each customer has either a delivery or a pickup demand to be satisfied and the customers can be visited in any order along the route. Given a fleet of vehicles and a set of customers with known pickup or delivery demands MVRPB determines a set of vehicle routes originating and ending at a single depot and visiting all customers exactly once. The objective is to minimize the total distance traversed with the least number of vehicles. For this problem, we propose an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm with a new visibility function which attempts to capture the “delivery” and “pickup” nature of the problem. Our numerical tests to compare the performance of the proposed approach with those of the well-known benchmark problems reveal that the proposed approach provides encouraging results
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