28 research outputs found

    Analysis of Bankruptcy using Data Mining Approach

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    This study involves the development of neural network prediction model to predict the stage of bankruptcy of a company. A total of 367 data was attained from the Registrar of Business and Companies, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia). The data was then analyzed by considering the basic statistics, frequency and cross tabulation in order to get more information about the data. Initially, the data was classified using logistic regression.In addition, it was also trained using neural network in order to obtain the bankruptcy model. The findings show that the most suitable prediction model consist of 12 nodes of input , hidden layer 6 node and one output layer. The generalization performance of the selected model is100%. This methodology should be able to provide some new insight into the type of pattern that exists in the data. Thus, neural network has a great potential in supporting for predicting bankruptcy

    A Practically Competitive and Provably Consistent Algorithm for Uplift Modeling

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    Randomized experiments have been critical tools of decision making for decades. However, subjects can show significant heterogeneity in response to treatments in many important applications. Therefore it is not enough to simply know which treatment is optimal for the entire population. What we need is a model that correctly customize treatment assignment base on subject characteristics. The problem of constructing such models from randomized experiments data is known as Uplift Modeling in the literature. Many algorithms have been proposed for uplift modeling and some have generated promising results on various data sets. Yet little is known about the theoretical properties of these algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new tree-based ensemble algorithm for uplift modeling. Experiments show that our algorithm can achieve competitive results on both synthetic and industry-provided data. In addition, by properly tuning the "node size" parameter, our algorithm is proved to be consistent under mild regularity conditions. This is the first consistent algorithm for uplift modeling that we are aware of.Comment: Accepted by 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Minin

    Increasing the robustness of uplift modeling using additional splits and diversified leaf select

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    While the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affects the world economy in general, the crisis accelerates concurrently the rapidly growing subscription business and online purchases. This provokes a steadily increasing demand of reliable measures to prevent customer churn which unchanged is not covered. The research analyses how preventive uplift modeling approaches based on decision trees can be modified. Thereby, it aims to reduce the risk of churn increases in scenarios with systematically occurring local estimation errors. Additionally, it compares several novel spatial distance and churn likelihood respecting selection methods applied on a real-world dataset. In conclusion, it is a procedure with incorporated additional and engineered decision tree splits that dominates the results of an appropriate Monte Carlo simulation. This newly introduced method lowers probability and negative impacts of counterproductive churn prevention campaigns without substantial loss of expected churn likelihood reduction effected by those same campaigns

    The Comparison of Methods for IndividualTreatment Effect Detection

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    Today, treatment effect estimation at the individual level isa vital problem in many areas of science and business. For example, inmarketing, estimates of the treatment effect are used to select the mostefficient promo-mechanics; in medicine, individual treatment effects areused to determine the optimal dose of medication for each patient and soon. At the same time, the question on choosing the best method, i.e., themethod that ensures the smallest predictive error (for instance, RMSE)or the highest total (average) value of the effect, remains open. Accord-ingly, in this paper we compare the effectiveness of machine learningmethods for estimation of individual treatment effects. The comparisonis performed on the Criteo Uplift Modeling Dataset. In this paper weshow that the combination of the Logistic Regression method and theDifference Score method as well as Uplift Random Forest method pro-vide the best correctness of Individual Treatment Effect prediction onthe top 30% observations of the test dataset

    "Improving" prediction of human behavior using behavior modification

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    The fields of statistics and machine learning design algorithms, models, and approaches to improve prediction. Larger and richer behavioral data increase predictive power, as evident from recent advances in behavioral prediction technology. Large internet platforms that collect behavioral big data predict user behavior for internal purposes and for third parties (advertisers, insurers, security forces, political consulting firms) who utilize the predictions for personalization, targeting and other decision-making. While standard data collection and modeling efforts are directed at improving predicted values, internet platforms can minimize prediction error by "pushing" users' actions towards their predicted values using behavior modification techniques. The better the platform can make users conform to their predicted outcomes, the more it can boast its predictive accuracy and ability to induce behavior change. Hence, platforms are strongly incentivized to "make predictions true". This strategy is absent from the ML and statistics literature. Investigating its properties requires incorporating causal notation into the correlation-based predictive environment---an integration currently missing. To tackle this void, we integrate Pearl's causal do(.) operator into the predictive framework. We then decompose the expected prediction error given behavior modification, and identify the components impacting predictive power. Our derivation elucidates the implications of such behavior modification to data scientists, platforms, their clients, and the humans whose behavior is manipulated. Behavior modification can make users' behavior more predictable and even more homogeneous; yet this apparent predictability might not generalize when clients use predictions in practice. Outcomes pushed towards their predictions can be at odds with clients' intentions, and harmful to manipulated users