81,634 research outputs found

    The Rolling Stones

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    A professional designer of machines suggests the easy way the pyramids may have been built

    The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus : GroĂźbritannien 1996

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    "You've heard of Oxford Circus, you've heard of Piccadilly Circus, and this is the Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus" - als Rolling-Stones-Frontmann Mick Jagger diesen Satz am 11. Dezember 1968 gegen 14 Uhr in der Montur eines Zirkusdirektors in die Kameras der BBC spricht, ahnt er mit Sicherheit noch nicht, was insbesondere er in den folgenden Wochen für einen beispiellosen Zirkus rund um diese Fernsehaufzeichnung veranstalten wird. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, da die Bänder für die Aufzeichnung des 'Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus' gestartet werden, glaubt Jagger wohl noch, dass die TV-Sendung ein entspanntes Aufeinandertreffen mit befreundeten Rock'n'Roll-Größen wird; er glaubt wohl noch, dass der Auftritt der Rolling Stones am Ende des Konzertes zum furiosen Abschluss wird und die Performances der übrigen Bands in den Schatten stellt; und vor allem glaubt er wohl noch, dass der 'Rock and Roll Circus' wenige Wochen nach der Aufzeichnung über die heimischen Fernseher Großbritanniens flimmert. 15 Stunden später denkt Jagger über all dies anders. Aber der Reihe nach

    Business Innovation Group (BIG) News

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    Entrepreneur Food for Thought - The Rolling Stones were righ

    Tickets on Sale Now for the 40th Annual UMM Jazz Festival

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    This year’s program promises jazz takes on pop hits by P!nk, the Rolling Stones, and more


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    THE ROLLING STONES SEBAGAI TEMA PENCIPTAAN LUKISAN PADA MEDIA TANGKI SEPEDA MOTOR Oleh : Sigit Widodo NIM : 065206241023 Penulisan ini bertujuan: 1. Mendeskripsikan bentuk, teknik, tema kelompok band The Rolling Stones dalam lukisan menggunakan media tangki sepeda motor, 2. Mendiskripsikan visualisasi penciptaan lukisan kelompok band The Rolling Stones menggunakan media tangki sepeda motor. 3. Mendeskripsikan lukisan tangki sepeda motor yang tercipta. Penciptaan lukisan menggunakan pendekatan gaya realisme untuk pengungkapan ide. Sedangkan metode penciptaan melalui prosedur: pengamatan, pengembangan dan visualisasi. Dalam hal ini dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bentuk objek yang berkaitan dengan figur-figur kelompok band The Rolling Stones seperti logo, pemandangan alam, manusia, hewan, kehidupan, dan ruang lingkupnya. Adapun pengumpulan informasi tentang figur kelompok band The Rolling Stones didapat dari sumber media internet, menyimak berita di televisi, majalah cetak atau koran. Dari hasil pengumpulan informasi, pengamatan tersebut kemudian divisualisasikan melalui teknik air brush dan pada medium tangki sepeda motor menggunakan alat kompresor, spray gun, dan pen brush. Dari pembahasan dan proses kreatif yang telah dilakukan, ditarik kesimpulan: 1. Tema yang diangkat dalam penciptaan lukisan pada tangki sepeda motor adalah memvisualisasikan figur-figur kelompok band The Rolling Stones. 2. Lukisan yang dikerjakan dengan menggunakan alat kompresor, spray gun dan pen brush. Proses visualisasinya menggunakan teknik air brush dan dikombinasikan dengan teknik yaitu stencil pada medium kertas. 3. Lukisan yang dihasilkan berbentuk realis. Sedangkan karya lukisan yang dihasilkan 10 karya dengan berbagai ukuran, dan judul antara lain: Smile, I Llike It, Methamorphosis Keith, Tour, Pemecah Sunyi, My Music Is Rolling Stones, Life, Flag, Live , The Rolling Stones Now!

    How Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts infused one of the greatest rock 'n' roll bands with a little jazz

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    “Alexander Hamilton embodies hip hop.”: The Words That Sparked a Revolution

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    This paper focuses on Alexander Hamilton, one of the most influential founding fathers, and how he embodies a genre of music known as hip hop. There are many aspects of hip hop culture that Alexander Hamilton embodied. The examples of hip hop culture used in this article are the Tupac Shakur and Biggie Small rivalry, Nas writing his way out of the Queens housing project, the “Ten Crack Commandments”, and “Fight the Power” by Public Enemy. Examples from Alexander Hamilton’s life consist of his rivalry with Aaron Burr, writing his way out of poverty, the duel code of honor, the Federalist Papers, and the Reynolds pamphlet. Research was done through New York Times articles, Rolling Stones articles, and Alexander Hamilton, a biography by Ron Chernow that was used as the inspiration for Hamilton the Musical. Genius, a website where readers can find lyrics of songs and different references in to hip hop, was also used. This website was used to compare Biggie Small’s “Ten Crack Commandments” to Lin Manuel-Miranda’s “Ten Duel Commandments”. Rolling Stones articles were used to explain the importance of hip hop culture as it relates to political writing. The New York Times articles were used because they went into depth about comparisons of Hamilton to hip hop. The biography by Ron Chernow was used to explain Alexander Hamilton’s life, rivalries, and writings. Research was also taken from Hamilton the Musical, quoting songs that summed up Hamilton’s personality, written by Lin Manuel-Miranda

    The Semi-Autonomous Rock Music of The Stones

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    The Flying Nun record the Dunedin Double (1982) is credited with having identified Dunedin as a place where independent, garage style rock and roll was thriving in the early 1980s. Of the four acts on the double album, The Stones would have the shortest life as a band. Apart from their place on the Dunedin Double, The Stones would only release one 12” EP, Another Disc Another Dollar. This essay looks at the place of this EP in both Dunedin’s history of independent rock and its place in the wider history of rock too. The Stones were at first glance not a serious band, but by their own account, set out to do “everything the wrong way,” beginning with their name, that is a shortened but synonymous version of the Rolling Stones. However, the parody that they were making also achieves the very thing they set out to do badly, which is to make garage rock. Their mimicry of rock also produced great rock music, their nonchalance achieving that quality of authentic expression that defines the rock attitude itself

    RISD Paper December 8, 1969

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    This student-run weekly newspaper was known simply as R.I.S.D., or RISD Paper. The RISD Paper ran through the late 1960s and into the 1970s. The issue of December 8, 1969 included a recipe, photos of the Rolling Stones, Wintersession complaints, and information about the American Mime Theatre classes at RISD. Ads, and calendar events for RISD students were also in this issue.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/studentnewspapers/1045/thumbnail.jp

    Rock and Roll Grist for the John Stuart Mill

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    Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has argued that rock and roll happens from the neck down. In this contribution to The Rolling Stones and Philosophy, edited by Luke Dick and George Reisch, I draw on neuroscience to argue that, in the parlance of John Stuart Mill, rock and roll is both a higher and a lower pleasure
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