580 research outputs found

    Programming languages in economics: a comparison among Fortran77, C++, and Java

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    The main objective of this paper was to compare the computer programming languages Fortran77, C++, and Java under four aspects: runtime efficiency, readability, ease of learning, and reliability. For this comparison, we revised the specialized literature on programming languages and used pieces of codes of these three programming languages. The purpose of this comparison was to provide some objective information for economists interested in learning one or more of these languages.Programming language, Runtime efficiency, Readability, Reliability, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Complex adaptive systems based data integration : theory and applications

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    Data Definition Languages (DDLs) have been created and used to represent data in programming languages and in database dictionaries. This representation includes descriptions in the form of data fields and relations in the form of a hierarchy, with the common exception of relational databases where relations are flat. Network computing created an environment that enables relatively easy and inexpensive exchange of data. What followed was the creation of new DDLs claiming better support for automatic data integration. It is uncertain from the literature if any real progress has been made toward achieving an ideal state or limit condition of automatic data integration. This research asserts that difficulties in accomplishing integration are indicative of socio-cultural systems in general and are caused by some measurable attributes common in DDLs. This research’s main contributions are: (1) a theory of data integration requirements to fully support automatic data integration from autonomous heterogeneous data sources; (2) the identification of measurable related abstract attributes (Variety, Tension, and Entropy); (3) the development of tools to measure them. The research uses a multi-theoretic lens to define and articulate these attributes and their measurements. The proposed theory is founded on the Law of Requisite Variety, Information Theory, Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory, Sowa’s Meaning Preservation framework and Zipf distributions of words and meanings. Using the theory, the attributes, and their measures, this research proposes a framework for objectively evaluating the suitability of any data definition language with respect to degrees of automatic data integration. This research uses thirteen data structures constructed with various DDLs from the 1960\u27s to date. No DDL examined (and therefore no DDL similar to those examined) is designed to satisfy the law of requisite variety. No DDL examined is designed to support CAS evolutionary processes that could result in fully automated integration of heterogeneous data sources. There is no significant difference in measures of Variety, Tension, and Entropy among DDLs investigated in this research. A direction to overcome the common limitations discovered in this research is suggested and tested by proposing GlossoMote, a theoretical mathematically sound description language that satisfies the data integration theory requirements. The DDL, named GlossoMote, is not merely a new syntax, it is a drastic departure from existing DDL constructs. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated with a small scale experiment and evaluated using the proposed assessment framework and other means. The promising results require additional research to evaluate GlossoMote’s approach commercial use potential

    Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, 04/12/1988, p 322-381

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    Towards a Supportive Technological Environment for Digital Art

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    This paper presents the case for extending programming languages to support digital artists engaged in technologically-innovative work. The anticipated result is an "environment for building environments", which will need to satisfy certain technological requirements according to the areas in which digital artists most need creative support. A review of these areas is undertaken, and a proposal is made to capture the specific areas in which digital artists most need technological support

    1957-2007: 50 Years of Higher Order Programming Languages

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    Fifty years ago one of the greatest breakthroughs in computer programming and in the history of computers happened – the appearance of FORTRAN, the first higher-order programming language. From that time until now hundreds of programming languages were invented, different programming paradigms were defined, all with the main goal to make computer programming easier and closer to as many people as possible. Many battles were fought among scientists as well as among developers around concepts of programming, programming languages and paradigms. It can be said that programming paradigms and programming languages were very often a trigger for many changes and improvements in computer science as well as in computer industry. Definitely, computer programming is one of the cornerstones of computer science. Today there are many tools that give a help in the process of programming, but there is still a programming tasks that can be solved only manually. Therefore, programming is still one of the most creative parts of interaction with computers. Programmers should chose programming language in accordance to task they have to solve, but very often, they chose it in accordance to their personal preferences, their beliefs and many other subjective reasons. Nevertheless, the market of programming languages can be merciless to languages as history was merciless to some people, even whole nations. Programming languages and developers get born, live and die leaving more or less tracks and successors, and not always the best survives. The history of programming languages is closely connected to the history of computers and computer science itself. Every single thing from one of them has its reflexions onto the other. This paper gives a short overview of last fifty years of computer programming and computer programming languages, but also gives many ideas that influenced other aspects of computer science. Particularly, programming paradigms are described, their intentions and goals, as well as the most of the significant languages of all paradigms

    Doing information technology: a gender perspective on the New Economy

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    Das vorliegende Papier untersucht die Auswirkungen und das Funktionieren der Informationstechnologie in Entwicklungsländern am Beispiel der Philippinen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Nebeneinander von abhängiger Montagetätigkeit und aktiver kreativer Arbeit, die immer weitere Bereiche einnimmt, existiert. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf dieser aktiven technologischen Arbeit und der damit verbundenen internationalen und hier besonders geschlechtsspezifischen Arbeitsteilung. Zunächst erfolgt ein Überblick über das System der internationalen Arbeitsteilung, dass seit Anfang der 70er Jahre durch die Herausbildung einer neuen weiblichen Arbeiterklasse gekennzeichnet ist (Feminisierung der Arbeit). Danach wird der Informationstechnologiesektor der Philippinen detailliert analysiert. Die Fragen, wer was warum macht, stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Die Autorin zeigt, dass der Sektor der Informationstechnologie auf den Philippinen durch sich ausweitende und stark diversifizierte Aktivitäten und Akteure gekennzeichnet ist. Es wird deutlich, dass es eine soziale Verteilung des Wissens innerhalb des Produktionsprozesses gibt. Daran anschließend wird die geschlechtsspezifische Ausprägung der Arbeitsteilung in diesem Sektor analysiert. Dabei wird festgestellt, dass bestimmte Berufskategorien überwiegend von Männern ausgeübt werden. Männer sind eher in dem Bereich Hardwareentwicklung und Webdesign tätig, während ein zahlenmäßiges Gleichgewicht bei der Softwareentwicklung und dem technischen Support besteht. In keinem Bereich sind Frauen zahlenmäßig in der Mehrheit. Im Anschluss daran wird diskutiert, warum das so ist und warum es in den Bereichen, in denen Frauen tätig sind, nicht zu einer Feminisierung der Arbeit kam. (ICD

    Natural language processing and advanced information management

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    Integrating diverse information sources and application software in a principled and general manner will require a very capable advanced information management (AIM) system. In particular, such a system will need a comprehensive addressing scheme to locate the material in its docuverse. It will also need a natural language processing (NLP) system of great sophistication. It seems that the NLP system must serve three functions. First, it provides an natural language interface (NLI) for the users. Second, it serves as the core component that understands and makes use of the real-world interpretations (RWIs) contained in the docuverse. Third, it enables the reasoning specialists (RSs) to arrive at conclusions that can be transformed into procedures that will satisfy the users' requests. The best candidate for an intelligent agent that can satisfactorily make use of RSs and transform documents (TDs) appears to be an object oriented data base (OODB). OODBs have, apparently, an inherent capacity to use the large numbers of RSs and TDs that will be required by an AIM system and an inherent capacity to use them in an effective way

    A New Institutional Analysis of IFRS Adoption in Egypt: A Case Study of Loosely Coupled Rules and Routines

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    This paper examines the symbolic use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in an Egyptian state-owned company (AQF Co.) that is partially privatised by drawing on new institutional sociology and its extensions. It explains how the ceremonial use of IFRS is shaped by the interplay between institutionalised accounting practices, conflicting institutions, power relations and the use of IT to institutionalizing accounting rules and routines. The research methodology is based on using an intensive case study. Data were collected from multiple sources, including unstructured and semi-structured interviews, direct and participative observations, discussions and documentary analysis. The findings revealed that the company faced conflicting institutional demands from outside. The Central Agency for Accountancy required the company to use the Uniform Accounting System (as a state-owned enterprise) and The Egyptian Capital Market Authority required the company to use IFRS (as a partially private sector company registered in the stock exchange). To meet these conflicting institutional demands, the company adopted loosely coupled accounting rules and routines and IT was used to institutionalizing existing Uniform Accounting System and preserving the status quo