69 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Graph Representation Problems

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    Many graphs arising in practice can be represented in a concise and intuitive way that conveys their structure. For example: A planar graph can be represented in the plane with points for vertices and non-crossing curves for edges. An interval graph can be represented on the real line with intervals for vertices and intersection of intervals representing edges. The concept of ``simultaneity'' applies for several types of graphs: the idea is to find representations for two graphs that share some common vertices and edges, and ensure that the common vertices and edges are represented the same way. Simultaneous representation problems arise in any situation where two related graphs should be represented consistently. A main instance is for temporal relationships, where an old graph and a new graph share some common parts. Pairs of related graphs arise in many other situations. For example, two social networks that share some members; two schedules that share some events, overlap graphs of DNA fragments of two similar organisms, circuit graphs of two adjacent layers on a computer chip etc. In this thesis, we study the simultaneous representation problem for several graph classes. For planar graphs the problem is defined as follows. Let G1 and G2 be two graphs sharing some vertices and edges. The simultaneous planar embedding problem asks whether there exist planar embeddings (or drawings) for G1 and G2 such that every vertex shared by the two graphs is mapped to the same point and every shared edge is mapped to the same curve in both embeddings. Over the last few years there has been a lot of work on simultaneous planar embeddings, which have been called `simultaneous embeddings with fixed edges'. A major open question is whether simultaneous planarity for two graphs can be tested in polynomial time. We give a linear-time algorithm for testing the simultaneous planarity of any two graphs that share a 2-connected subgraph. Our algorithm also extends to the case of k planar graphs, where each vertex [edge] is either common to all graphs or belongs to exactly one of them. Next we introduce a new notion of simultaneity for intersection graph classes (interval graphs, chordal graphs etc.) and for comparability graphs. For interval graphs, the problem is defined as follows. Let G1 and G2 be two interval graphs sharing some vertices I and the edges induced by I. G1 and G2 are said to be `simultaneous interval graphs' if there exist interval representations of G1 and G2 such that any vertex of I is assigned to the same interval in both the representations. The `simultaneous representation problem' for interval graphs asks whether G1 and G2 are simultaneous interval graphs. The problem is defined in a similar way for other intersection graph classes. For comparability graphs and any intersection graph class, we show that the simultaneous representation problem for the graph class is equivalent to a graph augmentation problem: given graphs G1 and G2, sharing vertices I and the corresponding induced edges, do there exist edges E' between G1-I and G2-I such that the graph G1 U G_2 U E' belongs to the graph class. This equivalence implies that the simultaneous representation problem is closely related to other well-studied classes in the literature, namely, sandwich graphs and probe graphs. We give efficient algorithms for solving the simultaneous representation problem for interval graphs, chordal graphs, comparability graphs and permutation graphs. Further, our algorithms for comparability and permutation graphs solve a more general version of the problem when there are multiple graphs, any two of which share the same common graph. This version of the problem also generalizes probe graphs

    Simultaneous Representation of Proper and Unit Interval Graphs

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    In a confluence of combinatorics and geometry, simultaneous representations provide a way to realize combinatorial objects that share common structure. A standard case in the study of simultaneous representations is the sunflower case where all objects share the same common structure. While the recognition problem for general simultaneous interval graphs - the simultaneous version of arguably one of the most well-studied graph classes - is NP-complete, the complexity of the sunflower case for three or more simultaneous interval graphs is currently open. In this work we settle this question for proper interval graphs. We give an algorithm to recognize simultaneous proper interval graphs in linear time in the sunflower case where we allow any number of simultaneous graphs. Simultaneous unit interval graphs are much more "rigid" and therefore have less freedom in their representation. We show they can be recognized in time O(|V|*|E|) for any number of simultaneous graphs in the sunflower case where G=(V,E) is the union of the simultaneous graphs. We further show that both recognition problems are in general NP-complete if the number of simultaneous graphs is not fixed. The restriction to the sunflower case is in this sense necessary

    Partial and Simultaneous Transitive Orientations via Modular Decompositions

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    A natural generalization of the recognition problem for a geometric graph class is the problem of extending a representation of a subgraph to a representation of the whole graph. A related problem is to find representations for multiple input graphs that coincide on subgraphs shared by the input graphs. A common restriction is the sunflower case where the shared graph is the same for each pair of input graphs. These problems translate to the setting of comparability graphs where the representations correspond to transitive orientations of their edges. We use modular decompositions to improve the runtime for the orientation extension problem and the sunflower orientation problem to linear time. We apply these results to improve the runtime for the partial representation problem and the sunflower case of the simultaneous representation problem for permutation graphs to linear time. We also give the first efficient algorithms for these problems on circular permutation graphs

    Capturing Polynomial Time using Modular Decomposition

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    The question of whether there is a logic that captures polynomial time is one of the main open problems in descriptive complexity theory and database theory. In 2010 Grohe showed that fixed point logic with counting captures polynomial time on all classes of graphs with excluded minors. We now consider classes of graphs with excluded induced subgraphs. For such graph classes, an effective graph decomposition, called modular decomposition, was introduced by Gallai in 1976. The graphs that are non-decomposable with respect to modular decomposition are called prime. We present a tool, the Modular Decomposition Theorem, that reduces (definable) canonization of a graph class C to (definable) canonization of the class of prime graphs of C that are colored with binary relations on a linearly ordered set. By an application of the Modular Decomposition Theorem, we show that fixed point logic with counting captures polynomial time on the class of permutation graphs. Within the proof of the Modular Decomposition Theorem, we show that the modular decomposition of a graph is definable in symmetric transitive closure logic with counting. We obtain that the modular decomposition tree is computable in logarithmic space. It follows that cograph recognition and cograph canonization is computable in logarithmic space.Comment: 38 pages, 10 Figures. A preliminary version of this article appeared in the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '17
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