14 research outputs found

    Need for an integrated deprived area "slum" mapping system (IDEAMAPS) in low-and middle-income countries (LMICS)

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    Ninety percent of the people added to the planet over the next 30 years will live in African and Asian cities, and a large portion of these populations will reside in deprived neighborhoods defined by slum conditions, informal settlement, or inadequate housing. The four current approaches to neighborhood deprivation mapping are largely siloed, and each fall short of producing accurate, timely, and comparable maps that reflect local contexts. The first approach, classifying "slum households" in census and survey data, reflects household-level rather than neighborhood-level deprivation. The second approach, field-based mapping, can produce the most accurate and context-relevant maps for a given neighborhood, however it requires substantial resources, preventing up-scaling. The third and fourth approaches, human (visual) interpretation and machine classification of air or spaceborne imagery, both overemphasize informal settlements, and fail to represent key social characteristics of deprived areas such as lack of tenure, exposure to pollution, and lack of public services. We summarize common areas of understanding, and present a set of requirements and a framework to produce routine, accurate maps of deprived urban areas that can be used by local-to-international stakeholders for advocacy, planning, and decision-making across Low-and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). We suggest that machine learning models be extended to incorporate social area-level covariates and regular contributions of up-to-date and context-relevant field-based classification of deprived urban areas

    Categorizing Urban Structural Types using an Object-Based Local Climate Zone Classification Scheme in MedellĂ­n, Colombia

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    Climate change is reshaping societies. As we see more and more people moving to urban areas an ever-increasing number settles in low-cost and more hazardous areas. However, due to the rapid growth and sheer scale of informal settlements, knowledge gaps often exist on location or quantity. In this sense, Earth Observation combined with machine learning techniques allows to generate reliable geo-information. In this study, we classify the morphologically heterogeneous entire urban area of MedellĂ­n, Colombia into urban structural types. We do this by the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) scheme. Our specific focus is on one structural type, i.e. informal settlements. We test whether it is feasible by the LCZ concept to localize and quantify these vulnerable areas. The LCZ scheme is generic, replicable, neutral, and has become widespread in urban studies. We use urban blocks to perform a scene-based image classification into nine LCZs. We refer to multi-modal remotely-sensed data: high-resolution multispectral image data and elevation data. We apply an optimized random forest algorithm using shape metrics, as well as spectral and texture features. In general, we find the LCZ classification, measured with an overall accuracy of 82%, shows a reliable representation of urban typologies and functions across the city. Specifically, we compare the urban blocks classified as the LCZ lightweigth low-rise to the informal settlements provided by the city of MedellĂ­n. Here we reach an agreement of 86%. Besides, our approach complements the official dataset by including recently developed areas which are not yet considered by the city

    Towards a scalable and transferable approach to map deprived areas using Sentinel-2 images and machine learning

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    African cities are growing rapidly and more than half of their populations live in deprived areas. Local stakeholders urgently need accurate, granular, and routine maps to plan, upgrade, and monitor dynamic neighborhood-level changes. Satellite imagery provides a promising solution for consistent, accurate high-resolution maps globally. However, most studies use very high spatial resolution images, which often cover only small areas and are cost prohibitive. Additionally, model transferability to new cities remains uncertain. This study proposes a scalable and transferable approach to routinely map deprived areas using free, Sentinel-2 images. The models were trained and tested on three cities: Lagos (Nigeria), Accra (Ghana), and Nairobi (Kenya). Contextual features were extracted at 10 m spatial resolution and aggregated to a 100 m grid. Four machine learning algorithms were evaluated, including multi-layer perceptron (MLP), Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). The scalability of model performance was examined using patches of the different deprived types identified through visual image interpretation. The study also tested the ability of models to map deprived areas of different types across cities. Results indicate that deprived areas have heterogeneous local characteristics that affect large area mapping. The top 25 features for each city show that models are sensitive to the spatial structures of deprived area types. While models performed well on individual cities with XGBoost and MLP achieving an F1 scores of over 80%, the generalized model proves to be more beneficial for modeling multiple cities. This approach offers a promising solution for scaling routine, accurate maps of deprived areas to hundreds of cities that currently lack any such map, supporting local stakeholders to plan, implement, and monitor geotargeted interventions

    Development after Displacement: Evaluating the Utility of OpenStreetMap Data for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal Progress in Refugee Settlements

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    In 2015, 193 countries declared their commitment to “leave no one behind” in pursuit of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the world’s refugees have been routinely excluded from national censuses and representative surveys, and, as a result, have broadly been overlooked in SDG evaluations. In this study, we examine the potential of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for monitoring SDG progress in refugee settlements. We collected all available OSM data in 28 refugee and 26 nearby non-refugee settlements in the major refugee-hosting country of Uganda. We created a novel SDG-OSM data model, measured the spatial and temporal coverages of SDG-relevant OSM data across refugee settlements, and compared these results to non-refugee settlements. We found 11 different SDGs represented across 92% (21,950) of OSM data in refugee settlements, compared to 78% (1919 nodes) in non-refugee settlements. However, most data were created three years after refugee arrival, and 81% of OSM data in refugee settlements were never edited, both of which limit the potential for long-term monitoring of SDG progress. In light of our findings, we offer suggestions for improving OSM-driven SDG monitoring in refugee settlements that have relevance for development and humanitarian practitioners and research communities alike

    EO + morphometrics : understanding cities through urban morphology at large scale

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    Earth Observation (EO)-based mapping of cities has great potential to detect patterns beyond the physical ones. However, EO combined with the surge of machine learning techniques to map non-physical, such as socioeconomic, aspects directly, goes to the expense of reproducibility and interpretability, hence scientific validity. In this paper, we suggest shifting the focus from the direct detection of socioeconomic status from raw images through image features, to the mapping of interpretable urban morphology of basic urban elements as an intermediate step, to which socioeconomic patterns can then be related. This shift is profound, in that, rather than abstract image features, it allows to capture the morphology of real urban objects, such as buildings and streets, and use this to then interpret other patterns, including socioeconomic ones. Because socioeconomic patterns are not derived from raw image data, the mapping of these patterns is less data demanding and more replicable. Specifically, we propose a 2-step approach: (1) extraction of fundamental urban elements from satellite imagery, and (2) derivation of meaningful urban morphological patterns from the extracted elements. We refer to this 2-step approach as “EO + Morphometrics”. Technically, EO consists of applying deep learning through a reengineered U-Net shaped convolutional neural network to publicly accessible Google Earth imagery for building extraction. Methods of urban morphometrics are then applied to these buildings to compute semantically explicit and interpretable metrics of urban form. Finally, clustering is applied to these metrics to obtain morphological patterns, or urban types. The “EO + Morphometrics” approach is applied to the city of Nairobi, Kenya, where 15 different urban types are identified. To test whether this outcome meaningfully describes current urbanization patterns, we verified whether selected types matched locally designated informal settlements. We observe that four urban types, characterized by compact and organic urban form, were recurrent in such settlements. The proposed "EO + Morphometrics" approach paves the way for the large-scale identification of interpretable urban form patterns and study of associated dynamics across any region in the world

    The Scope of Earth-Observation to Improve the Consistency of the SDG Slum Indicator

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    The continuous increase in deprived living conditions in many cities of the Global South contradicts efforts to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable places. Using examples of Asian, African, and Latin American cities, this study shows the scope and limits of earth observation (EO)-based mapping of deprived living conditions in support of providing consistent global information for the SDG indicator 11.1.1 “proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing”. At the technical level, we compare several EO-based methods and imagery for mapping deprived living conditions, discussing their ability to map such areas including differences in terms of accuracy and performance at the city scale. At the operational level, we compare available municipal maps showing identified deprived areas with the spatial extent of morphological mapped areas of deprived living conditions (using EO) at the city scale, discussing the reasons for inconsistencies between municipal and EO-based maps. We provide an outlook on how EO-based mapping of deprived living conditions could contribute to a global spatial information base to support targeting of deprived living conditions in support of the SDG Goal 11.1.1 indicator, when uncertainties and ethical considerations on data provision are well addresse

    The Scope of Earth-Observation to Improve the Consistency of the SDG Slum Indicator

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    The continuous increase in deprived living conditions in many cities of the Global South contradicts efforts to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable places. Using examples of Asian, African, and Latin American cities, this study shows the scope and limits of earth observation (EO)-based mapping of deprived living conditions in support of providing consistent global information for the SDG indicator 11.1.1 “proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing”. At the technical level, we compare several EO-based methods and imagery for mapping deprived living conditions, discussing their ability to map such areas including differences in terms of accuracy and performance at the city scale. At the operational level, we compare available municipal maps showing identified deprived areas with the spatial extent of morphological mapped areas of deprived living conditions (using EO) at the city scale, discussing the reasons for inconsistencies between municipal and EO-based maps. We provide an outlook on how EO-based mapping of deprived living conditions could contribute to a global spatial information base to support targeting of deprived living conditions in support of the SDG Goal 11.1.1 indicator, when uncertainties and ethical considerations on data provision are well addressed

    The Scope of Earth-Observation to Improve the Consistency of the SDG Slum Indicator

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    The continuous increase in deprived living conditions in many cities of the Global South contradicts efforts to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable places. Using examples of Asian, African, and Latin American cities, this study shows the scope and limits of earth observation (EO)-based mapping of deprived living conditions in support of providing consistent global information for the SDG indicator 11.1.1 “proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing”. At the technical level, we compare several EO-based methods and imagery for mapping deprived living conditions, discussing their ability to map such areas including differences in terms of accuracy and performance at the city scale. At the operational level, we compare available municipal maps showing identified deprived areas with the spatial extent of morphological mapped areas of deprived living conditions (using EO) at the city scale, discussing the reasons for inconsistencies between municipal and EO-based maps. We provide an outlook on how EO-based mapping of deprived living conditions could contribute to a global spatial information base to support targeting of deprived living conditions in support of the SDG Goal 11.1.1 indicator, when uncertainties and ethical considerations on data provision are well addresse