29 research outputs found

    Analyze business context data in developing economies using quantum computing

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    Quantum computing is an advancing area of computing sciences and provides a new base of development for many futuristic technologies discussions on how it can help developing economies will further help developed economies in technology transfer and economic development initiatives related to Research and development within developing countries thus providing a new means of foreign direct investment(FDI) and business innovation for the majority of the globe that lacks infrastructure economic resources required for growth in the technology landscape and cyberinfrastructure for growth in computing applications. Discussion of which areas of support quantum computing can help will further assist developing economies in implementing it for growth opportunities for local systems and businesses

    Quantum Computing for high school: an approach to interdisciplinary in STEM for teaching

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    The paper focuses on a Quantum Computing teaching module for high school students that was designed and implemented within the I SEE Erasmus+ project (https://iseeproject.eu/). The module is discussed as an example of how the S-T-E-M disciplines can be integrated to stress the conceptual, epistemological, and social relevance of quantum computing. We implemented a three-level approach to introduce quantum technologies without getting lost in the technicalities. The approach has allowed us to highlight the difference between classical and quantum computers and to bring out the interdisciplinary character that characterises the new technologies

    Regulatorische und gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte des Quantum Computing

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    Concept for the Identification of Applications for Paradigm-Shifting Technologies on the Example of Quantum Computing

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    In this paper, the challenge of identifying high-value applications of quantum computing is examined. Although quantum computing holds enormous potential, it requires significant investments and development efforts. Therefore, it is crucial to define precise applications that can guide its development for an efficient industrialization process. To accomplish this goal, a methodology that systematically identifies and evaluates potential applications of quantum is developed. The methodology is designed for a strong alignment between tasks and technology, identification of problem and solution types, a systematic process for identifying problems, and a focus on socioeconomic challenges. It is structured according to the TRIZ methodology and comprises five submodels to determine socioeconomic applications for quantum computing

    Ethical and Sustainable Quantum Computing: Conceptual Model and Implications

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    Today, computing power is advancing with significant transformation in quantum technologies and provides state-of-the-art functionalities for next-generation digital solutions. At the same time, computing capabilities are influencing the various spheres of humanity while touching the operating models and end-user experiences. The advent of quantum computing raised many questions about the system design, development, implementation, and associated risks for human beings and species. The questions raised the call for a conceptual model to study ethics and quantum computing as a whole. The primary objective of the research is to develop a conceptual ethical and sustainable quantum computing model to investigate the ethics standards, trust levels, social aspects, access rights, privacy, moral and good-duties issues based on the current situations. The paper adopts the literature survey approach based on existing business ethics models to evaluate the model's human, organisation (society) and opportunity factors. The research has investigated the ethical constitutes of quantum computing led digital transformation. The research findings provide the substantial foundations for the research and managerial applicability to integrate the social, human, technology-based inclusive, ethical issues

    The second quantum revolution: designing a teaching-learning activity on the quantum manifesto to futurize science education

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    Questa tesi è la conclusione di un lavoro all’interno di I SEE (Inclusive STEM Education to Enhance the capacity to aspire and imagine future careers), un progetto europeo Erasmus+ coordinato dall’Università di Bologna e che coinvolge altri sei partner (http://iseeproject.eu). Il mio lavoro ha portato allo sviluppo di un’attività didattica intitolata “Applicazioni e implicazioni dei computer quantistici nella società” che è parte di un modulo I SEE sui computer quantistici. Progetto e attività mirano a contribuite a due dibattiti nella ricerca sull’educazione scientifica: quello sulla didattica STEM e sulla sua posizione in contesti di ricerca, istituzionali e didattici; quello sulla percezione del futuro da parte dei giovani in questo mondo in accelerazione. Il primo capitolo riguarda lo stato dell’arte del dibattito sulla didattica STEM, da un punto di vista sia di ricerca che istituzionale, come modo di affrontare temi chiave che riguardano il rapporto problematico tra scienza e società. Nel secondo capitolo, viene presentato il progetto I SEE e collocato all’interno della ricerca nella didattica STEM. È fornita una descrizione di come tale progetto contribuisce a promuovere lo sviluppo delle cosiddette future-scaffolding skills e a disegnare un approccio STEM integrato, con una descrizione dei moduli finlandese e italiano sulle tecnologie quantistiche. Il terzo capitolo include la descrizione dell’attività che ho contribuito a sviluppare. Essa è stata costruita per raggiungere diversi obiettivi tra cui guidare gli studenti di scuola secondaria a familiarizzare con la terminologia, le prospettive e i contenuti di documenti istituzionali come il Quantum Manifesto, e rendersi conto delle tante dimensioni coinvolte, riconoscendo dove e come le tecnologie quantistiche potranno essere d’impatto nella vita del singolo. Infine, si discutono i risultati dell’implementazione dell’attività avvenuta a Bologna nel febbraio 2019 con 25 studenti di scuola secondaria

    Introducing a Research Program for Quantum Humanities: Theoretical Implications

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    Quantum computing is a new form of computing that is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. It has the potential to revolutionize many fields, including the humanities and social sciences. The idea behind quantum humanities is to explore the potential of quantum computing to answer new questions in these fields, as well as to consider the potential societal impacts of this technology. This paper proposes a research program for quantum humanities, which includes the application of quantum algorithms to humanities and social science research, the reflection on the methods and techniques of quantum computing, and the evaluation of its potential societal implications. This research program aims to define the field of quantum humanities and to establish it as a meaningful part of the humanities and social sciences.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Building a Quantum-ready Ecosystem

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    The emergence of quantum technologies has led to groundbreaking advancements in computing, sensing, secure communications, and simulation of advanced materials with practical applications in every industry sector. The rapid advancement of the quantum technologies ecosystem has made it imperative to assess the maturity of these technologies and their imminent acceleration towards commercial viability. In this paper, we present the current status of quantum technologies and emphasise the need for a quantum-ready ecosystem. We formulate standard Quantum Technology Readiness Levels (QTRLs) using innovative models and tools to evaluate the readiness of specific quantum technology accurately. We also discuss relevant indicators concerning key stakeholders, including government, industry, and academia, and describe ethics and protocols implications, to deepen our understanding of the readiness for quantum technology and support the development of a robust and effective quantum ecosystemComment: 6 figures, 45 page

    Democratization of Quantum Technologies

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