68 research outputs found

    On Equivalence of Infinitary Formulas under the Stable Model Semantics

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    Propositional formulas that are equivalent in intuitionistic logic, or in its extension known as the logic of here-and-there, have the same stable models. We extend this theorem to propositional formulas with infinitely long conjunctions and disjunctions and show how to apply this generalization to proving properties of aggregates in answer set programming. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)

    External Behavior of a Logic Program and Verification of Refactoring

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    Refactoring is modifying a program without changing its external behavior. In this paper, we make the concept of external behavior precise for a simple answer set programming language. Then we describe a proof assistant for the task of verifying that refactoring a program in that language is performed correctly.Comment: Accepted to Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (ICLP 2023

    Lazy Model Expansion: Interleaving Grounding with Search

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    Finding satisfying assignments for the variables involved in a set of constraints can be cast as a (bounded) model generation problem: search for (bounded) models of a theory in some logic. The state-of-the-art approach for bounded model generation for rich knowledge representation languages, like ASP, FO(.) and Zinc, is ground-and-solve: reduce the theory to a ground or propositional one and apply a search algorithm to the resulting theory. An important bottleneck is the blowup of the size of the theory caused by the reduction phase. Lazily grounding the theory during search is a way to overcome this bottleneck. We present a theoretical framework and an implementation in the context of the FO(.) knowledge representation language. Instead of grounding all parts of a theory, justifications are derived for some parts of it. Given a partial assignment for the grounded part of the theory and valid justifications for the formulas of the non-grounded part, the justifications provide a recipe to construct a complete assignment that satisfies the non-grounded part. When a justification for a particular formula becomes invalid during search, a new one is derived; if that fails, the formula is split in a part to be grounded and a part that can be justified. The theoretical framework captures existing approaches for tackling the grounding bottleneck such as lazy clause generation and grounding-on-the-fly, and presents a generalization of the 2-watched literal scheme. We present an algorithm for lazy model expansion and integrate it in a model generator for FO(ID), a language extending first-order logic with inductive definitions. The algorithm is implemented as part of the state-of-the-art FO(ID) Knowledge-Base System IDP. Experimental results illustrate the power and generality of the approach

    Magic Sets for Disjunctive Datalog Programs

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    In this paper, a new technique for the optimization of (partially) bound queries over disjunctive Datalog programs with stratified negation is presented. The technique exploits the propagation of query bindings and extends the Magic Set (MS) optimization technique. An important feature of disjunctive Datalog is nonmonotonicity, which calls for nondeterministic implementations, such as backtracking search. A distinguishing characteristic of the new method is that the optimization can be exploited also during the nondeterministic phase. In particular, after some assumptions have been made during the computation, parts of the program may become irrelevant to a query under these assumptions. This allows for dynamic pruning of the search space. In contrast, the effect of the previously defined MS methods for disjunctive Datalog is limited to the deterministic portion of the process. In this way, the potential performance gain by using the proposed method can be exponential, as could be observed empirically. The correctness of MS is established thanks to a strong relationship between MS and unfounded sets that has not been studied in the literature before. This knowledge allows for extending the method also to programs with stratified negation in a natural way. The proposed method has been implemented in DLV and various experiments have been conducted. Experimental results on synthetic data confirm the utility of MS for disjunctive Datalog, and they highlight the computational gain that may be obtained by the new method w.r.t. the previously proposed MS methods for disjunctive Datalog programs. Further experiments on real-world data show the benefits of MS within an application scenario that has received considerable attention in recent years, the problem of answering user queries over possibly inconsistent databases originating from integration of autonomous sources of information.Comment: 67 pages, 19 figures, preprint submitted to Artificial Intelligenc

    Disjunctive ASP with Functions: Decidable Queries and Effective Computation

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    Querying over disjunctive ASP with functions is a highly undecidable task in general. In this paper we focus on disjunctive logic programs with stratified negation and functions under the stable model semantics (ASP^{fs}). We show that query answering in this setting is decidable, if the query is finitely recursive (ASP^{fs}_{fr}). Our proof yields also an effective method for query evaluation. It is done by extending the magic set technique to ASP^{fs}_{fr}. We show that the magic-set rewritten program is query equivalent to the original one (under both brave and cautious reasoning). Moreover, we prove that the rewritten program is also finitely ground, implying that it is decidable. Importantly, finitely ground programs are evaluable using existing ASP solvers, making the class of ASP^{fs}_{fr} queries usable in practice.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK

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    The logic of knowledge and justified assumptions, also known as logic of grounded knowledge (GK), was proposed by Lin and Shoham as a general logic for nonmonotonic reasoning. To date, it has been used to embed in it default logic (propositional case), autoepistemic logic, Turner's logic of universal causation, and general logic programming under stable model semantics. Besides showing the generality of GK as a logic for nonmonotonic reasoning, these embeddings shed light on the relationships among these other logics. In this paper, for the first time, we show how the logic of GK can be embedded into disjunctive logic programming in a polynomial but non-modular translation with new variables. The result can then be used to compute the extension/expansion semantics of default logic, autoepistemic logic and Turner's logic of universal causation by disjunctive ASP solvers such as claspD(-2), DLV, GNT and cmodels.Comment: Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014