22 research outputs found

    The Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations at the Country Level, and Its Dynamic Evolution under the Pressures of Globalization

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    Using data from the Web of Science (WoS), we analyze the mutual information among university, industrial, and governmental addresses (U-I-G) at the country level for a number of countries. The dynamic evolution of the Triple Helix can thus be compared among developed and developing nations in terms of cross-sectorial co-authorship relations. The results show that the Triple-Helix interactions among the three subsystems U-I-G become less intensive over time, but unequally for different countries. We suggest that globalization erodes local Triple-Helix relations and thus can be expected to increase differentiation in national systems since the mid-1990s. This effect of globalization is more pronounced in developed countries than in developing ones. In the dynamic analysis, we focus on a more detailed comparison between China and the USA. The Chinese Academy of the (Social) Sciences changes increasingly from a public research institute to an academic one, and this has a measurable effect on China's position in the globalization

    Measuring the Knowledge-Based Economy of China in terms of Synergy among Technological, Organizational, and Geographic Attributes of Firms

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    Using the possible synergy among geographic, size, and technological distributions of firms in the Orbis database, we find the greatest reduction of uncertainty at the level of the 31 provinces of China, and an additional 18.0% at the national level. Some of the coastal provinces stand out as expected, but the metropolitan areas of Beijing and Shanghai are (with Tianjan and Chonqing) most pronounced at the next-lower administrative level of (339) prefectures, since these four metropoles are administratively defined at both levels. Focusing on high- and medium-tech manufacturing, a shift toward Beijing and Shanghai is indicated, and the synergy is on average enhanced (as expected; but not for all provinces). Unfortunately, the Orbis data is incomplete since it was collected for commercial and not for administrative or governmental purposes. However, we show a methodology that can be used by others who may have access to higher-quality statistical data for the measurement.Comment: accepted for publication in Scientometrics (October, 2013

    Can Synergy in Triple-Helix Relations be Quantified? A Review of the Development of the Triple-Helix Indicator

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    Triple-Helix arrangements of bi- and trilateral relations can be considered as adaptive eco-systems. During the last decade, we have further developed a Triple-Helix indicator of synergy as reduction of uncertainty in niches that can be shaped among three or more distributions. Reduction of uncertainty can be generated in correlations among distributions of relations, but this (next-order) effect can be counterbalanced by uncertainty generated in the relations. We first explain the indicator, and then review possible results when this indicator is applied to (i) co-author networks of academic, industrial, and governmental authors and (ii) synergies in the distributions of firms over geographical addresses, technological classes, and industrial-size classes for a number of nations. Co-variation is then considered as a measure of relationship. The balance between globalizing and localizing dynamics can be quantified. Too much synergy locally can also be considered as lock-in. Tendencies are different for the globalizing knowledge dynamics versus locally retaining wealth from knowledge in industrial innovations

    Um sistema de medição de desempenho para startups incubadas

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    Purpose – The development of a model to measure and assess the performance of start-ups in a standard incubation process, based on 99 critical success factors identified as the most relevant for the context.Design/methodology/approach – A total of three sequential steps were developed to reach the objectives proposed (Problem overview; modeling; and usage). The model was tested on four development stage incubation processes start-ups and three maturity stage incubation processes start-ups, located at the Technological Incubator of Santa Maria (ITSM).Findings – After the modeling phase, compromising results were found for only one developed stage start-up evaluated. Meanwhile, for the maturity stage, all three evaluated start-ups are competitive. To support the strategic decision-making process, the scores obtained were stratified to diagnose which perspective may compromise the performance of each start-up.Originality/value – This research proved to be adaptable to the decision context, thus being amenable to be used in different scenarios. The model presented in this work is composed of a systematic tool suitable to support the continuous improvement and learning processes for incubated start-ups, in specific to measure and assess the performance of start-ups.Proposta – O desenvolvimento de um modelo para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups em um processo padrão de incubação, baseado em 99 fatores críticos de sucesso identificados como os mais relevantes para o contexto.Metodologia – Um total de três etapas sequenciais foram desenvolvidas para atingir os objetivos propostos (visão geral do problema; modelagem e uso). O modelo foi testado em quatro startups em estágio de desenvolvimento e três startups em estágio de maturidade, localizados na Incubadora Tecnológica de Santa Maria (ITSM).Resultados – Após a fase de modelagem, os resultados comprometedores foram encontrados para apenas uma startup em estágio de desenvolvimento. Enquanto isso, para o estágio de maturidade, todas as três startups avaliadas são competitivas. Para apoiar o processo decisório estratégico, os escores obtidos foram estratificados para diagnosticar quais perspectivas podem comprometer o desempenho de cada startup.Originalidade – Esta pesquisa mostrou-se adaptável ao contexto de decisão, sendo, portanto, passível de ser utilizada em diferentes cenários. O modelo apresentado neste trabalho é composto por uma ferramenta sistemática adequada para apoiar a melhoria contínua e os processos de aprendizagem para startups incubadas, em específico para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups

    O processo de análise de descritores em periódicos científicos eletrônicos da área de ciência da informação

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    An accurate representation of documents is fundamental for the effectiveness of information retrieval, being the subject analysis process a key step for it. In this sense, measuring the descriptors that represent scientific knowledge is quintessential to electronic journals. This paper analyzes the use of descriptors for the organization and retrieval of academic papers from 2013 published in two scientific journals: JASIST and Scientometrics. Following an exploratory-descriptive study with a mixed-method approach, data collected were recorded in a database developed in MS Access. Main findings showed that the amount of authors did not influence the number of descriptors found in articles, since several articles written by various authors did not present the allocation descriptors. Meanwhile, other articles with a single author had several descriptors. The study concludes that the two journals under study are relevant for the Information Science field; however, results noted the absence of criteria and rigor especially with regard to the compliance of the journals’ guidelines. Results suggest some negligence from authors with respect to their articles descriptors, which directly affects the retrieval and access of thematic content


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    International audienceThématique : Stratégies d'internationalisation dans les pays émergents Résumé Cette recherche se propose d"analyser et de comprendre le processus du management territorial lors de la localisation d'un investissement direct étranger direct (IDE) dans un pays émergent. L'étude de cas est liée à l"implantation d'une société sud-coréenne de l'industrie des semi-conducteurs au travers d"une joint-venture avec un groupement d"entreprises brésiliennes. Les relations entre l"université, les entreprises et les autorités gouvernementales sont analysés et identifiés en termes de dispositifs de soutien et d"attractivité territoriale. Cette recherche qualitative sur un cas unique est basée sur un matériau constitué de sources secondaires publiques et a pour but de reconstituer le processus. A l"aide du cadre d"analyse « Strategy as Practice » nous montrons comment, lors du cycle de vie du projet, le processus mis en oeuvre conduit à l"émergence d"un modèle de « triple hélice territoriale » émergeant de la pratique. Notre proposition est que ce modèle pourrait être maintenant utilisé par les pays émergents afin de promouvoir le développement économique durable dans les industries de haute technologie. Mots clés : investissement direct étranger (IDE), Strategy as Practice, Aménagement du territoire, Triple hélice. A emergência de uma abordagem triplice hélice territorial durante o ciclo de vida de um projeto de investimento externo direto : O Caso da HT Micron no Brasil Área Temática : Estratégias internacionais em países emergentes Resumo A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender e evidenciar praticas estratégicas de gestão territorial para a atração de um investimento externo direto (IED) em um país emergente. O estudo de caso está relacionado com o processo de implantação de uma joint-venture no setor de semicondutores entre uma empresa sul-coreana uma empresa brasileira podemos considerar o grupo parit como uma empresa. As relações interorganizacionais entre universidade, empresa e autoridades governamentais são analisadas em termos de apoio e suporte à atratividade territorial. A pesquisa usa uma abordagem qualitativa, a partir do uso de fontes secundárias de dados públicos para reconstituição do processo. A partir do estudo do ciclo de vida do projeto de IED, utilizando-se o quadro de análise « strategy as practice » identificou-se que uma estratégia relacional do tipo hélice tríplice, emergiu da prática. Ou seja, apresenta-se um modelo de tríplice hélice territorial que pode servir de exemplo para países emergentes a fim de promover o desenvolvimento econômico a partir de indústrias de alta tecnologia. Palavras-Chave : Investimento Externo Direto (IED); Estratégia Como Prática (SAP) ; Gestão Territorial, Triplice helice