1,491 research outputs found

    Dialogue with computers: dialogue games in action

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    With the advent of digital personal assistants for mobile devices, systems that are marketed as engaging in (spoken) dialogue have reached a wider public than ever before. For a student of dialogue, this raises the question to what extent such systems are genuine dialogue partners. In order to address this question, this study proposes to use the concept of a dialogue game as an analytical tool. Thus, we reframe the question as asking for the dialogue games that such systems play. Our analysis, as applied to a number of landmark systems and illustrated with dialogue extracts, leads to a fine-grained classification of such systems. Drawing on this analysis, we propose that the uptake of future generations of more powerful dialogue systems will depend on whether they are self-validating. A self-validating dialogue system can not only talk and do things, but also discuss the why of what it says and does, and learn from such discussions

    Utilización de los sistemas de diálogo hablado para el acceso a la información en diferentes dominios

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridLa acción de conversar es el modo más natural para resolver un gran número de acciones cotidianas entre los seres humanos. Por este motivo, un interés histórico dentro del campo de las Tecnologías del Habla ha sido utilizar estas tecnologías en aplicaciones reales, especialmente en aplicaciones que permitan a una persona utilizar su voz para obtener información mediante la interacción directa con una máquina o para controlar un determinado sistema. El objetivo es disponer de sistemas que faciliten la comunicación persona-máquina del modo más natural posible, es decir, a través de la conversación. En esta comunicación se resumen los resultados de la aplicación de estas tecnologías para el desarrollo de diferentes sistemas de diálogo en los que la interacción entre el usuario y el sistema se lleva a cabo mediante habla espontánea en castellano. Para su implementación se ha primado la utilización de diferentes herramientas de software libre para el reconocimiento automático del habla, compresión del lenguaje natural, gestión del diálogo y síntesis de texto a voz. De este modo, el objetivo principal de la comunicación es presentar las principales ventajas que proporcionan los sistemas de diálogo para facilitar el acceso a diferentes servicios dentro de dominios semánticos restringidos, qué posibilidades brinda el uso de herramientas de software libre para su implementación y su evaluación en diferentes casos concretos de aplicación

    A Review of Trip Planning Systems.

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    This report reviews current information provision in all modes of transport and assesses the needs for and benefits of trip planning systems. The feasibility of trip planning systems is discussed given the current state of technology and information availability and supply. The review was stimulated by technological developments in telecommunications and information technology which are providing the possibility of a greatly enhanced quality of information to aid trip planning decisions. Amongst the conclusions reached were the following: Current information provision is considered deficient in many respects. Travellers are often unaware of alternative routes or services and many are unable to acquire adequate information from one source especially for multi-modal journeys. In addition, there is a lack of providing real time information where it is required (bus stops and train stations) and of effective interaction of static and real time information. Most of the projects, which integrate static and dynamic data, are single mode systems. Therefore there is a need for an integrated trip planning system which can inform and guide on all aspects of transport. Trip planning systems can provide assistance in trip planning (before and during the journey) using one or a number of modes of travel, taking into account travellers preferences and constraints, and effectively integrating static and dynamic data. Trip planning systems could adversely affect traffic demand as people who become aware of new opportunities might be encouraged to make more journeys. It could also affect travellers choice as a result of over-saturation of information, over-reaction to predictive information, and concentration on the same 'best' routes. However, it can be argued, based on existing evidence, that such a system can benefit travellers, and transport operators as well as the public sector responsible for executing transport policies. Travellers can benefit by obtaining adequate information to help them in making optimal decisions and reducing uncertainty and stress associated with travel. Public transport operators can benefit by making their services known to customers, leading to increased patronage. Public transport authorities can use the supply of information to execute their transport policies and exercise more control over traffic management

    Contributos para suportar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de diálogo

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    With the increase of technology present in our daily routine, a specific area rose exponentially. Spoken dialogue systems are increasingly popular and useful: they provide an easier and more versatile access to large and diverse sets of information. Nowadays there is a vast knowledge base regarding this topic, as well as different systems capable of performing numerous tasks just by simply processing voice input. There are also an increasing set of tools for their development. Despite recent advances, development of dialog systems continues to be challenging. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute and make possible and simple the development of new dialogue systems for Portuguese: by selecting, adapting and combining existing tools/frameworks. Supported by the enhancements made to the selected basis framework, two different dialog systems were developed: the first is an assistant aimed at a Smart Home environment - one of areas that benefited the most with the development of dialog systems - and the second targeting accessible tourism. The first assistant was developed aligned with the Smart Green Homes project. It implied the definition of scenarios and requirements that later helped defining the ontology and the system. Another requirement for this system was the inclusion of the back-end system developed previously as part of the Smart Green Homes project. The second was aligned with the project ACTION in the area of Tourism. It was developed for users with accessibility needs, e.g., impaired movement or vision.Com o aumento da tecnologia presente na nossa rotina diária, uma área específica subiu exponencialmente. Os sistemas de diálogo são cada vez mais populares e úteis: proporcionam um acesso mais fácil e versátil a grandes e diversificados conjuntos de informação. Hoje em dia existe uma vasta base de conhecimento sobre este tema, bem como diferentes sistemas capazes de executar inúmeras tarefas através do processamento de uma entrada de voz. Há também um conjunto crescente de ferramentas para o seu desenvolvimento. Apesar dos avanços recentes, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de diálogo continua a ser um desafio. O principal objetivo desta tese é contribuir e tornar possível e simples o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de diálogo que suportem português: selecionando, adaptando e combinando ferramentas existentes. Baseado nas melhorias feitas nas ferramentas bases selecionadas, foram desenvolvidos dois sistemas de diálogo diferentes: o primeiro é um assistente dirigido a um ambiente Smart Home - uma das áreas que mais beneficiou com o desenvolvimento de sistemas de diálogo - e o segundo visando o turismo acessível. O primeiro assistente foi desenvolvido alinhado com o projeto Smart Green Homes. Implicou a definição de cenários e requisitos que mais tarde ajudaram a definir a ontologia e o sistema. Outro requisito para este sistema foi a inclusão do sistema back-end desenvolvido anteriormente como parte do projeto Smart Green Homes. O segundo assistente foi alinhado com o projeto ACTION na área do Turismo. Foi desenvolvido para utilizadores com necessidades de acessibilidade, por exemplo, deficiência motora ou invisualidade.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Usefulness, localizability, humanness, and language-benefit: additional evaluation criteria for natural language dialogue systems

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    Human–computer dialogue systems interact with human users using natural language. We used the ALICE/AIML chatbot architecture as a platform to develop a range of chatbots covering different languages, genres, text-types, and user-groups, to illustrate qualitative aspects of natural language dialogue system evaluation. We present some of the different evaluation techniques used in natural language dialogue systems, including black box and glass box, comparative, quantitative, and qualitative evaluation. Four aspects of NLP dialogue system evaluation are often overlooked: “usefulness” in terms of a user’s qualitative needs, “localizability” to new genres and languages, “humanness” or “naturalness” compared to human–human dialogues, and “language benefit” compared to alternative interfaces. We illustrated these aspects with respect to our work on machine-learnt chatbot dialogue systems; we believe these aspects are worthwhile in impressing potential new users and customers

    The Development of an Interactive Videodisc System

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    The thesis traces the development of interactive videodisc from origins based on early automatic machines through large-scale computer assisted learning (CAL) to microcomputer-based multi-media CAL. A comprehensive discussion of the interactive videodisc medium is provided, in terms of its features, advantages, problems, authoring and production processes, and educational applications. The requirements for interactive systems, and essential elements of video and videodisc technology are described. A relatively low-cost demonstration interactive videodisc system is developed in three phases, based on a BBC 'B' microcomputer and a Pioneer LD1100 videodisc player. In the first phase, software interfacing routines are developed in assembly language to control the player from the versatile interface adaptor (VIA) of the BBC micro. The signal control codes are based on a pulse code modulated format with uni-directional synchronous transmission. The interfacing routines are linked to, and driven by, a Basic program which provides full manual control of all player functions using the microcomputer keyboard. In the second phase, the interfacing routines are further extended to provide control linkage for interactive video application programs. Using a pilot videodisc, these Basic programs demonstrate interactive video techniques, including still frame access and the presentation of video sequences and sub-sequences. In the third phase, the application programs are converted to the authoring language, Microtext. The assembly language interfacing routines are developed into a corresponding Microtext extension command module. A mixer/genlock unit is used to provide graphics overlay of video still frames. An evaluation of the demonstration system is provided, in terms of developmental difficulties, its hardware and software features and capabilities, and its potential as a base for further suggested research work