1,584 research outputs found

    The Speedup Theorem in a Primitive Recursive Framework

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    Blum’s speedup theorem is a major theorem in computational com-plexity, showing the existence of computable functions for which no optimal program can exist: for any speedup function r there ex-ists a function fr such that for any program computing fr we can find an alternative program computing it with the desired speedup r. The main corollary is that algorithmic problems do not have, in general, a inherent complexity. Traditional proofs of the speedup theorem make an essential use of Kleene’s fix point theorem to close a suitable diagonal argument. As a consequence, very little is known about its validity in subrecursive settings, where there is no universal machine, and no fixpoints. In this article we discuss an alternative, formal proof of the speedup theorem that allows us to spare the invocation of the fix point theorem and sheds more light on the actual complexity of the function fr

    A Formal Framework for Speedup Learning from Problems and Solutions

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    Speedup learning seeks to improve the computational efficiency of problem solving with experience. In this paper, we develop a formal framework for learning efficient problem solving from random problems and their solutions. We apply this framework to two different representations of learned knowledge, namely control rules and macro-operators, and prove theorems that identify sufficient conditions for learning in each representation. Our proofs are constructive in that they are accompanied with learning algorithms. Our framework captures both empirical and explanation-based speedup learning in a unified fashion. We illustrate our framework with implementations in two domains: symbolic integration and Eight Puzzle. This work integrates many strands of experimental and theoretical work in machine learning, including empirical learning of control rules, macro-operator learning, Explanation-Based Learning (EBL), and Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Multibody Multipole Methods

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    A three-body potential function can account for interactions among triples of particles which are uncaptured by pairwise interaction functions such as Coulombic or Lennard-Jones potentials. Likewise, a multibody potential of order nn can account for interactions among nn-tuples of particles uncaptured by interaction functions of lower orders. To date, the computation of multibody potential functions for a large number of particles has not been possible due to its O(Nn)O(N^n) scaling cost. In this paper we describe a fast tree-code for efficiently approximating multibody potentials that can be factorized as products of functions of pairwise distances. For the first time, we show how to derive a Barnes-Hut type algorithm for handling interactions among more than two particles. Our algorithm uses two approximation schemes: 1) a deterministic series expansion-based method; 2) a Monte Carlo-based approximation based on the central limit theorem. Our approach guarantees a user-specified bound on the absolute or relative error in the computed potential with an asymptotic probability guarantee. We provide speedup results on a three-body dispersion potential, the Axilrod-Teller potential.Comment: To appear in Journal of Computational Physic

    Shared-Memory Parallel Maximal Clique Enumeration

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    We present shared-memory parallel methods for Maximal Clique Enumeration (MCE) from a graph. MCE is a fundamental and well-studied graph analytics task, and is a widely used primitive for identifying dense structures in a graph. Due to its computationally intensive nature, parallel methods are imperative for dealing with large graphs. However, surprisingly, there do not yet exist scalable and parallel methods for MCE on a shared-memory parallel machine. In this work, we present efficient shared-memory parallel algorithms for MCE, with the following properties: (1) the parallel algorithms are provably work-efficient relative to a state-of-the-art sequential algorithm (2) the algorithms have a provably small parallel depth, showing that they can scale to a large number of processors, and (3) our implementations on a multicore machine shows a good speedup and scaling behavior with increasing number of cores, and are substantially faster than prior shared-memory parallel algorithms for MCE.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on. High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 201

    Quantum query complexity of entropy estimation

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    Estimation of Shannon and R\'enyi entropies of unknown discrete distributions is a fundamental problem in statistical property testing and an active research topic in both theoretical computer science and information theory. Tight bounds on the number of samples to estimate these entropies have been established in the classical setting, while little is known about their quantum counterparts. In this paper, we give the first quantum algorithms for estimating α\alpha-R\'enyi entropies (Shannon entropy being 1-Renyi entropy). In particular, we demonstrate a quadratic quantum speedup for Shannon entropy estimation and a generic quantum speedup for α\alpha-R\'enyi entropy estimation for all α≥0\alpha\geq 0, including a tight bound for the collision-entropy (2-R\'enyi entropy). We also provide quantum upper bounds for extreme cases such as the Hartley entropy (i.e., the logarithm of the support size of a distribution, corresponding to α=0\alpha=0) and the min-entropy case (i.e., α=+∞\alpha=+\infty), as well as the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions. Moreover, we complement our results with quantum lower bounds on α\alpha-R\'enyi entropy estimation for all α≥0\alpha\geq 0.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figur

    Automatically Leveraging MapReduce Frameworks for Data-Intensive Applications

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    MapReduce is a popular programming paradigm for developing large-scale, data-intensive computation. Many frameworks that implement this paradigm have recently been developed. To leverage these frameworks, however, developers must become familiar with their APIs and rewrite existing code. Casper is a new tool that automatically translates sequential Java programs into the MapReduce paradigm. Casper identifies potential code fragments to rewrite and translates them in two steps: (1) Casper uses program synthesis to search for a program summary (i.e., a functional specification) of each code fragment. The summary is expressed using a high-level intermediate language resembling the MapReduce paradigm and verified to be semantically equivalent to the original using a theorem prover. (2) Casper generates executable code from the summary, using either the Hadoop, Spark, or Flink API. We evaluated Casper by automatically converting real-world, sequential Java benchmarks to MapReduce. The resulting benchmarks perform up to 48.2x faster compared to the original.Comment: 12 pages, additional 4 pages of references and appendi
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