4 research outputs found

    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Erlang

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    Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a widely used technique in which the state of the simulator is updated by events happening at discrete points in time (hence the name). DES is used to model and analyze many kinds of systems, including computer architectures, communication networks, street traffic, and others. Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) aims at improving the efficiency of DES by partitioning the simulation model across multiple processing elements, in order to enabling larger and/or more detailed studies to be carried out. The interest on PADS is increasing since the widespread availability of multicore processors and affordable high performance computing clusters. However, designing parallel simulation models requires considerable expertise, the result being that PADS techniques are not as widespread as they could be. In this paper we describe ErlangTW, a parallel simulation middleware based on the Time Warp synchronization protocol. ErlangTW is entirely written in Erlang, a concurrent, functional programming language specifically targeted at building distributed systems. We argue that writing parallel simulation models in Erlang is considerably easier than using conventional programming languages. Moreover, ErlangTW allows simulation models to be executed either on single-core, multicore and distributed computing architectures. We describe the design and prototype implementation of ErlangTW, and report some preliminary performance results on multicore and distributed architectures using the well known PHOLD benchmark.Comment: Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC 2012) in conjunction with ICFP 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1577-

    A water distribution and treatment simulation for testing cyber security enhancements for water sector SCADA systems.

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    Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are used by many critical infrastructures including electric power production and distribution, water and waste water treatment, rail transportation, and gas and oil distribution. Originally isolated proprietary systems, SCADA systems are increasingly connected to enterprise networks and the Internet and today use commercial hardware and software. As a result SCADA systems now face serious cyber-security threats. The need for testing and evaluation of developed cyber-security solutions presents a challenge since evaluation on actual systems is usually not possible and building complete physical testbeds is costly. This thesis presents the design and development of a water systems simulation for testing and evaluation of cyber-security enhanced field devices. The simulation consists of two main parts: a human machine interface/master terminal unit (HMI/MTU) component and a water treatment and distribution component. The HMI/MTU part supports new security protocols used to communicate with the hardened remote terminal unit (RTU). The water system simulates a water treatment and distribution center. A data acquisition (DAQ) module was used in conjunction with LabVIEWTM to create a water distribution and treatment simulation that could be interfaced with an actual field device. Field device I/Os are wired to the DAQ which then interface with the LabVIEWTM simulation. The simulation supports: selectable polling of I/O, graphical representation of I/O, random water usage, constant water usage, and simulation data collection. The simulation uses a modular design pattern so that it can be easily extended in the future. Initial testing with a hardened RTU prototype confirmed the ability of the simulation to interact with real hardware and identified some minor errors in the prototype’s security protocol implementation. With additional DAQ devices the simulation could be extended to simulate larger water systems

    Applications of simulation and optimization techniques in optimizing room and pillar mining systems

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    The goal of this research was to apply simulation and optimization techniques in solving mine design and production sequencing problems in room and pillar mines (R&P). The specific objectives were to: (1) apply Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to determine the optimal width of coal R&P panels under specific mining conditions; (2) investigate if the shuttle car fleet size used to mine a particular panel width is optimal in different segments of the panel; (3) test the hypothesis that binary integer linear programming (BILP) can be used to account for mining risk in R&P long range mine production sequencing; and (4) test the hypothesis that heuristic pre-processing can be used to increase the computational efficiency of branch and cut solutions to the BILP problem of R&P mine sequencing. A DES model of an existing R&P mine was built, that is capable of evaluating the effect of variable panel width on the unit cost and productivity of the mining system. For the system and operating conditions evaluated, the result showed that a 17-entry panel is optimal. The result also showed that, for the 17-entry panel studied, four shuttle cars per continuous miner is optimal for 80% of the defined mining segments with three shuttle cars optimal for the other 20%. The research successfully incorporated risk management into the R&P production sequencing problem, modeling the problem as BILP with block aggregation to minimize computational complexity. Three pre-processing algorithms based on generating problem-specific cutting planes were developed and used to investigate whether heuristic pre-processing can increase computational efficiency. Although, in some instances, the implemented pre-processing algorithms improved computational efficiency, the overall computational times were higher due to the high cost of generating the cutting planes --Abstract, page iii

    Component-Based Tools for Educational Simulations

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    e-Learning is an effective medium for delivering knowledge and skills. In spite of improvements in electronic delivery technologies, e-Learning is still a long way away from offering anything close to efficient and effective learning environments. To improve e-Learning experiences, much literature supports simulation based e-Learning. This thesis begins identifying various types of simulation models and their features that induce experiential learning. We focus on designing and constructing an easy-to-use Discrete Event Simulation (DES) tool for building engaging and informative interactive DES models that allow learners to control the models’ parameters and visualizations through runtime interactions. DES has long been used to support analysis and design of complex systems but its potential to enhance learning has not yet been fully utilized. We first present an application framework and its resulting classes for better structuring DES models. However, importing relevant classes, establishing relationships between their objects and representing lifecycles of various types of active objects in a language that does not support concurrency demand a significant cognitive workload. To improve this situation, we utilize two design patterns to ease model structuring and logic representation (both in time and space) through a drag and drop component approach. The patterns are the Delegation Event Model, used for linking between components and delegating tasks of executing and updating active objects’ lifecycles, and the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, used for connecting the components to their graphical instrumentations and GUIs. Components implementing both design patterns support the process-oriented approach, can easily be tailored to store model states and visualizations, and can be extended to design higher level models through hierarchical simulation development. Evaluating this approach with both teachers and learners using ActionScript as an implementation language in the Flash environment shows that the resulting components not only help model designers with few programming skills to construct DES models, but they also allow learners to conduct various experiments through interactive GUIs and observe the impact of changes to model behaviour through a range of engaging visualizations. Such interactions can motivate learners and make their learning an enjoyable experience