7 research outputs found

    Quantum Artificial Intelligence Supported Autonomous Truck Platooning

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    Truck platooning can potentially increase the operational efficiency of freight movement on U.S. corridors, improving commercial productivity and economic vibrancy. Predicting each leader vehicle trajectory in the autonomous truck platoon using Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance platoon efficiency and safety. Reliance on classical AI may not be efficient for this purpose as it will increase the computational burden for each truck in the platoon. However, Quantum Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in this scenario to enhance learning efficiency, learning capacity, and run-time improvements. This study developed and evaluated a Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) model and a hybrid quantum-classical LSTM (QLSTM) for predicting the trajectory of each leader vehicle of an autonomous truck platoon. Both the LSTM and QLSTM provided comparable results. However, Quantum-AI is more efficient in real-time management for an automated truck platoon as it requires less computational burden. The QLSTM training required less data compared to LSTM. Moreover, QLSTM also used fewer parameters compared to classical LSTM. This study also evaluated an autonomous truck platoon\u27s operational efficacy and string stability with the prediction of trajectory from both classical LSTM and QLSTM using the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM). The platoon operating with LSTM and QLSTM trajectory prediction showed comparable operational efficiency. Moreover, the platoon operating with QLSTM trajectory prediction provided better string stability compared to LSTM

    Quo Vadis, Artificial Intelligence?

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    Since its conception in the mid 1950s, artificial intelligence with its great ambition to understand and emulate intelligence in natural and artificial environments alike is now a truly multidisciplinary field that reaches out and is inspired by a great diversity of other fields. Rapid advances in research and technology in various fields have created environments into which artificial intelligence could embed itself naturally and comfortably. Neuroscience with its desire to understand nervous systems of biological organisms and systems biology with its longing to comprehend, holistically, the multitude of complex interactions in biological systems are two such fields. They target ideals artificial intelligence has dreamt about for a long time including the computer simulation of an entire biological brain or the creation of new life forms from manipulations of cellular and genetic information in the laboratory. The scope for artificial intelligence in neuroscience and systems biology is extremely wide. This article investigates the standing of artificial intelligence in relation to neuroscience and systems biology and provides an outlook at new and exciting challenges for artificial intelligence in these fields. These challenges include, but are not necessarily limited to, the ability to learn from other projects and to be inventive, to understand the potential and exploit novel computing paradigms and environments, to specify and adhere to stringent standards and robust statistical frameworks, to be integrative, and to embrace openness principles

    Quo Vadis, Artificial Intelligence?

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