10 research outputs found

    A Trotter–Kato type theorem in the weak topology and an application to a singular perturbed problem

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    AbstractIn this paper we prove a result of the Trotter–Kato type in the weak topology. Let {Aε}ε>0 be a family of quasi m-accretive linear operators on a Hilbert space X and let us denote by Jλε the resolvent of Aε. Under certain conditions, the result states that if for any x∈X and k=1,2,…, the sequence (Jλε)kx converges weakly to (Jλ)kx as ε→0, where Jλ is the resolvent of a linear quasi m-accretive operator A on X, then the sequence of the semigroups generated by −Aε tends weakly to the semigroup generated by −A, uniformly with respect to t on compact intervals. The result is different from other results of the same type (see e.g., Yosida (1980) [9, p. 269]) and gives an answer to an open problem put in Eisner and Serény (2010) [3]. It is finally applied to compare the asymptotic behavior of a singular perturbation problem associated to a first order hyperbolic problem with diffusion

    A Snapshot Algorithm for Linear Feedback Flow Control Design

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    The control of fluid flows has many applications. For micro air vehicles, integrated flow control designs could enhance flight stability by mitigating the effect of destabilizing air flows in their low Reynolds number regimes. However, computing model based feedback control designs can be challenging due to high dimensional discretized flow models. In this work, we investigate the use of a snapshot algorithm proposed in Ref. 1 to approximate the feedback gain operator for a linear incompressible unsteady flow problem on a bounded domain. The main component of the algorithm is obtaining solution snapshots of certain linear flow problems. Numerical results for the example flow problem show convergence of the feedback gains

    A finite-volume scheme for fractional diffusion on bounded domains

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    We propose a new fractional Laplacian for bounded domains, expressed as a conservation law and thus particularly suited to finite-volume schemes. Our approach permits the direct prescription of no-flux boundary conditions. We first show the well-posedness theory for the fractional heat equation. We also develop a numerical scheme, which correctly captures the action of the fractional Laplacian and its anomalous diffusion effect. We benchmark numerical solutions for the Lévy–Fokker–Planck equation against known analytical solutions. We conclude by numerically exploring properties of these equations with respect to their stationary states and long-time asymptotics

    From microscopic to macroscopic scale equations: mean field, hydrodynamic and graph limits

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    Considering finite particle systems, we elaborate on various ways to pass to the limit as thenumber of agents tends to infinity, either by mean field limit, deriving the Vlasov equation,or by hydrodynamic or graph limit, obtaining the Euler equation. We provide convergenceestimates. We also show how to pass from Liouville to Vlasov or to Euler by taking adequatemoments. Our results encompass and generalize a number of known results of the literature.As a surprising consequence of our analysis, we show that sufficiently regular solutions of anylinear PDE can be approximated by solutions of systems of N particles, to within 1/ log log(N )

    The Trotter-Kato theorem and approximation of PDEs

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    Abstract. We present formulations of the Trotter-Kato theorem for approximation of linear C0-semigroups which provide very useful framework when convergence of numerical approximations to solutions of PDEs are studied. Applicability of our results is demonstrated using a first order hyperbolic equation, a wave equation and Stokes ’ equation as illustrative examples. 1

    The Trotter-Kato theorem and approximation of PDEs

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