724 research outputs found


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    Fierce competition in a market increasingly crowded and frequent changes in consumer requirements are the main forces that will cause companies to change their current organization and management. One solution is to move to open architectures and virtual type, which requires addressing business methods and technologies using distributed multi-agent systems. Intelligent agents are one of the most important areas of artificial intelligence that deals with the development of hardware and software systems able to reason, learn to recognize natural language, speak, make decisions, to recognize objects in the working environment etc. Thus in this paper, we presented some aspects of smart business, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, intelligent systems models, and I especially emphasized their role in managing business processes, which have become highly complex systems that are in a permanent change to meet the requirements of timely decision making. The purpose of this paper is to prove that there is no business without using the integration Business Process Management, Web Services and intelligent agents.business intelligence, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, management, enterprise, web services

    BCAS: A Web-enabled and GIS-based Decision Support System for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer

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    For decades, geographical variations in cancer rates have been observed but the precise determinants of such geographic differences in breast cancer development are unclear. Various statistical models have been proposed. Applications of these models, however, require that the data be assembled from a variety of sources, converted into the statistical models’ parameters and delivered effectively to researchers and policy makers. A web-enabled and GIS-based system can be developed to provide the needed functionality. This article overviews the conceptual web-enabled and GIS-based system (BCAS), illustrates the system’s use in diagnosing and treating breast cancer and examines the potential benefits and implications for breast cancer research and practice

    To Calibrate & Validate an Agent-Based Simulation Model - An Application of the Combination Framework of BI solution & Multi-agent platform

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    National audienceIntegrated environmental modeling approaches, especially the agent-based modeling one, are increasingly used in large-scale decision support systems. A major consequence of this trend is the manipulation and generation of huge amount of data in simulations, which must be efficiently managed. Furthermore, calibration and validation are also challenges for Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS) approaches when the model has to work with integrated systems involving high volumes of input/output data. In this paper, we propose a calibration and validation approach for an agent-based model, using a Combination Framework of Business intelligence solution and Multi-agent platform (CFBM). The CFBM is a logical framework dedicated to the management of the input and output data in simulations, as well as the corresponding empirical datasets in an integrated way. The calibration and validation of Brown Plant Hopper Prediction model are presented and used throughout the paper as a case study to illustrate the way CFBM manages the data used and generated during the life-cycle of simulation and validation

    Data Mining and Decision Support: An Integrative Approach

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    Linkage Knowledge Management and Data Mining in E-business: Case study

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    Limits or Integration? – Manufacturing Execution Systems and Operational Business Intelligence

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    Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Operational Business Intelligence (OpBI) analyze and control operationalactivities in different organizational application fields. This raises the question how far these concepts are interrelated incontext of company-wide process coordination and analysis. The goal of this paper is the evaluation and conceptualclassification of MES and OpBI to base subsequent research actions. A literature review is conducted to recognize if arelationship of the concepts is taken into account in academics and to look for research gaps. Therefore, a representativenumber of articles have been extracted from selected scientific databases. The review results in four publications illuminatingonly single correlation aspects. This leads to the conclusion that further research in context of MES and OpBI is needed

    To Develop a Database Management Tool for Multi-Agent Simulation Platform

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    Depuis peu, la ModĂ©lisation et Simulation par Agents (ABMs) est passĂ©e d'une approche dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles Ă  une approche dirigĂ©e par les donnĂ©es (Data Driven Approach, DDA). Cette tendance vers l’utilisation des donnĂ©es dans la simulation vise Ă  appliquer les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par les systĂšmes d’observation Ă  la simulation (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). Dans la DDA, les donnĂ©es empiriques collectĂ©es sur les systĂšmes cibles sont utilisĂ©es non seulement pour la simulation des modĂšles mais aussi pour l’initialisation, la calibration et l’évaluation des rĂ©sultats issus des modĂšles de simulation, par exemple, le systĂšme d’estimation et de gestion des ressources hydrauliques du bassin Adour-Garonne Français (Gaudou et al., 2013) et l’invasion des riziĂšres du delta du MĂ©kong au Vietnam par les cicadelles brunes (Nguyen et al., 2012d). Cette Ă©volution pose la question du « comment gĂ©rer les donnĂ©es empiriques et celles simulĂ©es dans de tels systĂšmes ». Le constat que l’on peut faire est que, si la conception et la simulation actuelles des modĂšles ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© des avancĂ©es informatiques Ă  travers l’utilisation des plateformes populaires telles que Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) ou GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), ce n'est pas encore le cas de la gestion des donnĂ©es, qui sont encore trĂšs souvent gĂ©rĂ©es de maniĂšre ad-hoc. Cette gestion des donnĂ©es dans des ModĂšles BasĂ©s Agents (ABM) est une des limitations actuelles des plateformes de simulation multiagents (SMA). Autrement dit, un tel outil de gestion des donnĂ©es est actuellement requis dans la construction des systĂšmes de simulation par agents et la gestion des bases de donnĂ©es correspondantes est aussi un problĂšme important de ces systĂšmes. Dans cette thĂšse, je propose tout d’abord une structure logique pour la gestion des donnĂ©es dans des plateformes de SMA. La structure proposĂ©e qui intĂšgre des solutions de l’Informatique DĂ©cisionnelle et des plateformes multi-agents s’appelle CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), elle a plusieurs objectifs : (1) modĂ©liser et exĂ©cuter des SMAs, (2) gĂ©rer les donnĂ©es en entrĂ©e et en sortie des simulations, (3) intĂ©grer les donnĂ©es de diffĂ©rentes sources, et (4) analyser les donnĂ©es Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Ensuite, le besoin de la gestion des donnĂ©es dans les simulations agents est satisfait par une implĂ©mentation de CFBM dans la plateforme GAMA. Cette implĂ©mentation prĂ©sente aussi une architecture logicielle pour combiner entrepĂŽts deIv donnĂ©es et technologies du traitement analytique en ligne (OLAP) dans les systĂšmes SMAs. Enfin, CFBM est Ă©valuĂ©e pour la gestion de donnĂ©es dans la plateforme GAMA Ă  travers le dĂ©veloppement de modĂšles de surveillance des cicadelles brunes (BSMs), oĂč CFBM est utilisĂ© non seulement pour gĂ©rer et intĂ©grer les donnĂ©es empiriques collectĂ©es depuis le systĂšme cible et les rĂ©sultats de simulation du modĂšle simulĂ©, mais aussi calibrer et valider ce modĂšle. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de CFBM rĂ©side non seulement dans l'amĂ©lioration des faiblesses des plateformes de simulation et de modĂ©lisation par agents concernant la gestion des donnĂ©es mais permet Ă©galement de dĂ©velopper des systĂšmes de simulation complexes portant sur de nombreuses donnĂ©es en entrĂ©e et en sortie en utilisant l’approche dirigĂ©e par les donnĂ©es.Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach inAgent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, calibration and evaluation of the output of the simulation platform such as e.g., the water resource management and assessment system of the French Adour-Garonne Basin (Gaudou et al., 2013) and the invasion of Brown Plant Hopper on the rice fields of Mekong River Delta region in Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2012d). That raises the question how to manage empirical data and simulation data in such agentbased simulation platform. The basic observation we can make is that currently, if the design and simulation of models have benefited from advances in computer science through the popularized use of simulation platforms like Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) or GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), this is not yet the case for the management of data, which are still often managed in an ad hoc manner. Data management in ABM is one of limitations of agent-based simulation platforms. Put it other words, such a database management is also an important issue in agent-based simulation systems. In this thesis, I first propose a logical framework for data management in multi-agent based simulation platforms. The proposed framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), and it serves several purposes: (1) model and execute multi-agent simulations, (2) manage input and output data of simulations, (3) integrate data from different sources; and (4) analyze high volume of data. Secondly, I fulfill the need for data management in ABM by the implementation of CFBM in the GAMA platform. This implementation of CFBM in GAMA also demonstrates a software architecture to combine Data Warehouse (DWH) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies into a multi-agent based simulation system. Finally, I evaluate the CFBM for data management in the GAMA platform via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used ii not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to calibrate and validate the models.The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    To Develop a Database Management Tool for Multi-Agent Simulation Platform

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    Depuis peu, la ModĂ©lisation et Simulation par Agents (ABMs) est passĂ©e d'une approche dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles Ă  une approche dirigĂ©e par les donnĂ©es (Data Driven Approach, DDA). Cette tendance vers l’utilisation des donnĂ©es dans la simulation vise Ă  appliquer les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par les systĂšmes d’observation Ă  la simulation (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). Dans la DDA, les donnĂ©es empiriques collectĂ©es sur les systĂšmes cibles sont utilisĂ©es non seulement pour la simulation des modĂšles mais aussi pour l’initialisation, la calibration et l’évaluation des rĂ©sultats issus des modĂšles de simulation, par exemple, le systĂšme d’estimation et de gestion des ressources hydrauliques du bassin Adour-Garonne Français (Gaudou et al., 2013) et l’invasion des riziĂšres du delta du MĂ©kong au Vietnam par les cicadelles brunes (Nguyen et al., 2012d). Cette Ă©volution pose la question du « comment gĂ©rer les donnĂ©es empiriques et celles simulĂ©es dans de tels systĂšmes ». Le constat que l’on peut faire est que, si la conception et la simulation actuelles des modĂšles ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© des avancĂ©es informatiques Ă  travers l’utilisation des plateformes populaires telles que Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) ou GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), ce n'est pas encore le cas de la gestion des donnĂ©es, qui sont encore trĂšs souvent gĂ©rĂ©es de maniĂšre ad-hoc. Cette gestion des donnĂ©es dans des ModĂšles BasĂ©s Agents (ABM) est une des limitations actuelles des plateformes de simulation multiagents (SMA). Autrement dit, un tel outil de gestion des donnĂ©es est actuellement requis dans la construction des systĂšmes de simulation par agents et la gestion des bases de donnĂ©es correspondantes est aussi un problĂšme important de ces systĂšmes. Dans cette thĂšse, je propose tout d’abord une structure logique pour la gestion des donnĂ©es dans des plateformes de SMA. La structure proposĂ©e qui intĂšgre des solutions de l’Informatique DĂ©cisionnelle et des plateformes multi-agents s’appelle CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), elle a plusieurs objectifs : (1) modĂ©liser et exĂ©cuter des SMAs, (2) gĂ©rer les donnĂ©es en entrĂ©e et en sortie des simulations, (3) intĂ©grer les donnĂ©es de diffĂ©rentes sources, et (4) analyser les donnĂ©es Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Ensuite, le besoin de la gestion des donnĂ©es dans les simulations agents est satisfait par une implĂ©mentation de CFBM dans la plateforme GAMA. Cette implĂ©mentation prĂ©sente aussi une architecture logicielle pour combiner entrepĂŽts deIv donnĂ©es et technologies du traitement analytique en ligne (OLAP) dans les systĂšmes SMAs. Enfin, CFBM est Ă©valuĂ©e pour la gestion de donnĂ©es dans la plateforme GAMA Ă  travers le dĂ©veloppement de modĂšles de surveillance des cicadelles brunes (BSMs), oĂč CFBM est utilisĂ© non seulement pour gĂ©rer et intĂ©grer les donnĂ©es empiriques collectĂ©es depuis le systĂšme cible et les rĂ©sultats de simulation du modĂšle simulĂ©, mais aussi calibrer et valider ce modĂšle. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de CFBM rĂ©side non seulement dans l'amĂ©lioration des faiblesses des plateformes de simulation et de modĂ©lisation par agents concernant la gestion des donnĂ©es mais permet Ă©galement de dĂ©velopper des systĂšmes de simulation complexes portant sur de nombreuses donnĂ©es en entrĂ©e et en sortie en utilisant l’approche dirigĂ©e par les donnĂ©es.Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach inAgent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, calibration and evaluation of the output of the simulation platform such as e.g., the water resource management and assessment system of the French Adour-Garonne Basin (Gaudou et al., 2013) and the invasion of Brown Plant Hopper on the rice fields of Mekong River Delta region in Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2012d). That raises the question how to manage empirical data and simulation data in such agentbased simulation platform. The basic observation we can make is that currently, if the design and simulation of models have benefited from advances in computer science through the popularized use of simulation platforms like Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) or GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), this is not yet the case for the management of data, which are still often managed in an ad hoc manner. Data management in ABM is one of limitations of agent-based simulation platforms. Put it other words, such a database management is also an important issue in agent-based simulation systems. In this thesis, I first propose a logical framework for data management in multi-agent based simulation platforms. The proposed framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), and it serves several purposes: (1) model and execute multi-agent simulations, (2) manage input and output data of simulations, (3) integrate data from different sources; and (4) analyze high volume of data. Secondly, I fulfill the need for data management in ABM by the implementation of CFBM in the GAMA platform. This implementation of CFBM in GAMA also demonstrates a software architecture to combine Data Warehouse (DWH) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies into a multi-agent based simulation system. Finally, I evaluate the CFBM for data management in the GAMA platform via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used ii not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to calibrate and validate the models.The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    Analysis and modeling a distributed co-operative multi agent system for scaling-up business intelligence

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    Modeling A Distributed Co-Operative Multi Agent System in the area of Business Intelligence is the newer topic. During the work carried out a software Integrated Intelligent Advisory Model (IIAM) has been develop, which is a personal finance portfolio ma
