6,993 research outputs found

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    From Immersive to Metaverse: The Gap of Learning and Technology in Agriculture Education Application

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    Immersive technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, social media, virtual avatars, and online games have supported education. Agriculture, as one of the essentials process for human well-being, demands interaction-rich and content-rich educational technology to increase student understanding of the complex agriculture environment. The current trend of education technology is starting to shift to the metaverse. However, there is a gap between the current implementation of immersive technologies and the mature metaverse. Moreover, previous research indicates the lack of emphasis on learning theory, learning content, and design elements for immersive application in education. This research aims to identify those gaps, especially in agriculture education. We systematically analyze previous publications which developed an immersive application for agriculture education in higher education. We conclude that (1) most of the learning content and design element of metaverse technology is underutilized; (2) there are many implementation gaps between the current implementation with a mature metaverse; and (3) A mature metaverse education is complex and expensive, so careful long-term planning and identifying use cases is recommended. These gaps are essential for subsequent research on developing metaverse for education, especially in agriculture. We hope the results of this research will provide educators with a baseline knowledge of metaverse technologies to make better decisions on utilizing metaverse in educational institutions.Teknologi imersif seperti augmented reality, virtual reality, media sosial, avatar virtual, dan game online telah mendukung pendidikan. Pertanian, sebagai salah satu proses penting untuk kesejahteraan manusia, menuntut teknologi pendidikan yang kaya interaksi dan konten untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang lingkungan pertanian yang kompleks. Tren teknologi pendidikan saat ini mulai bergeser ke metaverse. Namun, ada kesenjangan antara penerapan teknologi imersif saat ini dan metaverse yang matang. Selain itu, penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan kurangnya penekanan pada teori pembelajaran, konten pembelajaran, dan elemen desain untuk aplikasi imersif dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan tersebut, khususnya dalam pendidikan pertanian. Kami secara sistematis menganalisis publikasi sebelumnya yang mengembangkan aplikasi mendalam untuk pendidikan pertanian di pendidikan tinggi. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa (1) sebagian besar konten pembelajaran dan elemen desain teknologi metaverse kurang dimanfaatkan; (2) ada banyak kesenjangan implementasi antara implementasi saat ini dengan metaverse yang matang; dan (3) Pendidikan metaverse yang matang adalah kompleks dan mahal, sehingga perencanaan jangka panjang yang cermat dan mengidentifikasi kasus penggunaan dianjurkan. Kesenjangan ini penting untuk penelitian selanjutnya tentang pengembangan metaverse untuk pendidikan, terutama di bidang pertanian. Kami berharap hasil penelitian ini akan memberi pendidik pengetahuan dasar tentang teknologi metaverse untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dalam memanfaatkan metaverse di lembaga pendidikan

    Developing virtual watersheds for evaluating the dynamics of land use change

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    National Conference on COMPUTING 4.0 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION OF TECHNOLOGY (Era of Computing 4.0 and its impact on technology and intelligent systems)

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    As we enter the era of Computing 4.0, the landscape of technology and intelligent systems is rapidly evolving, with groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and beyond. The theme of this conference revolves around exploring and shaping the future of these intelligent systems that will revolutionize industries and transform the way we live, work, and interact with technology. Conference Topics Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Edge Computing and Fog Computing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Computing 4.0 Internet of Things (IOT) and Smart Cities Block chain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Cybersecurity and Privacy in the Computing 4.0 Era High-Performance Computing and Parallel Processing Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Applications Cognitive Computing and Natural Language Processing Neuromorphic Computing and Brain-Inspired Architectures Autonomous Systems and Robotics Big Data Analytics and Data Science in Computing 4.0https://www.interscience.in/conf_proc_volumes/1088/thumbnail.jp

    Ruang Kurban App: As a virtual reality (VR) Qurban of Simulation Application in Children's Learning Media

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    The development of a technological progress that is so very fast from ancient times until now, cannot be simply rejected, ranging from agriculture, social, culture to education which really helps all human activities become more efficient, one of the developments of this technological progress in the field of education is making innovations in the field of education, interactions become more diverse, such as where one of them is Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the form of applications on smartphones. The purpose of this research is to help the progress of education with the application of a sacrifice simulation that will be made as a learning medium for children. The research method that we use in our journal is a qualitative method, the results of this study make the application of qurban simulation to increase children's interest in learning in religious matters, namely understanding qurbani in a more different way. The main concept in this application is to present virtual reality regarding the simulation of sacrifices as a medium for children's learning. In the conclusion of this study, therefore with this application, virtual reality sacrifice applications can be made as children's learning media and help teachers in each school to teach and with this application children can feel directly in the form of virtual realit
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