820 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Learning of Event-guided Video Frame Interpolation for Rolling Shutter Frames

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    This paper makes the first attempt to tackle the challenging task of recovering arbitrary frame rate latent global shutter (GS) frames from two consecutive rolling shutter (RS) frames, guided by the novel event camera data. Although events possess high temporal resolution, beneficial for video frame interpolation (VFI), a hurdle in tackling this task is the lack of paired GS frames. Another challenge is that RS frames are susceptible to distortion when capturing moving objects. To this end, we propose a novel self-supervised framework that leverages events to guide RS frame correction and VFI in a unified framework. Our key idea is to estimate the displacement field (DF) non-linear dense 3D spatiotemporal information of all pixels during the exposure time, allowing for the reciprocal reconstruction between RS and GS frames as well as arbitrary frame rate VFI. Specifically, the displacement field estimation (DFE) module is proposed to estimate the spatiotemporal motion from events to correct the RS distortion and interpolate the GS frames in one step. We then combine the input RS frames and DF to learn a mapping for RS-to-GS frame interpolation. However, as the mapping is highly under-constrained, we couple it with an inverse mapping (i.e., GS-to-RS) and RS frame warping (i.e., RS-to-RS) for self-supervision. As there is a lack of labeled datasets for evaluation, we generate two synthetic datasets and collect a real-world dataset to train and test our method. Experimental results show that our method yields comparable or better performance with prior supervised methods.Comment: This paper has been submitted for review in March 202

    Dynamic surface completion : the joint formation of color, texture, and shape

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    Dynamic surface completion is a phenomenon of visual filling-in where a colored pattern perceptually spreads onto an area confined by virtual contours in a multi-aperture motion display. The spreading effect is qualitatively similar to static texture spreading but widely surpasses it in strength, making it particularly suited for quantitative studies of visual interpolation processes. I carried out six experiments to establish with objective tasks that homogeneous color, as well as non-uniform texture spreading is a genuine representation of surface qualities and thus goes beyond mere contour interpolation. The experiments also serve to relate the phenomena to ongoing discussions about potentially responsible mechanisms for spatiotemporal integration: With a phenomenological method, I examined to what extent simple sensory persistence might be causally involved in the effect under consideration. The findings are partially consistent with the idea of sensory persistence, and indicate that information fragments are integrated over a time window of about 100 to 150 ms to form a complete surface representation

    Vision-based techniques for gait recognition

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    Global security concerns have raised a proliferation of video surveillance devices. Intelligent surveillance systems seek to discover possible threats automatically and raise alerts. Being able to identify the surveyed object can help determine its threat level. The current generation of devices provide digital video data to be analysed for time varying features to assist in the identification process. Commonly, people queue up to access a facility and approach a video camera in full frontal view. In this environment, a variety of biometrics are available - for example, gait which includes temporal features like stride period. Gait can be measured unobtrusively at a distance. The video data will also include face features, which are short-range biometrics. In this way, one can combine biometrics naturally using one set of data. In this paper we survey current techniques of gait recognition and modelling with the environment in which the research was conducted. We also discuss in detail the issues arising from deriving gait data, such as perspective and occlusion effects, together with the associated computer vision challenges of reliable tracking of human movement. Then, after highlighting these issues and challenges related to gait processing, we proceed to discuss the frameworks combining gait with other biometrics. We then provide motivations for a novel paradigm in biometrics-based human recognition, i.e. the use of the fronto-normal view of gait as a far-range biometrics combined with biometrics operating at a near distance

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Pareto Optimized Large Mask Approach for Efficient and Background Humanoid Shape Removal

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    The purpose of automated video object removal is to not only detect and remove the object of interest automatically, but also to utilize background context to inpaint the foreground area. Video inpainting requires to fill spatiotemporal gaps in a video with convincing material, necessitating both temporal and spatial consistency; the inpainted part must seamlessly integrate into the background in a variety of scenes, and it must maintain a consistent appearance in subsequent frames even if its surroundings change noticeably. We introduce deep learning-based methodology for removing unwanted human-like shapes in videos. The method uses Pareto-optimized Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) technology, which is a novel contribution. The system automatically selects the Region of Interest (ROI) for each humanoid shape and uses a skeleton detection module to determine which humanoid shape to retain. The semantic masks of human like shapes are created using a semantic-aware occlusion-robust model that has four primary components: feature extraction, and local, global, and semantic branches. The global branch encodes occlusion-aware information to make the extracted features resistant to occlusion, while the local branch retrieves fine-grained local characteristics. A modified big mask inpainting approach is employed to eliminate a person from the image, leveraging Fast Fourier convolutions and utilizing polygonal chains and rectangles with unpredictable aspect ratios. The inpainter network takes the input image and the mask to create an output image excluding the background humanoid shapes. The generator uses an encoder-decoder structure with included skip connections to recover spatial information and dilated convolution and squeeze and excitation blocks to make the regions behind the humanoid shapes consistent with their surroundings. The discriminator avoids dissimilar structure at the patch scale, and the refiner network catches features around the boundaries of each background humanoid shape. The efficiency was assessed using the Structural Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity, Frechet Inception Distance, and Similarity Index Measure metrics and showed promising results in fully automated background person removal task. The method is evaluated on two video object segmentation datasets (DAVIS indicating respective values of 0.02, FID of 5.01 and SSIM of 0.79 and YouTube-VOS, resulting in 0.03, 6.22, 0.78 respectively) as well a database of 66 distinct video sequences of people behind a desk in an office environment (0.02, 4.01, and 0.78 respectively).publishedVersio

    Topographic representation of an occluded object and the effects of spatiotemporal context in human early visual areas.

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    モノの背後を見る脳の仕組みを解明 -視対象の部分像から全体像を復元する第1次視覚野の活動をfMRIで観察-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2013-10-23.Occlusion is a primary challenge facing the visual system in perceiving object shapes in intricate natural scenes. Although behavior, neurophysiological, and modeling studies have shown that occluded portions of objects may be completed at the early stage of visual processing, we have little knowledge on how and where in the human brain the completion is realized. Here, we provide functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence that the occluded portion of an object is indeed represented topographically in human V1 and V2. Specifically, we find the topographic cortical responses corresponding to the invisible object rotation in V1 and V2. Furthermore, by investigating neural responses for the occluded target rotation within precisely defined cortical subregions, we could dissociate the topographic neural representation of the occluded portion from other types of neural processing such as object edge processing. We further demonstrate that the early topographic representation in V1 can be modulated by prior knowledge of a whole appearance of an object obtained before partial occlusion. These findings suggest that primary "visual" area V1 has the ability to process not only visible or virtually (illusorily) perceived objects but also "invisible" portions of objects without concurrent visual sensation such as luminance enhancement to these portions. The results also suggest that low-level image features and higher preceding cognitive context are integrated into a unified topographic representation of occluded portion in early areas

    Capture, Reconstruction, and Representation of the Visual Real World for Virtual Reality

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    We provide an overview of the concerns, current practice, and limitations for capturing, reconstructing, and representing the real world visually within virtual reality. Given that our goals are to capture, transmit, and depict complex real-world phenomena to humans, these challenges cover the opto-electro-mechanical, computational, informational, and perceptual fields. Practically producing a system for real-world VR capture requires navigating a complex design space and pushing the state of the art in each of these areas. As such, we outline several promising directions for future work to improve the quality and flexibility of real-world VR capture systems

    Learning, Moving, And Predicting With Global Motion Representations

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    In order to effectively respond to and influence the world they inhabit, animals and other intelligent agents must understand and predict the state of the world and its dynamics. An agent that can characterize how the world moves is better equipped to engage it. Current methods of motion computation rely on local representations of motion (such as optical flow) or simple, rigid global representations (such as camera motion). These methods are useful, but they are difficult to estimate reliably and limited in their applicability to real-world settings, where agents frequently must reason about complex, highly nonrigid motion over long time horizons. In this dissertation, I present methods developed with the goal of building more flexible and powerful notions of motion needed by agents facing the challenges of a dynamic, nonrigid world. This work is organized around a view of motion as a global phenomenon that is not adequately addressed by local or low-level descriptions, but that is best understood when analyzed at the level of whole images and scenes. I develop methods to: (i) robustly estimate camera motion from noisy optical flow estimates by exploiting the global, statistical relationship between the optical flow field and camera motion under projective geometry; (ii) learn representations of visual motion directly from unlabeled image sequences using learning rules derived from a formulation of image transformation in terms of its group properties; (iii) predict future frames of a video by learning a joint representation of the instantaneous state of the visual world and its motion, using a view of motion as transformations of world state. I situate this work in the broader context of ongoing computational and biological investigations into the problem of estimating motion for intelligent perception and action