194,473 research outputs found

    An Explicit Framework for Interaction Nets

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    Interaction nets are a graphical formalism inspired by Linear Logic proof-nets often used for studying higher order rewriting e.g. \Beta-reduction. Traditional presentations of interaction nets are based on graph theory and rely on elementary properties of graph theory. We give here a more explicit presentation based on notions borrowed from Girard's Geometry of Interaction: interaction nets are presented as partial permutations and a composition of nets, the gluing, is derived from the execution formula. We then define contexts and reduction as the context closure of rules. We prove strong confluence of the reduction within our framework and show how interaction nets can be viewed as the quotient of some generalized proof-nets

    Representation theory in chiral conformal field theory: from fields to observables

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    This article develops new techniques for understanding the relationship between the three different mathematical formulations of two-dimensional chiral conformal field theory: conformal nets (axiomatizing local observables), vertex operator algebras (axiomatizing fields), and Segal CFTs. It builds upon previous work which introduced a geometric interpolation procedure for constructing conformal nets from VOAs via Segal CFT, simultaneously relating all three frameworks. In this article, we extend this construction to study the relationship between the representation theory of conformal nets and the representation theory of vertex operator algebras. We define a correspondence between representations in the two contexts, and show how to construct representations of conformal nets from VOAs. We also show that this correspondence is rich enough to relate the respective 'fusion product' theories for conformal nets and VOAs, by constructing local intertwiners (in the sense of conformal nets) from intertwining operators (in the sense of VOAs). We use these techniques to show that all WZW conformal nets can be constructed using our geometric interpolation procedure.Comment: 79 pages. v2: minor revisions and update

    A Congruence for Petri Nets

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    We introduce a way of viewing Petri nets as open systems. This is done by considering a bicategory of cospans over a category of p/t nets and embeddings. We derive a labelled transition system (LTS) semantics for such nets using GIPOs and characterise the resulting congruence. Technically, our results are similar to the recent work by Milner on applying the theory of bigraphs to Petri Nets. The two main differences are that we treat p/t nets instead of c/e nets and we deal directly with a category of nets instead of encoding them into bigraphs

    On the representation theory of Virasoro Nets

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    We discuss various aspects of the representation theory of the local nets of von Neumann algebras on the circle associated with positive energy representations of the Virasoro algebra (Virasoro nets). In particular we classify the local extensions of the c=1c=1 Virasoro net for which the restriction of the vacuum representation to the Virasoro subnet is a direct sum of irreducible subrepresentations with finite statistical dimension (local extensions of compact type). Moreover we prove that if the central charge cc is in a certain subset of (1,∞)(1,\infty), including [2,∞)[2,\infty), and h≥(c−1)/24h \geq (c-1)/24, the irreducible representation with lowest weight hh of the corresponding Virasoro net has infinite statistical dimension. As a consequence we show that if the central charge cc is in the above set and satisfies c≤25c\leq 25 then the corresponding Virasoro net has no proper local extensions of compact type.Comment: 34 page

    Scaling limit for subsystems and Doplicher-Roberts reconstruction

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    Given an inclusion B⊂FB \subset F of (graded) local nets, we analyse the structure of the corresponding inclusion of scaling limit nets B0⊂F0B_0 \subset F_0, giving conditions, fulfilled in free field theory, under which the unicity of the scaling limit of FF implies that of the scaling limit of BB. As a byproduct, we compute explicitly the (unique) scaling limit of the fixpoint nets of scalar free field theories. In the particular case of an inclusion A⊂BA \subset B of local nets with the same canonical field net FF, we find sufficient conditions which entail the equality of the canonical field nets of A0A_0 and B0B_0.Comment: 31 page
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