2 research outputs found

    Factual Model of Internal Quality Assurance System of Private Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia

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    Quality has increasingly become an important success determiner for higher education institutions. The education quality highly depends on the quality of all management systems run by the higher education institutions. This research aims at explaining the factual model and identifying the main factors influencing the implementation and development of quality assurance system of private higher education institutions in West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Research and Development (R&D) method was used as the research methodology to develop the model. Data collection processes start by interviewing the stakeholders of internal quality assurance system at higher education institutions and then distributing questionnaires related to the implementation of internal quality assurance system at each higher education institution. The collected data was then analyzed and synthesized into the factual model. The obtained factual model consisted of three steps: planning, implementing, and evaluating the internal quality assurance. From this factual model, it is revealed that the implementation of internal quality assurance system of private higher education institutions in West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia has not completely become a part of higher education institution accountability orienting on the higher education quality assurance, but more on the temporary purposes, such as higher education institution accreditation purposes

    Knowledge Management in the Indonesian Higher Education Internal Quality Assurance System Model

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    Demands for accountability and responsibility require universities to provide quality assurance to the community. To provide quality assurance, a model is needed. This research is a research and development that aims to (1) analyze the factual model of the Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education in Indonesia; (2) modeling the Internal Quality Assurance System in Indonesia using a Knowledge Management approach; and (3) Produce a Model of Internal Quality Assurance System in Indonesia. The first stage is to produce a factual model with the techniques of documentation, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. This stage will conduct field mapping of the conditions applied by each university in Indonesia. The second stage is the development stage to produce a hypothetical model using literature study techniques and focus group discussions. The study to develop this hypothetical model uses a knowledge management approach as the basis for the model developed for the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in Higher Education. The third stage is the model validation stage to produce a final model or model that is feasible to be implemented, for the validation of the model developed from the hypothesis model, validation test data analysis techniques and questionnaires are used. The implication of the Internal Quality Assurance System model is that universities are expected to have a frame of reference in developing quality assurance so that a quality culture can be formed. The limitations of this model cannot be generalized because each university has different resources and characters