1,116,646 research outputs found

    How Does Voice Matter? Evidence from the Ultimatum Game

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    Prior research in economics and psychology has shown that process can matter in determining outcomes in many social situations. In particular, the opportunity to express ones opinion-voice-has been found to be highly influential. However, little is known about the channels through which voice may operate. In this paper, we develop a simple economic model of voice to explore these channels. We show that individuals value voice for: 1) its effect on outcomes, 2) its inherent value, or 3) its role in signaling one's social standing. Through the introduction of a hypothetical round in the standard ultimatum game, we were able to test the channels of voice directly by observing recipients' responses to offers which are lower than what they asked for. Our experimental results suggest that voice works primarily through its inherent value which appears to exceed its contribution to the perception of procedural fairness. Further, unlike voice which softens the impact of an unfair outcome, the possibility for voice may have dichotomous effects.voice, ultimatum game

    Dissociating task difficulty from incongruence in face-voice emotion integration

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    In the everyday environment, affective information is conveyed by both the face and the voice. Studies have demonstrated that a concurrently presented voice can alter the way that an emotional face expression is perceived, and vice versa, leading to emotional conflict if the information in the two modalities is mismatched. Additionally, evidence suggests that incongruence of emotional valence activates cerebral networks involved in conflict monitoring and resolution. However, it is currently unclear whether this is due to task difficulty—that incongruent stimuli are harder to categorize—or simply to the detection of mismatching information in the two modalities. The aim of the present fMRI study was to examine the neurophysiological correlates of processing incongruent emotional information, independent of task difficulty. Subjects were scanned while judging the emotion of face-voice affective stimuli. Both the face and voice were parametrically morphed between anger and happiness and then paired in all audiovisual combinations, resulting in stimuli each defined by two separate values: the degree of incongruence between the face and voice, and the degree of clarity of the combined face-voice information. Due to the specific morphing procedure utilized, we hypothesized that the clarity value, rather than incongruence value, would better reflect task difficulty. Behavioral data revealed that participants integrated face and voice affective information, and that the clarity, as opposed to incongruence value correlated with categorization difficulty. Cerebrally, incongruence was more associated with activity in the superior temporal region, which emerged after task difficulty had been accounted for. Overall, our results suggest that activation in the superior temporal region in response to incongruent information cannot be explained simply by task difficulty, and may rather be due to detection of mismatching information between the two modalities

    Effects of user experience on user resistance to change to the voice user interface of an in‑vehicle infotainment system: Implications for platform and standards competition

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    This study examines the effects of user experience on user resistance to change—particularly, on the relationship between user resistance to change and its antecedents (i.e. switching costs and perceived value) in the context of the voice user interface of an in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system. This research offers several salient findings. First, it shows that user experience positively moderates the relationship between uncertainty costs (one type of switching cost) and user resistance. It also negatively moderates the association between perceived value and user resistance. Second, the research test results demonstrate that users with a high degree of prior experience with the voice user interface of other smart devices exhibit low user resistance to change to the voice user interface in an IVI system. Third, we show that three types of switching costs (transition costs, in particular) may directly influence users to resist a change to the voice user interface. Fourth, our test results empirically demonstrate that both switching costs and perceived value affect user resistance to change in the context of an IVI system, which differs from the traditional IS research setting (i.e. enterprise systems). These findings may guide not only platform leaders in designing user interfaces, user experiences, and marketing strategies, but also firms that want to defend themselves from platform envelopment while devising defensive strategies in platform and standards competition

    A space for inflections: following up on JMM's special issue on mathematical theories of voice leading

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    Journal of Mathematics and Music's recent special issue 7(2) reveals substantial common ground between mathematical theories of harmony advanced by Tymoczko, Hook, Plotkin, and Douthett. This paper develops a theory of scalar inflection as a kind of voice-leading distance using quantization in voice-leading geometries, which combines the best features of different approaches represented in the special issue: it is grounded in the concrete sense of voice-leading distance promoted by Tymoczko, invokes scalar contexts in a similar way as filtered point-symmetry, and abstracts the circle of fifths like Hook's signature transformations. The paper expands upon Tymoczko's ‘generalized signature transform’ showing the deep significance of generalized circles of fifths to voice-leading properties of all collections. Analysis of Schubert's Notturno for Piano Trio and ‘Nacht und Träume’ demonstrate the musical significance of inflection as a kind of voice leading, and the value of a robust geometrical understanding of it.Accepted manuscrip

    When Labor Has a Voice in Corporate Governance

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    Equity ownership gives labor both a fractional stake in the firm's residual cash flows and a voice in corporate governance. Relative to other firms, labor-controlled publicly-traded firms deviate more from value maximization, invest less in long-term assets, take fewer risks, grow more slowly, create fewer new jobs, and exhibit lower labor and total factor productivity. We therefore propose that labor uses its corporate governance voice to maximize the combined value of its contractual and residual claims, and that this often pushes corporate policies away from, rather than towards, shareholder value maximization.

    Synthetic speech detection and audio steganography in VoIP scenarios

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    The distinction between synthetic and human voice uses the techniques of the current biometric voice recognition systems, which prevent that a person’s voice, no matter if with good or bad intentions, can be confused with someone else’s. Steganography gives the possibility to hide in a file without a particular value (usually audio, video or image files) a hidden message in such a way as to not rise suspicion to any external observer. This article suggests two methods, applicable in a VoIP hypothetical scenario, which allow us to distinguish a synthetic speech from a human voice, and to insert within the Comfort Noise a text message generated in the pauses of a voice conversation. The first method takes up the studies already carried out for the Modulation Features related to the temporal analysis of the speech signals, while the second one proposes a technique that derives from the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, which consists in distributing the signal energy to hide on a wider band transmission. Due to space limits, this paper is only an extended abstract. The full version will contain further details on our research

    The Long Road to Uluru and Beyond

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    This paper explores the significance of the Uluru Statement from The Heart and its place in the post settlement Indigenous journey. It is also relevant to the nation’s journey towards reconciliation. The initial rejection of the Uluru Statement by the Government was a blow to indigenous Australians, and an examination of the reasons for opposing a constitutional enshrined Voice to Parliament is needed. It is argued that the Voice to Parliament is of value both symbolically and practically. Understanding the reasons why some sections of the Australian community find any constitutional recognition proposition difficult is a key to successfully achieving such recognition

    Voice Flows To And Around Leaders: Understanding When Units Are Helped Or Hurt By Employee Voice

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    In two studies, we develop and test theory about the relationship between speaking up, one type of organizational citizenship behavior, and unit performance by accounting for where employee voice is flowing. Results from a qualitative study of managers and professionals across a variety of industries suggest that voice to targets at different formal power levels (peers or superiors) and locations in the organization (inside or outside a focal unit) differs systematically in terms of its usefulness in generating actions to a unit's benefit on the issues raised and in the likely information value of the ideas expressed. We then theorize how distinct voice flows should be differentially related to unit performance based on these core characteristics and test our hypotheses using time-lagged field data from 801 employees and their managers in 93 units across nine North American credit unions. Results demonstrate that voice flows are positively related to a unit's effectiveness when they are targeted at the focal leader of that unitwho should be able to take actionwhether from that leader's own subordinates or those in other units, and negatively related to a unit's effectiveness when they are targeted at coworkers who have little power to effect change. Together, these studies provide a structural framework for studying the nature and impact of multiple voice flows, some along formal reporting lines and others that reflect the informal communication structure within organizations. This research demonstrates that understanding the potential performance benefits and costs of voice for leaders and their units requires attention to the structure and complexity of multiple voice flows rather than to an undifferentiated amount of voice.Business Administratio

    A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Models for Tabular Data Through Challenge of Monitoring Parkinson's Disease Progression Using Voice Recordings

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    People with Parkinson's disease must be regularly monitored by their physician to observe how the disease is progressing and potentially adjust treatment plans to mitigate the symptoms. Monitoring the progression of the disease through a voice recording captured by the patient at their own home can make the process faster and less stressful. Using a dataset of voice recordings of 42 people with early-stage Parkinson's disease over a time span of 6 months, we applied multiple machine learning techniques to find a correlation between the voice recording and the patient's motor UPDRS score. We approached this problem using a multitude of both regression and classification techniques. Much of this paper is dedicated to mapping the voice data to motor UPDRS scores using regression techniques in order to obtain a more precise value for unknown instances. Through this comparative study of variant machine learning methods, we realized some old machine learning methods like trees outperform cutting edge deep learning models on numerous tabular datasets.Comment: Accepted at "HIMS'20 - The 6th Int'l Conf on Health Informatics and Medical Systems"; https://americancse.org/events/csce2020/conferences/hims2
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