4 research outputs found

    Teaching strategies for text comprehension of basic education students

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    The study aimed at establishing the incidence of teaching strategies on the reading comprehension of basic education students. Hence, an applied methodology of quasi-experimental design was developed, with the application of the Solomon model of four intact groups. Innovative teaching strategies were tested and their results were gathered in instruments such as assessment tests that were validated by communication experts, and were also analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (Kruskal-Wallis), which proved that the use of these strategies improved significantly the expected learning outcome in text comprehension

    A systematic characterization of cognitive techniques for learning from textual and pictorial representations

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    Pictorial representations can play a pivotal role in both printed and digital learning material. Although there has been extensive research on cognitive techniques and strategies for learning from text, the same cannot be said for static and dynamic pictorial representations. In this paper we propose a systematic characterization of cognitive learning techniques that is founded on both theoretical and empirical research. The characterization relates the learning techniques to classes of cognitive processes as well as to textual and pictorial representations. We show how successful strategies for learning from both plain text and illustrated text are covered by the characterization. We also exemplify how the construction of new strategies for pictorial representations can be informed by the characterization

    Teaching strategies for text comprehension of basic education students

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    The study aimed at establishing the incidence of teaching strategies on the reading comprehension of basic education students. Hence, an applied methodology of quasi-experimental design was developed, with the application of the Solomon model of four intact groups. Innovative teaching strategies were tested and their results were gathered in instruments such as assessment tests that were validated by communication experts, and were also analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (Kruskal-Wallis), which proved that the use of these strategies improved significantly the expected learning outcome in text comprehension.[Revisión por pares]Campus Lima Centr

    Eye(s) see what you do: The Role of Social Mechanisms in the Effectiveness of Eye Movement Modeling Examples as an Instructional Tool for Multimedia Learning

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    Learning with multimedia material (e.g. text and pictures) often leads to better learning outcomes than learning with text alone. However, it is challenging for learners to apply effective information processing strategies to benefit from multimedia materials for their learning success. Not all learners are capable of doing this without instructional support. Eye Movement Modeling Examples (EMME) support learners in internalising and applying effective multimedia processing strategies such as selection, organisation and integration. EMME consist of videos with recorded eye movements of an (expert) model illustrating the dynamic change of the eye movements of the model during the processing of the task material. Previous studies have shown a positive effect of EMME on the use of multimedia processing strategies as well as on learning outcomes. So far, however, the question of possible mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of EMME for multimedia learning has remained open. The present work therefore used two different approaches in three experiments to investigate the question of whether social mechanisms and factors play a role in the effectiveness of EMME. The first approach examined whether social mechanisms contribute to the efficacy of EMME beyond the effects of perceptual and (meta-) cognitive mechanisms. However, the results were not conclusive on this question. In a second approach, it was investigated whether social factors such as ( alleged) model-observer similarity and social comparison orientation can influence the effectiveness of EMME. Although the results for this approach provided first empirical evidence that social factors can influence the effectiveness of EMME, the overall picture was rather inconsistent. On the basis of the results of the three experiments it is therefore not possible to draw final conclusions about the role of social mechanisms and factors for the effectiveness of EMME. In summary, EMME can be an effective instructional support for multimedia learning. In addition, however, it was found that there are factors that can moderate the effectiveness of EMME.Lernen mit multimedialem Material (z. B. Text und Bild) führt häufig zu besseren Lernergebnissen als das Lernen mit Text allein. Es stellt Lernende jedoch vor die Herausforderung, geeignete Informationsverarbeitungsstrategien anzuwenden, um von multimedialen Materialien für ihren Lernerfolg zu profitieren. Hierzu sind nicht alle Lernenden ohne instruktionale Unterstützung in der Lage. Eye Movement Modeling Examples (EMME) unterstützen Lernende durch die Modellierung erfolgreicher multimedialer Verarbeitungsstrategien wie Selektion, Organisation und Integration dabei, diese zu internalisieren und anzuwenden. EMME bestehen aus Videos mit aufgezeichneten Blickbewegungen eines (Experten-) Modells, die die dynamische Veränderung des Blickverhaltens des Modells bei der Verarbeitung des Aufgabematerials zeigen. Bisherige Studien zeigen weitestgehend einen positiven Effekt von EMME sowohl auf die Nutzung multimedialer Verarbeitungsstrategien als auch auf die Lernergebnisse. Bislang blieb jedoch die Frage nach möglichen Mechanismen, die der Wirksamkeit von EMME für multimediales Lernen zugrunde liegen, offen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte daher mithilfe von zwei verschiedenen Ansätzen in drei Experimenten die Frage, ob soziale Mechanismen und Faktoren eine Rolle für die Wirksamkeit von EMME spielen. In einem ersten Ansatz wurde untersucht, ob soziale Mechanismen über die Wirkung von perzeptuellen und (meta-) kognitiven Mechanismen hinaus zur Wirksamkeit von EMME beitragen. Die Ergebnisse waren in Hinblick auf diese Frage jedoch nicht eindeutig. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurde untersucht, ob soziale Faktoren wie (vermeintliche) Modell-Beobachterähnlichkeit und soziale Vergleichsorientierung die Wirksamkeit von EMME beeinflussen können. Auch wenn die Ergebnisse für diesen Ansatz erste empirische Hinweise lieferten, dass soziale Faktoren die Effektivität von EMME beeinflussen können, zeigte sich insgesamt ein eher inkonsistentes Bild. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse der drei Experimente ist es daher nicht möglich, endgültige Schlussfolgerungen über die Rolle sozialer Mechanismen und Faktoren für die Wirksamkeit von EMME zu ziehen. Zusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass EMME eine wirksame instruktionale Unterstützung für multimediales Lernen sein können. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich jedoch auch, dass es Faktoren gibt, die die Effektivität von EMME moderieren können