21 research outputs found

    Visualising computational intelligence through converting data into formal concepts

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    Operational specification for FCA using Z

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    We present an outline of a process by which operational software requirements specifications can be written for Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). The Z notation is used to specify the FCA model and the formal operations on it. We posit a novel approach whereby key features of Z and FCA can be integrated and put to work in contemporary software development, thus promoting operational specification as a useful application of conceptual structures.</p

    A tool for creating and visualising formal concept trees

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    This paper presents a tool for creating and visualising formal concept trees. The concept tree provides an alternative visualisation to the more commonly known concept lattice. The tool described here is an extension of the In-Close formal concept mining program, where concepts are output in a format that can be visualised in a Web Browser using the Collapsible Tree Layout from the D3.js JavaScript library. Because the visualisation is expandable and collapsible, the tool is able to deal with large trees and the user is able to explore branches with single mouse clicks and by panning and zooming the tree. So-called ‘iceberg trees’ can also be produced, by specifying a minimum support for objects

    Using formal concept analysis to detect and monitor organised crime

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    This paper describes some possible uses of Formal Concept Analysis in the detection and monitoring of Organised Crime. After describing FCA and its mathematical basis, the paper suggests, with some simple examples, ways in which FCA and some of its related disciplines can be applied to this problem domain. In particular, the paper proposes FCA-based approaches for finding multiple instances of an activity associated with Organised Crime, finding dependencies between Organised Crime attributes, and finding new indicators of Organised Crime from the analysis of existing data. The paper concludes by suggesting that these approaches will culminate in the creation and implementation of an Organised Crime ‘threat score card’, as part of an overall environmental scanning system that is being developed by the new European ePOOLICE projec

    From Domain Models to Components - A Formal Transformation Approach Towards Dependable Software Development

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    Many academic, industrial, and government research units have unanimously acknowledged the importance of developing dependable software systems. At the same time they have also concurred on the difficulties and challenges to be surmounted in achieving the goal. The importance of domain analysis and linking domain models to software artifacts were also recognized by various researchers. However, no formal approach to domain analysis was attempted. The primary motivation for this thesis stems from this context. Component-based software engineering offers some attractive mechanisms to tackle the inherent complexity in developing dependable systems. Recently a formal approach has been put forth for such a development. This thesis provides a formal approach for domain analysis, and transforms the domain model to components desired by this development process. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical theory for identifying and classifying concepts. This thesis taps its potential to formally analyze the domain in a software development context. It turns out that the approach presented in this thesis cannot be fully automated; nevertheless several useful contributions have been made. These include (1) capturing formal concepts and defining them in FCA; (2) defining composition rules to categorize formal concepts and their trustworthy properties; (3) integrating partial formal context tables to build the concept lattice; (4) specifying and developing a model transformation approach to construct trustworthy OWL ontology; (5) implementing a model transformation technique to generate the TADL specification of the reusable component-based system. The proposed approach is applied to CoCoME, as a benchmark case study in the domain of component-based development

    Steps Towards Interactive Formal Concept Analysis with LatViz

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    International audienceWith the increase in Web of Data (WOD) many new challenges regarding exploration, interaction, analysis and discovery have surfaced. One of the basic building blocks of data analysis is classification. Many studies have been conducted concerning Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its variants over WOD. But one fundamental question is, after these concept lattices are obtained on top of WOD, how the user can interactively explore and analyze this data through concept lattices. To achieve this goal, we introduce a new tool called LatViz, which implements several algorithms for constructing concept lattices and allows further navigation over lattice structure. LatViz proposes some remarkable improvements over existing tools and introduces various new functionalities such as interaction with expert, visualization of Pattern Structures, AOC posets, concept annotations, filtering concept lattice based on several criteria and finally, an intuitive visualization of implications. This way the user can effectively perform an interactive exploration over a concept lattice which is a basis for a strong user interaction with WOD for data analysis

    LatViz: A New Practical Tool for Performing Interactive Exploration over Concept Lattices

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    International audienceWith the increase in Web of Data (WOD) many new challenges regarding exploration, interaction, analysis and discovery have surfaced. One of the basic building blocks of data analysis is classification. Many studies have been conducted concerning Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its variants over WOD. But one fundamental question is, after these concept lattices are obtained on top of WOD, how the user can interactively explore and analyze this data through concept lattices. To achieve this goal, we introduce a new tool called as LatViz, which allows the construction of concept lattices and their navigation. LatViz proposes some remarkable improvements over existing tools and introduces various new functionalities such as interaction with expert, visualization of Pattern Structures, AOC posets, concept annotations, filtering concept lattice based on several criteria and finally, an intuitive visualization of implications. This way the user can effectively perform an interactive exploration over a concept lattice which is a basis for a strong user interaction with WOD for data analysis