31 research outputs found

    The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML): Language Specification for Level 3 Version 2 Core

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    Computational models can help researchers to interpret data, understand biological functions, and make quantitative predictions. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is a file format for representing computational models in a declarative form that different software systems can exchange. SBML is oriented towards describing biological processes of the sort common in research on a number of topics, including metabolic pathways, cell signaling pathways, and many others. By supporting SBML as an input/output format, different tools can all operate on an identical representation of a model, removing opportunities for translation errors and assuring a common starting point for analyses and simulations. This document provides the specification for Version 2 of SBML Level 3 Core. The specification defines the data structures prescribed by SBML, their encoding in XML (the eXtensible Markup Language), validation rules that determine the validity of an SBML document, and examples of models in SBML form. The design of Version 2 differs from Version 1 principally in allowing new MathML constructs, making more child elements optional, and adding identifiers to all SBML elements instead of only selected elements. Other materials and software are available from the SBML project website at http://sbml.org/

    neo4jsbml: import systems biology markup language data into the graph database Neo4j

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    Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) has emerged as a standard for representing biological models, facilitating model sharing and interoperability. It stores many types of data and complex relationships, complicating data management and analysis. Traditional database management systems struggle to effectively capture these complex networks of interactions within biological systems. Graph-oriented databases perform well in managing interactions between different entities. We present neo4jsbml, a new solution that bridges the gap between the Systems Biology Markup Language data and the Neo4j database, for storing, querying and analyzing data. The Systems Biology Markup Language organizes biological entities in a hierarchical structure, reflecting their interdependencies. The inherent graphical structure represents these hierarchical relationships, offering a natural and efficient means of navigating and exploring the model’s components. Neo4j is an excellent solution for handling this type of data. By representing entities as nodes and their relationships as edges, Cypher, Neo4j’s query language, efficiently traverses this type of graph representing complex biological networks. We have developed neo4jsbml, a Python library for importing Systems Biology Markup Language data into a Neo4j database using a user-defined schema. By leveraging Neo4j’s graphical database technology, exploration of complex biological networks becomes intuitive and information retrieval efficient. Neo4jsbml is a tool designed to import Systems Biology Markup Language data into a Neo4j database. Only the desired data is loaded into the Neo4j database. neo4jsbml is user-friendly and can become a useful new companion for visualizing and analyzing metabolic models through the Neo4j graphical database. neo4jsbml is open source software and available at https://github.com/brsynth/neo4jsbml

    Specifications of standards in systems and synthetic biology: status and developments in 2021

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    This special issue of the Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics contains updated specifications of COMBINE standards in systems and synthetic biology. The 2021 special issue presents four updates of standards: Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual Version 2.3, Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual Version 3.0, Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language Level 1 Version 4, and OMEX Metadata specification Version 1.2. This document can also be consulted to identify the latest specifications of all COMBINE standards

    Specifications of standards in systems and synthetic biology: Status and developments in 2020

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    This special issue of the Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics presents papers related to the 10th COMBINE meeting together with the annual update of COMBINE standards in systems and synthetic biology

    Credible practice of modeling and simulation in healthcare: ten rules from a multidisciplinary perspective

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    The complexities of modern biomedicine are rapidly increasing. Thus, modeling and simulation have become increasingly important as a strategy to understand and predict the trajectory of pathophysiology, disease genesis, and disease spread in support of clinical and policy decisions. In such cases, inappropriate or ill-placed trust in the model and simulation outcomes may result in negative outcomes, and hence illustrate the need to formalize the execution and communication of modeling and simulation practices. Although verification and validation have been generally accepted as significant components of a model\u27s credibility, they cannot be assumed to equate to a holistic credible practice, which includes activities that can impact comprehension and in-depth examination inherent in the development and reuse of the models. For the past several years, the Committee on Credible Practice of Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare, an interdisciplinary group seeded from a U.S. interagency initiative, has worked to codify best practices. Here, we provide Ten Rules for credible practice of modeling and simulation in healthcare developed from a comparative analysis by the Committee\u27s multidisciplinary membership, followed by a large stakeholder community survey. These rules establish a unified conceptual framework for modeling and simulation design, implementation, evaluation, dissemination and usage across the modeling and simulation life-cycle. While biomedical science and clinical care domains have somewhat different requirements and expectations for credible practice, our study converged on rules that would be useful across a broad swath of model types. In brief, the rules are: (1) Define context clearly. (2) Use contextually appropriate data. (3) Evaluate within context. (4) List limitations explicitly. (5) Use version control. (6) Document appropriately. (7) Disseminate broadly. (8) Get independent reviews. (9) Test competing implementations. (10) Conform to standards. Although some of these are common sense guidelines, we have found that many are often missed or misconstrued, even by seasoned practitioners. Computational models are already widely used in basic science to generate new biomedical knowledge. As they penetrate clinical care and healthcare policy, contributing to personalized and precision medicine, clinical safety will require established guidelines for the credible practice of modeling and simulation in healthcare

    Use of Interactive Simulations in Fundamentals of Biochemistry, a LibreText Online Educational Resource, to Promote Understanding of Dynamic Reactions

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    Biology is perhaps the most complex of the sciences, given the incredible variety of chemical species that are interconnected in spatial and temporal pathways that are daunting to understand. Their interconnections lead to emergent properties such as memory, consciousness, and recognition of self and non-self. To understand how these interconnected reactions lead to cellular life characterized by activation, inhibition, regulation, homeostasis, and adaptation, computational analyses and simulations are essential, a fact recognized by the biological communities. At the same time, students struggle to understand and apply binding and kinetic analyses for the simplest reactions such as the irreversible first-order conversion of a single reactant to a product. This likely results from cognitive difficulties in combining structural, chemical, mathematical, and textual descriptions of binding and catalytic reactions. To help students better understand dynamic reactions and their analyses, we have introduced two kinds of interactive graphs and simulations into the online educational resource, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, a multivolume biochemistry textbook that is part of the LibreText collection. One type is available for simple binding and kinetic reactions. The other displays progress curves (concentrations vs time) for both simple reactions and more complex metabolic and signal transduction pathways, including those available through databases using systems biology markup language (SBML) files. Users can move sliders to change dissociation and kinetic constants as well as initial concentrations and see instantaneous changes in the graphs. They can also export data into a spreadsheet for further processing, such as producing derivative Lineweaver-Burk and traditional Michaelis-Menten graphs of initial velocity (v0) vs substrate concentration.Comment: 17 pages, 2 tables, 8 figures. Submitted to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. Funding: MiniSidewinder: NIH/NIGMS (Grant R01-GM123032-04) LibreText: Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlo

    Systematic assessment of template-based genome-scale metabolic models created with the BiGG Integration Tool

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    Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) are essential tools for in silico phenotype prediction and strain optimisation. The most straightforward GEMs reconstruction approach uses published models as templates to generate theinitial draft, requiring further curation. Such an approachis used by BiGG Integration Tool (BIT), available for merlin users. This tool uses models from BiGG Models database as templates for the draft models. Moreover, BIT allows the selection between different template combinations. The main objective of this study is to assess the draft models generated using this tool and compare them BIT, comparing these to CarveMe models, both of which use the BiGG database, and curated models. For this, three organisms were selected, namely Streptococcus thermophilus, Xylella fastidiosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The models’ variability was assessed using reactions and genes’ metabolic functions. This study concluded that models generated with BIT for each organism were differentiated, despite sharing a significant portion of metabolic functions. Furthermore, the template seems to influence the content of the models, though to a lower extent. When comparing each draft with curated models, BIT had better performances than CarveMe in all metrics. Hence, BIT can be considered a fast and reliable alternative for draft reconstruction for bacteria models.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit. A. Oliveira (DFA/BD/10205/2020), E. Cunha (DFA/BD/8076/2020), F. Cruz (SFRH/BD/139198/2018), J. Sequeira (SFRH/BD/147271/2019), and M. Sampaio (SFRH/BD/144643/2019) hold a doctoral fellowship provided by the FCT. J. Ribeiro hold a fellowship provided by the University of Minho (UMI-NHO/BIM/2020/68). Oscar Dias acknowledge FCT for the Assistant Research contract obtained under CEEC Individual 2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling hCDKL5 heterologous expression in bacteria

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    hCDKL5 refers to the human cyclin-dependent kinase like 5 that is primarily expressed in the brain. Mutations in its coding sequence are often causative of hCDKL5 deficiency disorder, a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder currently lacking a cure. The large-scale recombinant production of hCDKL5 is desirable to boost the translation of preclinical therapeutic approaches into the clinic. However, this is hampered by the intrinsically disordered nature of almost two-thirds of the hCDKL5 sequence, making this region more susceptible to proteolytic attack, and the observed toxicity when the enzyme is accumulated in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic host cells. The bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is the only prokaryotic host in which the full-length production of hCDKL5 has been demonstrated. To date, a system-level understanding of the metabolic burden imposed by hCDKL5 production is missing, although it would be crucial for upscaling of the production process. Here, we combined experimental data on protein production and nutrients assimilation with metabolic modelling to infer the global consequences of hCDKL5 production in PhTAC125 and to identify potential overproduction targets. Our analyses showed a remarkable accuracy of the model in simulating the recombinant strain phenotype and also identified priority targets for optimised protein production