57 research outputs found

    Mazur's Conjecture and An Unexpected Rational Curve on Kummer Surfaces and their Superelliptic Generalisations

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    We prove the following special case of Mazur's conjecture on the topology of rational points. Let EE be an elliptic curve over Q\mathbb{Q} with jj-invariant 17281728. For a class of elliptic pencils which are quadratic twists of EE by quartic polynomials, the rational points on the projective line with positive rank fibres are dense in the real topology. This extends results obtained by Rohrlich and Kuwata-Wang for quadratic and cubic polynomials. For the proof, we investigate a highly singular rational curve on the Kummer surface KK associated to a product of two elliptic curves over Q\mathbb{Q}, which previously appeared in publications by Mestre, Kuwata-Wang and Satg\'e. We produce this curve in a simpler manner by finding algebraic equations which give a direct proof of rationality. We find that the same equations give rise to rational curves on a class of more general surfaces extending the Kummer construction. This leads to further applications apart from Mazur's conjecture, for example the existence of rational points on simultaneous twists of superelliptic curves. Finally, we give a proof of Mazur's conjecture for the Kummer surface KK without any restrictions on the jj-invariants of the two elliptic curves.Comment: 14 pages, same content as published version except for added remark acknowledging overlap with prior work by Ula

    Diophantine Undecidability of Holomorphy Rings of Function Fields of Characteristic 0

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    Let KK be a one-variable function field over a field of constants of characteristic 0. Let RR be a holomorphy subring of KK, not equal to KK. We prove the following undecidability results for RR: If KK is recursive, then Hilbert's Tenth Problem is undecidable in RR. In general, there exist x1,...,xn∈Rx_1,...,x_n \in R such that there is no algorithm to tell whether a polynomial equation with coefficients in \Q(x_1,...,x_n) has solutions in RR.Comment: This version contains minor revisions and will appear in Annales de l Institut Fourie

    Density of rational points on isotrivial rational elliptic surfaces

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    For a large class of isotrivial rational elliptic surfaces (with section), we show that the set of rational points is dense for the Zariski topology, by carefully studying variations of root numbers among the fibers of these surfaces. We also prove that these surfaces satisfy a variant of weak-weak approximation. Our results are conditional on the finiteness of Tate-Shafarevich groups for elliptic curves over the field of rational numbers.Comment: Latex; 26 pages. To appear in Algebra and Number Theor

    Diophantine definability of infinite discrete non-archimedean sets and Diophantine models over large subrings of number fields

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    We prove that infinite p-adically discrete sets have Diophantine definitions in large subrings of some number fields. First, if K is a totally real number field or a totally complex degree-2 extension of a totally real number field, then there exists a prime p of K and a set of K-primes S of density arbitrarily close to 1 such that there is an infinite p-adically discrete set that is Diophantine over the ring O_{K,S} of S-integers in K. Second, if K is a number field over which there exists an elliptic curve of rank 1, then there exists a set of K-primes S of density 1 and an infinite Diophantine subset of O_{K,S} that is v-adically discrete for every place v of K. Third, if K is a number field over which there exists an elliptic curve of rank 1, then there exists a set of K-primes S of density 1 such that there exists a Diophantine model of Z over O_{K,S}. This line of research is motivated by a question of Mazur concerning the distribution of rational points on varieties in a non-archimedean topology and questions concerning extensions of Hilbert's Tenth Problem to subrings of number fields.Comment: 17 page

    On the pp-adic closure of a subgroup of rational points on an Abelian variety

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    In 2007, B. Poonen (unpublished) studied the pp--adic closure of a subgroup of rational points on a commutative algebraic group. More recently, J. Bella\"iche asked the same question for the special case of Abelian varieties. These problems are pp--adic analogues of a question raised earlier by B. Mazur on the density of rational points for the real topology. For a simple Abelian variety over the field of rational numbers, we show that the actual pp--adic rank is at least the third of the expected value
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