44 research outputs found

    Learning the dominance in diploid genetic algorithms for changing optimization problems

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    Using diploid representation with dominance scheme is one of the approaches developed for genetic algorithms to address dynamic optimization problems. This paper proposes an adaptive dominance mechanism for diploid genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. In this scheme, the genotype to phenotype mapping in each gene locus is controlled by a dominance probability, which is learnt adaptively during the searching progress. The proposed dominance scheme isexperimentally compared to two other schemes for diploid genetic algorithms. Experimental results validate the efficiency of the dominance learning scheme

    How Crossover Speeds Up Building-Block Assembly in Genetic Algorithms

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    We re-investigate a fundamental question: how effective is crossover in Genetic Algorithms in combining building blocks of good solutions? Although this has been discussed controversially for decades, we are still lacking a rigorous and intuitive answer. We provide such answers for royal road functions and OneMax, where every bit is a building block. For the latter we show that using crossover makes every (\mu+\lambda) Genetic Algorithm at least twice as fast as the fastest evolutionary algorithm using only standard bit mutation, up to small-order terms and for moderate \mu and \lambda. Crossover is beneficial because it effectively turns fitness-neutral mutations into improvements by combining the right building blocks at a later stage. Compared to mutation-based evolutionary algorithms, this makes multi-bit mutations more useful. Introducing crossover changes the optimal mutation rate on OneMax from 1/n to (1+\sqrt{5})/2 \cdot 1/n \approx 1.618/n. This holds both for uniform crossover and k-point crossover. Experiments and statistical tests confirm that our findings apply to a broad class of building-block functions

    Do not Choose Representation just Change: An Experimental Study in States based EA

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    Our aim in this paper is to analyse the phenotypic effects (evolvability) of diverse coding conversion operators in an instance of the states based evolutionary algorithm (SEA). Since the representation of solutions or the selection of the best encoding during the optimization process has been proved to be very important for the efficiency of evolutionary algorithms (EAs), we will discuss a strategy of coupling more than one representation and different procedures of conversion from one coding to another during the search. Elsewhere, some EAs try to use multiple representations (SM-GA, SEA, etc.) in intention to benefit from the characteristics of each of them. In spite of those results, this paper shows that the change of the representation is also a crucial approach to take into consideration while attempting to increase the performances of such EAs. As a demonstrative example, we use a two states SEA (2-SEA) which has two identical search spaces but different coding conversion operators. The results show that the way of changing from one coding to another and not only the choice of the best representation nor the representation itself is very advantageous and must be taken into account in order to well-desing and improve EAs execution

    Adaptive scaling of evolvable systems

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    Neo-Darwinian evolution is an established natural inspiration for computational optimisation with a diverse range of forms. A particular feature of models such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) [18, 12] is the incremental combination of partial solutions distributed within a population of solutions. This mechanism in principle allows certain problems to be solved which would not be amenable to a simple local search. Such problems require these partial solutions, generally known as building-blocks, to be handled without disruption. The traditional means for this is a combination of a suitable chromosome ordering with a sympathetic recombination operator. More advanced algorithms attempt to adapt to accommodate these dependencies during the search. The recent approach of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA) aims to directly infer a probabilistic model of a promising population distribution from a sample of fitter solutions [23]. This model is then sampled to generate a new solution set. A symbiotic view of evolution is behind the recent development of the Compositional Search Evolutionary Algorithms (CSEA) [49, 19, 8] which build up an incremental model of variable dependencies conditional on a series of tests. Building-blocks are retained as explicit genetic structures and conditionally joined to form higher-order structures. These have been shown to be effective on special classes of hierarchical problems but are unproven on less tightly-structured problems. We propose that there exists a simple yet powerful combination of the above approaches: the persistent, adapting dependency model of a compositional pool with the expressive and compact variable weighting of probabilistic models. We review and deconstruct some of the key methods above for the purpose of determining their individual drawbacks and their common principles. By this reasoned approach we aim to arrive at a unifying framework that can adaptively scale to span a range of problem structure classes. This is implemented in a novel algorithm called the Transitional Evolutionary Algorithm (TEA). This is empirically validated in an incremental manner, verifying the various facets of the TEA and comparing it with related algorithms for an increasingly structured series of benchmark problems. This prompts some refinements to result in a simple and general algorithm that is nevertheless competitive with state-of-the-art methods

    Feature-based search space characterisation for data-driven adaptive operator selection

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    Combinatorial optimisation problems are known as unpredictable and challenging due to their nature and complexity. One way to reduce the unpredictability of such problems is to identify features and the characteristics that can be utilised to guide the search using domain-knowledge and act accordingly. Many problem solving algorithms use multiple complementary operators in patterns to handle such unpredictable cases. A well-characterised search space may help to evaluate the problem states better and select/apply a neighbourhood operator to generate more productive new problem states that allow for a smoother path to the final/optimum solutions. This applies to the algorithms that use multiple operators to solve problems. However, the remaining challenge is determining how to select an operator in an optimal way from the set of operators while taking the search space conditions into consideration. Recent research shows the success of adaptive operator selection to address this problem. However, efficiency and scalability issues still persist in this regard. In addition, selecting the most representative features remains crucial in addressing problem complexity and inducing commonality for transferring experience across domains. This paper investigates if a problem can be represented by a number of features identified by landscape analysis, and whether an adaptive operator selection scheme can be constructed using Machine Learning (ML) techniques to address the efficiency and scalability issues. The proposed method determines the optimal categorisation by analysing the predictivity of a set of features using the most well-known supervised ML techniques. The identified set of features is then used to construct an adaptive operator selection scheme. The findings of the experiments demonstrate that supervised ML algorithms are highly effective when building adaptable operator selectors

    Analysing Equilibrium States for Population Diversity

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    Population diversity is crucial in evolutionary algorithms as it helps with global exploration and facilitates the use of crossover. Despite many runtime analyses showing advantages of population diversity, we have no clear picture of how diversity evolves over time. We study how population diversity of (μ+1)(\mu+1) algorithms, measured by the sum of pairwise Hamming distances, evolves in a fitness-neutral environment. We give an exact formula for the drift of population diversity and show that it is driven towards an equilibrium state. Moreover, we bound the expected time for getting close to the equilibrium state. We find that these dynamics, including the location of the equilibrium, are unaffected by surprisingly many algorithmic choices. All unbiased mutation operators with the same expected number of bit flips have the same effect on the expected diversity. Many crossover operators have no effect at all, including all binary unbiased, respectful operators. We review crossover operators from the literature and identify crossovers that are neutral towards the evolution of diversity and crossovers that are not.Comment: To appear at GECCO 202

    Alayzing The Effects Of Modularity On Search Spaces

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    We are continuously challenged by ever increasing problem complexity and the need to develop algorithms that can solve complex problems and solve them within a reasonable amount of time. Modularity is thought to reduce problem complexity by decomposing large problems into smaller and less complex subproblems. In practice, introducing modularity into evolutionary algorithm representations appears to improve search performance; however, how and why modularity improves performance is not well understood. In this thesis, we seek to better understand the effects of modularity on search. In particular, what are the effects of module creation on the search space structure and how do these structural changes affect performance? We define a theoretical and empirical framework to study modularity in evolutionary algorithms. Using this framework, we provide evidence of the following. First, not all types of modularity have an effect on search. We can have highly modular spaces that in essence are equivalent to simpler non-modular spaces. This is the case, because these spaces achieve higher degree of modularity without changing the fundamental structure of the search space. Second, for the cases when modularity actually has an effect on the fundamental structure of the search space, if left without guidance, it would only crowd and complicate the space structure resulting in a harder space for most search algorithms. Finally, we have the case when modularity not only has an effect in the search space structure, but most importantly, module creation can be guided by problem domain knowledge. When this knowledge can be used to estimate the value of a module in terms of its contribution toward building the solution, then modularity is extremely effective. It is in this last case that creating high value modules or low value modules has a direct and decisive impact on performance. The results presented in this thesis help to better understand, in a principled way, the effects of modularity on search. Better understanding the effects of modularity on search is a step forward in the larger issue of evolutionary search applied to increasingly complex problems

    Theory grounded design of genetic programming and parallel evolutionary algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been successfully applied to many problems and applications. Their success comes from being general purpose, which means that the same EA can be used to solve different problems. Despite that, many factors can affect the behaviour and the performance of an EA and it has been proven that there isn't a particular EA which can solve efficiently any problem. This opens to the issue of understanding how different design choices can affect the performance of an EA and how to efficiently design and tune one. This thesis has two main objectives. On the one hand we will advance the theoretical understanding of evolutionary algorithms, particularly focusing on Genetic Programming and Parallel Evolutionary algorithms. We will do that trying to understand how different design choices affect the performance of the algorithms and providing rigorously proven bounds of the running time for different designs. This novel knowledge, built upon previous work on the theoretical foundation of EAs, will then help for the second objective of the thesis, which is to provide theory grounded design for Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms and Genetic Programming. This will consist in being inspired by the analysis of the algorithms to produce provably good algorithm designs