11 research outputs found

    Scalable Hierarchical Instruction Cache for Ultra-Low-Power Processors Clusters

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    High Performance and Energy Efficiency are critical requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) end-nodes. Exploiting tightly-coupled clusters of programmable processors (CMPs) has recently emerged as a suitable solution to address this challenge. One of the main bottlenecks limiting the performance and energy efficiency of these systems is the instruction cache architecture due to its criticality in terms of timing (i.e., maximum operating frequency), bandwidth, and power. We propose a hierarchical instruction cache tailored to ultra-low-power tightly-coupled processor clusters where a relatively large cache (L1.5) is shared by L1 private caches through a two-cycle latency interconnect. To address the performance loss caused by the L1 capacity misses, we introduce a next-line prefetcher with cache probe filtering (CPF) from L1 to L1.5. We optimize the core instruction fetch (IF) stage by removing the critical core-to-L1 combinational path. We present a detailed comparison of instruction cache architectures' performance and energy efficiency for parallel ultra-low-power (ULP) clusters. Focusing on the implementation, our two-level instruction cache provides better scalability than existing shared caches, delivering up to 20\% higher operating frequency. On average, the proposed two-level cache improves maximum performance by up to 17\% compared to the state-of-the-art while delivering similar energy efficiency for most relevant applications.Comment: 14 page

    Scalable Hierarchical Instruction Cache for Ultralow-Power Processors Clusters

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    High performance and energy efficiency are critical requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) end-nodes. Exploiting tightly coupled clusters of programmable processors (CMPs) has recently emerged as a suitable solution to address this challenge. One of the main bottlenecks limiting the performance and energy efficiency of these systems is the instruction cache architecture due to its criticality in terms of timing (i.e., maximum operating frequency), bandwidth, and power. We propose a hierarchical instruction cache tailored to ultralow-power (ULP) tightly coupled processor clusters where a relatively large cache (L1.5) is shared by L1 private (PR) caches through a two-cycle latency interconnect. To address the performance loss caused by the L1 capacity misses, we introduce a next-line prefetcher with cache probe filtering (CPF) from L1 to L1.5. We optimize the core instruction fetch (IF) stage by removing the critical core-to-L1 combinational path. We present a detailed comparison of instruction cache architectures' performance and energy efficiency for parallel ULP (PULP) clusters. Focusing on the implementation, our two-level instruction cache provides better scalability than existing shared caches, delivering up to 20% higher operating frequency. On average, the proposed two-level cache improves maximum performance by up to 17% compared to the state-of-the-art while delivering similar energy efficiency for most relevant applications

    Mr.Wolf: An Energy-Precision Scalable Parallel Ultra Low Power SoC for IoT Edge Processing

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    This paper presents Mr. Wolf, a parallel ultra-low power (PULP) system on chip (SoC) featuring a hierarchical architecture with a small (12 kgates) microcontroller (MCU) class RISC-V core augmented with an autonomous IO subsystem for efficient data transfer from a wide set of peripherals. The small core can offload compute-intensive kernels to an eight-core floating-point capable of processing engine available on demand. The proposed SoC, implemented in a 40-nm LP CMOS technology, features a 108-mu W fully retentive memory (512 kB). The IO subsystem is capable of transferring up to 1.6 Gbit/s from external devices to the memory in less than 2.5 mW. The eight-core compute cluster achieves a peak performance of 850 million of 32-bit integer multiply and accumulate per second (MMAC/s) and 500 million of 32-bit floating-point multiply and accumulate per second (MFMAC/s) -1 GFlop/s-with an energy efficiency up to 15 MMAC/s/mW and 9 MFMAC/s/mW. These building blocks are supported by aggressive on-chip power conversion and management, enabling energy-proportional heterogeneous computing for always-on IoT end nodes improving performance by several orders of magnitude with respect to traditional single-core MCUs within a power envelope of 153 mW. We demonstrated the capabilities of the proposed SoC on a wide set of near-sensor processing kernels showing that Mr. Wolf can deliver performance up to 16.4 GOp/s with energy efficiency up to 274 MOp/s/mW on real-life applications, paving the way for always-on data analytics on high-bandwidth sensors at the edge of the Internet of Things

    PULP-NN: Accelerating Quantized Neural Networks on Parallel Ultra-Low-Power RISC-V Processors

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    We present PULP-NN, an optimized computing library for a parallel ultra-low-power tightly coupled cluster of RISC-V processors. The key innovation in PULP-NN is a set of kernels for quantized neural network inference, targeting byte and sub-byte data types, down to INT-1, tuned for the recent trend toward aggressive quantization in deep neural network inference. The proposed library exploits both the digital signal processing extensions available in the PULP RISC-V processors and the cluster\u2019s parallelism, achieving up to 15.5 MACs/cycle on INT-8 and improving performance by up to 63 7 with respect to a sequential implementation on a single RISC-V core implementing the baseline RV32IMC ISA. Using PULP-NN, a CIFAR-10 network on an octa-core cluster runs in 30 7 and 19.6 7 less clock cycles than the current state-of-the-art ARM CMSIS-NN library, running on STM32L4 and STM32H7 MCUs, respectively. The proposed library, when running on a GAP-8 processor, outperforms by 36.8 7 and by 7.45 7 the execution on energy efficient MCUs such as STM32L4 and high-end MCUs such as STM32H7 respectively, when operating at the maximum frequency. The energy efficiency on GAP-8 is 14.1 7 higher than STM32L4 and 39.5 7 higher than STM32H7, at the maximum efficiency operating point. This article is part of the theme issue \u2018Harmonizing energy-autonomous computing and intelligence\u2019

    PULP-NN: A computing library for quantized neural network inference at the edge on RISC-V based parallel ultra low power clusters

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    We present PULP-NN, a multicore computing library for a parallel ultra-low-power cluster of RISC-V based processors. The library consists of a set of kernels for Quantized Neural Network (QNN) inference on edge devices, targeting byte and sub-byte data types, down to INT-1. Our software solution exploits the digital signal processing (DSP) extensions available in the PULP RISC-V processors and the cluster's parallelism, improving performance by up to 63 7 with respect to a baseline implementation on a single RISC-V core implementing the RV32IMC ISA. Using the PULP-NN routines, the inference of a CIFAR-10 QNN model runs in 30 7 and 19.6 7 less clock cycles than the current state-of-the-art ARM CMSIS-NN library, running on an STM32L4 and an STM32H7 MCUs, respectively. By running the library kernels on the GAP-8 processor at the maximum efficiency operating point, the energy efficiency on GAP-8 is 14.1 7 higher than STM32L4 and 39.5 7 than STM32H7

    The Quest for Energy-Efficient I$ Design in Ultra-Low-Power Clustered Many-Cores

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    The Quest for Energy-Efficient I$ Design in Ultra-Low-Power Clustered Many-Cores

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    High performance and extreme energy efficiency are strong requirements for a fast-growing number of edge-node Internet of Things (IoT) applications. While traditional Ultra-Low-Power designs rely on single-core micro-controllers (MCU), a new generation of architectures leveraging fully programmable tightly-coupled clusters of near-threshold processors is emerging, joining the performance gain of parallel execution over multiple cores with the energy efficiency of low-voltage operation. In this work we tackle one of the most critical energy-efficiency bottlenecks for these architectures: instruction memory hierarchy. Exploiting the instruction locality typical of data-parallel applications, we explore two different shared instruction cache architectures, based on energy-efficient latch-based memory banks: one leveraging a crossbar between processors and single-port banks (SP), and one leveraging banks with multiple read ports (MP). We evaluate the proposed architectures on a set of signal processing applications with different executable sizes and working-sets. The results show that the shared cache architectures are able to efficiently execute a much wider set of applications (including those featuring large memory footprint and irregular access patterns) with a much smaller area and with much better energy efficiency with respect to the private cache. The multi-port cache is suitable for sizes up to a few kB, improving performance by up to 40%, energy efficiency by up to 20%, and energy × area efficiency by up to 30% with respect to the private cache. The single-port solution is more suitable for larger cache sizes (up to 16 kB), providing up to 20% better energy × area efficiency than the multi-port, and up to 30% better energy efficiency than private cache

    The Quest for Energy-Efficient I$ Design in Ultra-Low-Power Clustered Many-Cores

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