14 research outputs found

    Framework For The Successful Set-up Of A Common Data Model In The Context Of An Industry 4.0-ready Plant Design Process

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    The production plant design process consists of a multitude of individual engineering disciplines, which rely on a variety of digital models. The individual tasks build up on each other, while each discipline consumes information from the previous processes. However, sharing relevant data across multiple companies is challenging and susceptible to miscommunication and delays. Furthermore, integrating diverse software systems, tools, and technologies create compatibility issues and hinder seamless integration. As a result, a heterogeneous, non-automated data and information landscape is created, characterized by a high level of manual data transfer. This represents a major problem on the way towards Industry 4.0. The goal of this paper is to provide a framework for the successful set-up of a common data model in the context of an Industry 4.0-ready plant design process across and along the value chain. For this purpose, a literature review of current problems in the cross-company and cross-departmental collaboration in the plant design process is provided and requirements for the framework are derived. Existing solutions and research projects are compiled and evaluated against the requirements, from which the framework's structure is concluded. The framework itself is intended to be holistic and must therefore not only include technical aspects (e.g. data interfaces, semantics), but also enable the entire organization and value chain to implement the common data model as part of the digital transformation process (e.g. employee skills, business strategy, legal conditions). Based on this, the framework is further elaborated by deducing calls for action for a successful set-up of a common data model within the research project DIAMOND (Digital plant modeling with neutral data formats). The focus should be on employees and their competencies, as these are prerequisites for shaping digital transformation. Future research must prioritize these actions to enhance technology readiness and organizational Industry 4.0 preparation

    Aerial collective systems

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    Deployment of multiple flying robots has attracted the interest of several research groups in the recent times both because such a feat represents many interesting scientific challenges and because aerial collective systems have a huge potential in terms of applications. By working together, multiple robots can perform a given task quicker or more efficiently than a single system. Furthermore, multiple robots can share computing, sensing and communication payloads thus leading to lighter robots that could be safer than a larger system, easier to transport and even disposable in some cases. Deploying a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles instead of a single aircraft allows rapid coverage of a relatively larger area or volume. Collaborating airborne agents can help each other by relaying communication or by providing navigation means to their neighbours. Flying in formation provides an effective way of decongesting the airspace. Aerial swarms also have an enormous artistic potential because they allow creating physical 3D structures that can dynamically change their shape over time. However, the challenges to actually build and control aerial swarms are numerous. First of all, a flying platform is often more complicated to engineer than a terrestrial robot because of the inherent weight constraints and the absence of mechanical link with any inertial frame that could provide mechanical stability and state reference. In the first section of this chapter, we therefore review this challenges and provide pointers to state-of-the-art methods to solve them. Then as soon as flying robots need to interact with each other, all sorts of problems arise such as wireless communication from and to rapidly moving objects and relative positioning. The aim of section 3 is therefore to review possible approaches to technically enable coordination among flying systems. Finally, section 4 tackles the challenge of designing individual controllers that enable a coherent behavior at the level of the swarm. This challenge is made even more difficult with flying robots because of their 3D nature and their motion constraints that are often related to the specific architectures of the underlying physical platforms. In this third section is complementary to the rest of this book as it focusses only on methods that have been designed for aerial collective systems

    The impact of inter-vehicle communication on vehicular traffic

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    The work addresses communication networks established over radio equipped vehicles in our everyday road traffic, so called Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), and discusses their impact on two major goals, namely traffic safety and traffic efficiency. For both objectives, the thesis proposes an appropriate modeling of the essential building blocks Traffic, Communication and Application and enables impact assessment studies by means of implemented simulation tools

    Ús de les xarxes de Petri per a la generació automàtica de codi en la programació de robots

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    Aquest projecte pretén elaborar una eina per a la generació automàtica de codi en la programació de robots, a partir de les xarxes de Petri. Les xarxes de Petri són una eina gràfica formada per llocs, arcs i transicions que, a part de moltes altres finalitats, permet la modelització de cel·les de treball on intervenen tot tipus d’elements automatitzats, principalment robots manipuladors i elements de transport i emmagatzematge. Es vol que el programa permeti l’assimilació de l’entorn real de treball a la xarxa de Petri, dotant-la de les característiques necessàries per a la diferenciació de varis robots i la capacitat d’emmagatzemar i generar posteriorment el codi per programar-los, deixant per a l’usuari només la feina referent a la introducció del codi relacionat estrictament amb el moviment del robots. D’altra banda es vol que estigui desenvolupat com a programari lliure i que també es desenvolupi a través d’aquest. Es parteix d’un programa lliure que permet l’edició i anàlisi de xarxes de Petri i es desenvolupa un mòdul totalment integrat a l’aplicació que genera el codi de programació de forma automàtica. Aquest codi generat és capaç d’implementar tots els elements necessaris per tal d’establir i mantenir la comunicació entre els robots, eximint a l’usuari d’aquesta feina complexa. També és capaç de gestionar espais i recursos accedits per varis robots, així com d’executar tasques en paral·lel al fil principal de cada robot per tal de realitzar càlculs o l’activació de dispositius externs

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems

    The impact of inter-vehicle communication on vehicular traffic

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    The work addresses communication networks established over radio equipped vehicles in our everyday road traffic, so called Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), and discusses their impact on two major goals, namely traffic safety and traffic efficiency. For both objectives, the thesis proposes an appropriate modeling of the essential building blocks Traffic, Communication and Application and enables impact assessment studies by means of implemented simulation tools