91 research outputs found


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    This literature review study aimed at examining papers covering the IS Success research domain employing Facet Theory and its mapping tools. Facet Theory uses mapping sentences composed of facets that together represent all the plausible values of a universe or construct content. Forty three papers chosen by eight researchers were analyzed for similarity based on constructs included in their research models. In addition, constructs were coded for their relevance to the IS implementation timeline: before, during, after, and at maturity. In addition each paper was assigned a code calculated as the average position of its model constructs in the IS timeline. A simple exemplary mapping sentence was employed, based on the papers timeline index, and it was hypothesized that the IS timeline facet will demonstrate the axial topology. The results supported the hypothesis, showing that when ordered by their position in the IS timeline, papers are mapped employing an axial topology. It also showed that more papers focus on earlier stages of IS implementation rather than on the more mature stages. Furthermore, the SSA map obtained by the construct similarity index Sab allowed identification of primary IS Success research areas and lacunas. Being a Research in Progress, more work is under way, yet this work in progress has already demonstrated that Facet Theory can serve as an adequate yet not commonly use literature review and literature meta-analysis tool

    Understanding Information System Innovation: Moving beyond adoption and diffusion

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    The ongoing introduction of new information technology and the wide range of opportunities it provides to individuals and organizations makes information system innovation a prominent theme for practitioners and researchers. However, within IS research the focus has been predominantly on the adoption and diffusion of information technology, as opposed to the discovery and development of new ideas for how information systems can enable or drive business innovation. To address this gap, this paper conducted a literature review into business innovation (and related notions of organizational and administrative innovation) as it has been studied within the IS discipline. The contribution of this paper is that it presents ten important factors which influence organizations to be innovative with their business with information systems, which we propose are particular relevant for the conceptualization and generation of IS innovation. This review can provide guidance for decision makers of organizations that use information technology

    A Meta-Analytic Review and Extension of the Organizational IT Assimilation Literature

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    This study uses meta-analytic techniques to review and extend key insights regarding the existing research on organizational IT assimilation. Our analysis of 53 studies shows that organizational support, propagating institutions, extent of coordination, and IT infrastructure sophistication are strongly related to IT assimilation. We also adopt Swanson’s (1994) IT innovation typology to investigate whether the strength of relationships between key factors and IT assimilation depends on innovation type. Our results show that the relationship between three antecedents – environmental pressure, organizational support, and related knowledge – and IT assimilation is moderated by the type of IT innovation under investigation. Building on the findings from our analysis, we discuss implications for research and practice

    Investigating the determinants of Big Data Analytics (BDA) adoption in Asian emerging economies

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    Big Data Analytics (BDA), being an emerging technology, is used in many echelons of business and management. Extant research lack focus on the factors that impact the organizational adoption of this technology. Organizations need to assimilate it in a full-scale and deep level to fully realize its benefits and therefore worthy of study._x000D_ Present paper, drawing upon Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, proposes and investigates the determinants that influence BDA adoption in context of the firms from two big emerging economies of Asia –China and India. Data collected from 106 organizations is tested and the results and implications contribute to understanding of the determinants affecting BDA adoption._x000D

    Evaluation of the performance of e-commerce using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP): business perspectives on e-commerce / Sid Sirisukha

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    The purpose of this study is to employ the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate electronic commerce (e- commerce) types. An important contribution of this study is the identification of business perspectives on e-commerce types. This study articulates distinctive characteristics of the types of e- commerce and management processes that extend the range of applicability across diverse business segments. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) helps the decision maker such as business executives to prioritize alternatives in B2B, B2C, and C2B as e- commerce types, so that the best one can be selected. As business innovation has relied increasingly on partnerships between business and supplier, there is a different perspective of how business executives view their business process and competitive advantage. Based on the findings from this study, one important way for business people to be heard is to devote their time to create competitive advantage and develop shared domain knowledge which appear as the most influential construct in the AHP model. Business executives need to understand the leverage points of the industry, the history and current issues of the e-commerce, and to learn to apply business- oriented objectives in the application of technology to gain competitive advantage. This change in view would help focus their attention on e-commerce technology and ideas that will produce the most benefit and create competitive advantage, rather than those that offer the most technical promise

    Software Development Process Change Management: Implementation of ASDM

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    Agile software development methodologies have been receiving a lot of attention in recent times. Although doubts have been cast on the efficacy of these methods for very large projects, some of the techniques and practices they advocate are very appealing and are being seriously considered by many organizations. It is our contention that many of these practices are antithetical to the orthodoxy of prevailing software approaches. In particular, nontrivial reconfigurations of organizational form, management practices, and workflows have to be undergone to successfully integrate agile principles into existing software development practices. This paper draws on the organizational change management literature to argue that the nature of change involved is resonant of the efforts to introduce Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in organizations. The magnitude of the change as well as the implications of migrating to agile methodologies is also presented

    Investigating the Technology Diffusion Problems in a Multi Culture Environment: A Case of Telecom Sector

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    Technology diffusion is an important aspect that is considered as economically important, while offering particularly large benefits to the organizations (Erik.

    Stages in Adoption of RFID Innovations by Organizations: Identifying Facilitaors and Inhibitors

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) innovations have gained considerable attention in the last several years and attracted the attention of organizations across different industries. RFID technologies have found applications in diverse areas such as package tracking, inventory management, baggage handling, school attendance, and logistics. Prior literature on RFID innovations offers insights into the major benefits and challenges of RFID; the technological, organizational, and environmental factors that influence organizational adoption of RFID; and the experiences of specific companies. However, there is a lack of understanding of the processes by which organizations actually adopt and implement RFID technologies over time. We develop a stage model of RFID adoption, empirically examine it using multiple case studies, and identify the facilitators and inhibitors of RFID adoption over time
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