3,097 research outputs found

    Organizational Change Management: A Case Study Of Academic Information System Implementation In Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Perubahan organisasi (Organizational Change) adalah munculnya perubahan berdasarkan persepsi penggunanya (Cao dkk, 2000). Menggunakan sebuah studi kasus pada pengembangan sistem informasi akademik di Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia, artikel ini bermaksud untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah perubahan organisasi dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik menggunakan 8 (delapan) faktor sukses yang dikemukakan oleh Kotter (1996) sebagai dasar analisa. Tanpa bermaksud untuk mengabaikan pentingnya faktor sukses tertentu, studi kasus pada artikel ini menemukan empat faktor sukses memiliki level kepentingan yang lebih dibandingkan faktor sukses lainnya. Studi lebih lanjut dibutuhkan untuk mengkonfirmasi temuan ini dan apabila memungkinkan, mengklasifikasi bobot kepentingan tiap sukses faktor sukses dalam mengimplementasikan perubahan dalam sebuah organisas

    Darwinism, probability and complexity : market-based organizational transformation and change explained through the theories of evolution

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    The study of transformation and change is one of the most important areas of social science research. This paper synthesizes and critically reviews the emerging traditions in the study of change dynamics. Three mainstream theories of evolution are introduced to explain change: the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest, the Probability model and the Complexity approach. The literature review provides a basis for development of research questions that search for a more comprehensive understanding of organizational change. The paper concludes by arguing for the development of a complementary research tradition, which combines an evolutionary and organizational analysis of transformation and change

    Emergence of Firms: A Sociogeographic Demand Side Perspective

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    This paper presents an analysis of regional start-up rates in the knowledge intensive services and high-tech industries. To supplement prevailing frameworks focusing mainly on supply-side economic factors, we integrate insights from economic geography and population ecology to the entrepreneurship literature as to present a theoretical framework that captures both supply-and demand-side factors, with a specific emphasis on the demand side. Using a rich multi-level data material on all knowledge intensive start-ups across the 286 Swedish municipalities between 1994 and 2002, the empirical analysis focuses on how characteristics of the economic milieu of regions influence firm births. We find that economically affluent regions dominate entrepreneurial activity in terms of firm births, yet a number of much smaller rural region revealed high levels of start ups. Both economic and sociological variables such as knowledge spillovers from universities and firm R&D, and the political regulatory regime within the municipality, exhibit strong influences on firm births. These patterns points to strong support for the notion that ‘the geographic connection’ is important for analyzing entrepreneurial processes.Firm birth; Geography; Entrepreneurship

    Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-based Approach

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    This paper proposes a distance-based characterization of age-related structural inertia as an increasing constraint on the speed of change as organizations age. Our framework regards organizations as points in multidimensional metric spaces of architectures. Organizational change means movement in this space. The speed of change is the ratio of the distance between positions in a space and the time it took for the organization to make the move. We illustrate how our distance-based approach can be used to formulate theories of age-related organizational inertia by using this representation to develop a model for a possible mechanism: age-related cultural resistance to change based on the dynamics of exposure of organizational members to architectural features. Our proposed mechanism is distinct from prevailing explanations and leads to new predictions. We also illustrate the value of our distance-based approach in a reanalysis of Sþrensen and Stuart’s study of age variations in firms’ patenting behavior [Sþrensen JB, Stuart TE (2000) Aging, obsolescence, and organizational innovation. Admin. Sci. Quart. 45(1):81–112]. On the basis of patent citations, we construct a space that allows us to characterize the positions of organizations and the speed at which they change. We find that organizational age has a negative effect on the speed of change

    A Meta-Analytic Review of Competitive Aggressiveness Research

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    Competitive aggressiveness has been at the center of competitive dynamics literature for decades, however there is no consensus as to its primary drivers and performance consequences. Thus, we present the results of a meta-analysis of the antecedents to and consequences of competitive aggressiveness using three aggressiveness components—competitive volume, complexity, and heterogeneity. Leveraging the awareness, motivation, capability framework as a guide of the drivers of competitive aggressiveness, we find that greater organizational size and age, lower slack resources and prior performance, greater market growth, lower market concentration, and more heterogeneous top management teams lead to more aggressive actions. In addition, we found that among the different components of aggressiveness competitive volume improved operating performance

    From Big Data Analytics to Dynamic Capabilities: The Effect of Organizational Inertia

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    While big data analytics have been credited with being a revolution that will transform the way firms do business, there is still limited knowledge on how they should adopt and diffuse these technologies to support their strategies. The purpose of this paper is to understand how different inertial forces related to deployments of big data analytics inhibit the formation of dynamic capabilities and subsequently performance. We draw on a multiple case study approach of 27 firms to examine the different forms of inertia that characterize big data analytics implementation. This study provides empirical evidence that contributes to the scarce research on deployment of big data analytics to enable dynamic capabilities. Disaggregating dynamic capabilities into the sensing, seizing, and transforming, we find that different forms of inertia including economic, political, socio-cognitive, negative psychology, and socio-technical affect the formation of each type of underlying capability

    A stage model for uncovering inertia in big data analytics adoption

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    Big data and analytics have been credited with being a revolution that will radically transform the way firms do business. Nevertheless, the process of adopting and diffusing big data analytics, as well as actions taken in response to generated insight, require organizational transformation. Yet, as with any form of organizational transformation, there are multiple inhibiting factors that threaten successful change. The purpose of this study is to examine the inertial forces that can hamper the value of big data analytics throughout this process. We draw on a multiple case study approach of 27 firms to examine this question. Building on a stage model of adoption, our findings suggest that inertia is present in different forms, including economic, political, socio-cognitive, negative psychology, and socio- technical. The ways in which firms attempt to mitigate these forces of inertia is elaborated on, and best practices are presented. We conclude the paper by discussing the implications that these findings have for both research and practice

    Hypercompetition in the ERP Industry: It takes all the running to stay in place

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    Applying the Red Queen Theory (RQT), the study posits that an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software vendor counters the Red Queen Effect (RQE) in the hypercompetitive ERP industry by strategically aligning itself with multiple partners to form an ecosystem that can be leveraged for growth, provide multiple opportunities for innovation, and produce and deliver a product to its customers. By carrying out a cross-case analysis of ERPCorp, its partners and rivals based on multiple qualitative interviews, the paper shows that ERPCorp was able to survive the entry process as well as adapt and avoid the competency trap by using a partner network to sell, implement and develop complementary offerings. The key finding is that in order to survive the “race”, ERPCorp has to adopt new strategies to match or exceed the actions of its rivals which creates various tensions with partners, thus requiring the ability to manage an inter-organizational network effectively

    The Relationship between Product Innovation and Online Sales: A Red Queen Competition Perspective

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    Competitions among online sellers on an e-commerce platforms has entered the era of “Red sea”. The highly transparent feature reduces the costs of learning and imitation, which breeds vicious competition on markets and increases product similarity. Hence, online sellers have to promote product iteration and innovation to meet the changes of market demands. However, how to measure the product innovative of online sellers, as well as the relationship between the posture of product innovation and online sales in changing competitive environment have barely been empirically revealed. This study intends to theoretical analyze the relationship between the posture of two different types of product innovation and online sales grounded on the red queen competition theory. The expected results are: First, compared with the average level of the industry, the better the posture of updated product innovation is, the higher the online sales are. Second, compared with the average level of the industry, the relationship between the posture of new product innovation and online sales is inversely U-shaped. This study not only expands the research scope on organizational competition mechanism based on the red queen competition theory, but also provides essential ideas for online sellers to develop product innovation strategies in competitive environments
