507 research outputs found

    The Multi-engine ASP Solver ME-ASP: Progress Report

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    MEASP is a multi-engine solver for ground ASP programs. It exploits algorithm selection techniques based on classification to select one among a set of out-of-the-box heterogeneous ASP solvers used as black-box engines. In this paper we report on (i) a new optimized implementation of MEASP; and (ii) an attempt of applying algorithm selection to non-ground programs. An experimental analysis reported in the paper shows that (i) the new implementation of \measp is substantially faster than the previous version; and (ii) the multi-engine recipe can be applied to the evaluation of non-ground programs with some benefits

    NP-Logic Systems and Model-Equivalence Reductions

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    In this paper we investigate the existence of model-equivalence reduction between NP-logic systems which are logic systems with model existence problem in NP. It is shown that among all NP-systems with model checking problem in NP, the existentially quantified propositional logic (\exists PF) is maximal with respect to poly-time model-equivalent reduction. However, \exists PF seems not a maximal NP-system in general because there exits a NP-system with model checking problem D^P-complete