44 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Lower Bounds on the Threshold Degree and Sign-Rank of AC^0

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    The threshold degree of a Boolean function f ⁣:{0,1}n{0,1}f\colon\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\} is the minimum degree of a real polynomial pp that represents ff in sign: sgn  p(x)=(1)f(x).\mathrm{sgn}\; p(x)=(-1)^{f(x)}. A related notion is sign-rank, defined for a Boolean matrix F=[Fij]F=[F_{ij}] as the minimum rank of a real matrix MM with sgn  Mij=(1)Fij\mathrm{sgn}\; M_{ij}=(-1)^{F_{ij}}. Determining the maximum threshold degree and sign-rank achievable by constant-depth circuits (AC0\text{AC}^{0}) is a well-known and extensively studied open problem, with complexity-theoretic and algorithmic applications. We give an essentially optimal solution to this problem. For any ϵ>0,\epsilon>0, we construct an AC0\text{AC}^{0} circuit in nn variables that has threshold degree Ω(n1ϵ)\Omega(n^{1-\epsilon}) and sign-rank exp(Ω(n1ϵ)),\exp(\Omega(n^{1-\epsilon})), improving on the previous best lower bounds of Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) and exp(Ω~(n))\exp(\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{n})), respectively. Our results subsume all previous lower bounds on the threshold degree and sign-rank of AC0\text{AC}^{0} circuits of any given depth, with a strict improvement starting at depth 44. As a corollary, we also obtain near-optimal bounds on the discrepancy, threshold weight, and threshold density of AC0\text{AC}^{0}, strictly subsuming previous work on these quantities. Our work gives some of the strongest lower bounds to date on the communication complexity of AC0\text{AC}^{0}.Comment: 99 page

    Improved Bounds on the Sign-Rank of AC^0

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    Sign Rank vs Discrepancy

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    Sign-rank and discrepancy are two central notions in communication complexity. The seminal work of Babai, Frankl, and Simon from 1986 initiated an active line of research that investigates the gap between these two notions. In this article, we establish the strongest possible separation by constructing a boolean matrix whose sign-rank is only 3, and yet its discrepancy is 2^{-?(n)}. We note that every matrix of sign-rank 2 has discrepancy n^{-O(1)}. Our result in particular implies that there are boolean functions with O(1) unbounded error randomized communication complexity while having ?(n) weakly unbounded error randomized communication complexity

    Sign-Rank Can Increase Under Intersection

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    The communication class UPP^{cc} is a communication analog of the Turing Machine complexity class PP. It is characterized by a matrix-analytic complexity measure called sign-rank (also called dimension complexity), and is essentially the most powerful communication class against which we know how to prove lower bounds. For a communication problem f, let f wedge f denote the function that evaluates f on two disjoint inputs and outputs the AND of the results. We exhibit a communication problem f with UPP^{cc}(f)= O(log n), and UPP^{cc}(f wedge f) = Theta(log^2 n). This is the first result showing that UPP communication complexity can increase by more than a constant factor under intersection. We view this as a first step toward showing that UPP^{cc}, the class of problems with polylogarithmic-cost UPP communication protocols, is not closed under intersection. Our result shows that the function class consisting of intersections of two majorities on n bits has dimension complexity n^{Omega(log n)}. This matches an upper bound of (Klivans, O\u27Donnell, and Servedio, FOCS 2002), who used it to give a quasipolynomial time algorithm for PAC learning intersections of polylogarithmically many majorities. Hence, fundamentally new techniques will be needed to learn this class of functions in polynomial time

    A Nearly Optimal Lower Bound on the Approximate Degree of AC0^0

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    The approximate degree of a Boolean function f ⁣:{1,1}n{1,1}f \colon \{-1, 1\}^n \rightarrow \{-1, 1\} is the least degree of a real polynomial that approximates ff pointwise to error at most 1/31/3. We introduce a generic method for increasing the approximate degree of a given function, while preserving its computability by constant-depth circuits. Specifically, we show how to transform any Boolean function ff with approximate degree dd into a function FF on O(npolylog(n))O(n \cdot \operatorname{polylog}(n)) variables with approximate degree at least D=Ω(n1/3d2/3)D = \Omega(n^{1/3} \cdot d^{2/3}). In particular, if d=n1Ω(1)d= n^{1-\Omega(1)}, then DD is polynomially larger than dd. Moreover, if ff is computed by a polynomial-size Boolean circuit of constant depth, then so is FF. By recursively applying our transformation, for any constant δ>0\delta > 0 we exhibit an AC0^0 function of approximate degree Ω(n1δ)\Omega(n^{1-\delta}). This improves over the best previous lower bound of Ω(n2/3)\Omega(n^{2/3}) due to Aaronson and Shi (J. ACM 2004), and nearly matches the trivial upper bound of nn that holds for any function. Our lower bounds also apply to (quasipolynomial-size) DNFs of polylogarithmic width. We describe several applications of these results. We give: * For any constant δ>0\delta > 0, an Ω(n1δ)\Omega(n^{1-\delta}) lower bound on the quantum communication complexity of a function in AC0^0. * A Boolean function ff with approximate degree at least C(f)2o(1)C(f)^{2-o(1)}, where C(f)C(f) is the certificate complexity of ff. This separation is optimal up to the o(1)o(1) term in the exponent. * Improved secret sharing schemes with reconstruction procedures in AC0^0.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figur