568 research outputs found

    Development of SMAP Mission Cal/Val Activities

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    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is a NASA directed mission to map global land surface soil moisture and freeze-thaw state. Instrument and mission details are shown. The key SMAP soil moisture product is provided at 10 km resolution with 0.04cubic cm/cubic cm accuracy. The freeze/thaw product is provided at 3 km resolution and 80% frozen-thawed classification accuracy. The full list of SMAP data products is shown

    The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission: Overview

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    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is one of the first Earth observation satellites being developed by NASA in response to the National Research Council?s Decadal Survey [1]. Its mission design consists of L-band radiometer and radar instruments sharing a rotating 6-m mesh reflector antenna to provide high-resolution and high-accuracy global maps of soil moisture and freeze/thaw state every 2-3 days. The combined active/passive microwave soil moisture product will have a spatial resolution of 10 km and a mean latency of 24 hours. In addition, the SMAP surface observations will be combined with advanced modeling and data assimilation to provide deeper root zone soil moisture and net ecosystem exchange of carbon. SMAP is expected to launch in the late 2014 - early 2015 time frame

    Retrieval of Vegetation Water Content Using Brightness Temperatures from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission

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    In this paper, we explore a time series approach to using the tau-omega (-) model to retrieve vegetation water content (kg/m2) with minimal use of ancillary data. Analytically, this approach calls for nonlinear optimization in two steps. First, multiple days of co-located brightness temperature observations are used to retrieve the effective vegetation opacity, which incorporates the combined radiometric and polarization effects of surface roughness and vegetation opacity. The resulting effective vegetation opacity is then used to retrieve vegetation water content to within a gain factor and an offset factor . By using a climatological vegetation water content ancillary database as the one adopted in the development of the SMAP standard and enhanced soil moisture products, and can be determined globally using the annual minimum and annual maximum of vegetation water content. The resulting values of and can then be used to reconstruct the retrieved vegetation water content. Formulation, assumptions, and limitations of this approach are presented alongside the preliminary global retrieval of vegetation water content using one year (2016) ofSMAP brightness temperature observations

    Recent Advances in SMAP RFI Processing

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    The measurements made by the Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) mission are affected by the presence of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) in the protected 1400-1427 MHz band. In SMAP data processing, the main protection against RFI is a sophisticated RFI detection algorithm which flags sub-samples in time and frequency that are contaminated by RFI and removes them before estimating the brightness temperature. This contribution presents two additional approaches that have been developed to address the RFI concern in SMAP. The first consists in locating sources of RFI; once located, it becomes possible to report RFI sources to spectrum management authorities, which can lead to less RFI being experienced by SMAP in the future. The second is a new RFI detection method that is based on detecting outliers in the spatial distribution of measured antenna temperatures

    Space Communications and Navigation

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    This project investigates upgrading multiple areas with MTRS equipment at McMurdo and at White Sands, to raise its efficiency in supporting the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission and future high data rate missions.This study is important because improving MTRS may significantly reduce costs and prevent the possibility of an unplanned long downtime. MTRS has difficulty supporting the SMAP mission because of the availability of TDRS. When TDRS is unavailable, the passes must be moved to an expensive commercial service. Coverage analysis of the MTRS and TDRS is shown in this presentation

    Enhancing the USDA FAS Crop Forecasting System Using SMAP L3 Soil Moisture Observations

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    One of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Services (USDA-FAS) mission objectives is to provide current information on global crop supply and demand estimates. Crop growth and development is especially susceptible to the amount of water present in the root-zone portion of the soil profile. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) is an essential for USDA-FAS global crop assessments. This paper focusses on the possibility of enhancing the USDA-FAS's RZSM estimates through the integration of passive-based soil moisture observations derived from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission into the USDA-FAS Palmer model. Lag-correlation analysis, which explores the agreement between changes in RZSM and crop status indicated that the satellite-based observations can enhance the model-only estimates

    Utilization of Ancillary Data Sets for SMAP Algorithm Development and Product Generation

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    Algorithms being developed for the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission require a variety of both static and ancillary data. The selection of the most appropriate source for each ancillary data parameter is driven by a number of considerations, including accuracy, latency, availability, and consistency across all SMAP products and with SMOS (Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity). It is anticipated that initial selection of all ancillary datasets, which are needed for ongoing algorithm development activities on the SMAP algorithm testbed at JPL, will be completed within the year. These datasets will be updated as new or improved sources become available, and all selections and changes will be documented for the benefit of the user community. Wise choices in ancillary data will help to enable SMAP to provide new global measurements of soil moisture and freeze/thaw state at the targeted accuracy necessary to tackle hydrologically-relevant societal issues

    Compressive Earth Observatory: An Insight from AIRS/AMSU Retrievals

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    We demonstrate that the global fields of temperature, humidity and geopotential heights admit a nearly sparse representation in the wavelet domain, offering a viable path forward to explore new paradigms of sparsity-promoting data assimilation and compressive recovery of land surface-atmospheric states from space. We illustrate this idea using retrieval products of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on board the Aqua satellite. The results reveal that the sparsity of the fields of temperature is relatively pressure-independent while atmospheric humidity and geopotential heights are typically sparser at lower and higher pressure levels, respectively. We provide evidence that these land-atmospheric states can be accurately estimated using a small set of measurements by taking advantage of their sparsity prior.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
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