192 research outputs found

    The role of multiplicative complexity in compiling Low T-count Oracle circuits

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    We present a constructive method to create quantum circuits that implement oracles |x〉|y〉|0〉 k →|x〉|y⊕f(x)〉|0〉 k for n-variable Boolean functions f with low T-count. In our method f is given as a 2-regular Boolean logic network over the gate basis {∧, ⊕, 1}. Our construction leads to circuits with a T-count that is at most four times the number of AND nodes in the network. In addition, we propose a SAT-based method that allows us to trade qubits for T gates, and explore the space/complexity trade-off of quantum circuits. Our constructive method suggests a new upper bound for the number of T gates and ancilla qubits based on the multiplicative complexity c∧(f) of the oracle function f, which is the minimum number of AND gates that is required to realize f over the gate basis {∧, ⊕, 1}. There exists a quantum circuit computing f with at most 4c∧(f)T gates using k=c∧(f) ancillae. Results known for the multiplicative complexity of Boolean functions can be transferred. We verify our method by comparing it to different state-of-the-art compilers. Finally, we present our synthesis results for Boolean functions used in quantum cryptoanalysis

    Determining the Multiplicative Complexity of Boolean Functions using SAT

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    We present a constructive SAT-based algorithm to determine the multiplicative complexity of a Boolean function, i.e., the smallest number of AND gates in any logic network that consists of 2-input AND gates, 2-input XOR gates, and inverters. In order to speed-up solving time, we make use of several symmetry breaking constraints; these exploit properties of XAGs that may be useful beyond the proposed SAT-based algorithm. We further propose a heuristic post-optimization algorithm to reduce the number of XOR gates once the optimum number of AND gates has been obtained, which also makes use of SAT solvers. Our algorithm is capable to find all optimum XAGs for representatives of all 5-input affine-equivalent classes, and for a set of frequently occurring 6-input functions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 tables, comments welcom

    Time-space complexity of quantum search algorithms in symmetric cryptanalysis: applying to AES and SHA-2

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    Performance of cryptanalytic quantum search algorithms is mainly inferred from query complexity which hides overhead induced by an implementation. To shed light on quantitative complexity analysis removing hidden factors, we provide a framework for estimating time-space complexity, with carefully accounting for characteristics of target cryptographic functions. Processor and circuit parallelization methods are taken into account, resulting in the time-space trade-off curves in terms of depth and qubit. The method guides howto rank different circuit designs in order of their efficiency. The framework is applied to representative cryptosystems NIST referred to as a guideline for security parameters, reassessing the security strengths of AES and SHA-2

    Exploring Quantum Computation Through the Lens of Classical Simulation

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    It is widely believed that quantum computation has the potential to offer an ex- ponential speedup over classical devices. However, there is currently no definitive proof of this separation in computational power. Such a separation would in turn imply that quantum circuits cannot be efficiently simulated classically. However, it is well known that certain classes of quantum computations nonetheless admit an efficient classical description. Recent work has also argued that efficient classical simulation of quantum circuits would imply the collapse of the Polynomial Hierarchy, something which is commonly invoked in clas- sical complexity theory as a no-go theorem. This suggests a route for studying this ‘quantum advantage’ through classical simulations. This project looks at the problem of classically simulating quantum circuits through decompositions into stabilizer circuits. These are a restricted class of quantum computation which can be efficiently simulated classically. In this picture, the rank of the decomposition determines the temporal and spatial complexity of the simulation. We approach the problem by considering classical simulations of stabilizer circuits, introducing two new representations with novel features compared to previous meth- ods. We then examine techniques for building these so-called ‘stabilizer rank’ decom- positions, both exact and approximate. Finally, we combine these two ingredients to introduce an improved method for classically simulating broad classes of circuits using the stabilizer rank method

    Improved quantum circuits for elliptic curve discrete logarithms

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    We present improved quantum circuits for elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the most costly component in Shor's algorithm to compute discrete logarithms in elliptic curve groups. We optimize low-level components such as reversible integer and modular arithmetic through windowing techniques and more adaptive placement of uncomputing steps, and improve over previous quantum circuits for modular inversion by reformulating the binary Euclidean algorithm. Overall, we obtain an affine Weierstrass point addition circuit that has lower depth and uses fewer TT gates than previous circuits. While previous work mostly focuses on minimizing the total number of qubits, we present various trade-offs between different cost metrics including the number of qubits, circuit depth and TT-gate count. Finally, we provide a full implementation of point addition in the Q# quantum programming language that allows unit tests and automatic quantum resource estimation for all components.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in: Int'l Conf. on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2020

    The multiplicative complexity of interval checking

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    We determine the exact AND-gate cost of checking if a≤x<ba\leq x < b, where aa and bb are constant integers. Perhaps surprisingly, we find that the cost of interval checking never exceeds that of a single comparison and, in some cases, it is even lower
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