9 research outputs found

    A New Fundamental Evidence of Non-Classical Structure in the Combination of Natural Concepts

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    We recently performed cognitive experiments on conjunctions and negations of two concepts with the aim of investigating the combination problem of concepts. Our experiments confirmed the deviations (conceptual vagueness, underextension, overextension, etc.) from the rules of classical (fuzzy) logic and probability theory observed by several scholars in concept theory, while our data were successfully modeled in a quantum-theoretic framework developed by ourselves. In this paper, we isolate a new, very stable and systematic pattern of violation of classicality that occurs in concept combinations. In addition, the strength and regularity of this non-classical effect leads us to believe that it occurs at a more fundamental level than the deviations observed up to now. It is our opinion that we have identified a deep non-classical mechanism determining not only how concepts are combined but, rather, how they are formed. We show that this effect can be faithfully modeled in a two-sector Fock space structure, and that it can be exactly explained by assuming that human thought is the supersposition of two processes, a 'logical reasoning', guided by 'logic', and a 'conceptual reasoning' guided by 'emergence', and that the latter generally prevails over the former. All these findings provide a new fundamental support to our quantum-theoretic approach to human cognition.Comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1503.0426

    On the Foundations of the Brussels Operational-Realistic Approach to Cognition

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    The scientific community is becoming more and more interested in the research that applies the mathematical formalism of quantum theory to model human decision-making. In this paper, we provide the theoretical foundations of the quantum approach to cognition that we developed in Brussels. These foundations rest on the results of two decade studies on the axiomatic and operational-realistic approaches to the foundations of quantum physics. The deep analogies between the foundations of physics and cognition lead us to investigate the validity of quantum theory as a general and unitary framework for cognitive processes, and the empirical success of the Hilbert space models derived by such investigation provides a strong theoretical confirmation of this validity. However, two situations in the cognitive realm, 'question order effects' and 'response replicability', indicate that even the Hilbert space framework could be insufficient to reproduce the collected data. This does not mean that the mentioned operational-realistic approach would be incorrect, but simply that a larger class of measurements would be in force in human cognition, so that an extended quantum formalism may be needed to deal with all of them. As we will explain, the recently derived 'extended Bloch representation' of quantum theory (and the associated 'general tension-reduction' model) precisely provides such extended formalism, while remaining within the same unitary interpretative framework.Comment: 21 page

    Concepts and Their Dynamics: A Quantum-Theoretic Modeling of Human Thought

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    We analyze different aspects of our quantum modeling approach of human concepts, and more specifically focus on the quantum effects of contextuality, interference, entanglement and emergence, illustrating how each of them makes its appearance in specific situations of the dynamics of human concepts and their combinations. We point out the relation of our approach, which is based on an ontology of a concept as an entity in a state changing under influence of a context, with the main traditional concept theories, i.e. prototype theory, exemplar theory and theory theory. We ponder about the question why quantum theory performs so well in its modeling of human concepts, and shed light on this question by analyzing the role of complex amplitudes, showing how they allow to describe interference in the statistics of measurement outcomes, while in the traditional theories statistics of outcomes originates in classical probability weights, without the possibility of interference. The relevance of complex numbers, the appearance of entanglement, and the role of Fock space in explaining contextual emergence, all as unique features of the quantum modeling, are explicitly revealed in this paper by analyzing human concepts and their dynamics.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Conjunction and Negation of Natural Concepts: A Quantum-theoretic Modeling

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    We perform two experiments with the aim to investigate the effects of negation on the combination of natural concepts. In the first experiment, we test the membership weights of a list of exemplars with respect to two concepts, e.g., {\it Fruits} and {\it Vegetables}, and their conjunction {\it Fruits And Vegetables}. In the second experiment, we test the membership weights of the same list of exemplars with respect to the same two concepts, but negating the second, e.g., {\it Fruits} and {\it Not Vegetables}, and again their conjunction {\it Fruits And Not Vegetables}. The collected data confirm existing results on conceptual combination, namely, they show dramatic deviations from the predictions of classical (fuzzy set) logic and probability theory. More precisely, they exhibit conceptual vagueness, gradeness of membership, overextension and double overextension of membership weights with respect to the given conjunctions. Then, we show that the quantum probability model in Fock space recently elaborated to model Hampton's data on concept conjunction (Hampton, 1988a) and disjunction (Hampton, 1988b) faithfully accords with the collected data. Our quantum-theoretic modeling enables to describe these non-classical effects in terms of genuine quantum effects, namely `contextuality', `superposition', `interference' and `emergence'. The obtained results confirm and strenghten the analysis in Aerts (2009a) and Sozzo (2014) on the identification of quantum aspects in experiments on conceptual vagueness. Our results can be inserted within the general research on the identification of quantum structures in cognitive and decision processes.Comment: 32 pages, standard latex, no figures, 16 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1311.6050; and text overlap with arXiv:0805.3850 by other author

    Quantum Structure of Negation and Conjunction in Human Thought

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    We analyse in this paper the data collected in a set of experiments performed on human subjects on the combination of natural concepts. We investigate the mutual influence of conceptual conjunction and negation by measuring the membership weights of a list of exemplars with respect to two concepts, e.g., 'Fruits' and 'Vegetables', and their conjunction 'Fruits And Vegetables', but also their conjunction when one or both concepts are negated, namely, 'Fruits And Not Vegetables', 'Not Fruits And Vegetables' and 'Not Fruits And Not Vegetables'. Our findings sharpen existing analysis on conceptual combinations, revealing systematic and remarkable deviations from classical (fuzzy set) logic and probability theory. And, more important, our results give further considerable evidence to the validity of our quantum-theoretic framework for the combination of two concepts. Indeed, the representation of conceptual negation naturally arises from the general assumptions of our two-sector Fock space model, and this representation faithfully agrees with the collected data. In addition, we find a further significant deviation and a priori unexpected from classicality, which can exactly be explained by assuming that human reasoning is the superposition of an 'emergent reasoning' and a 'logical reasoning', and that these two processes can be successfully represented in a Fock space algebraic structure.Comment: 44 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1406.235

    The Potential of Quantum Probability for Modeling Cognitive Processes

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    Quantum probability (QP) theory is a theory for how to assign probabilities to observables. In the context of physics, it has been successfully employed by researchers for over 100 years and has been the basis for some of the most impressive discoveries of the human mind (e.g., the transistor, and so the microchip, and the laser). But the applicability of QP theory is not limited to physical phenomena and, indeed, there has been growing interest in exploring the potential of QP theory in areas as diverse as economics (Baaquie, 2004), information theory (e.g., Grover, 1997), and psychology