5 research outputs found

    Colour Constancy: Biologically-inspired Contrast Variant Pooling Mechanism

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    Pooling is a ubiquitous operation in image processing algorithms that allows for higher-level processes to collect relevant low-level features from a region of interest. Currently, max-pooling is one of the most commonly used operators in the computational literature. However, it can lack robustness to outliers due to the fact that it relies merely on the peak of a function. Pooling mechanisms are also present in the primate visual cortex where neurons of higher cortical areas pool signals from lower ones. The receptive fields of these neurons have been shown to vary according to the contrast by aggregating signals over a larger region in the presence of low contrast stimuli. We hypothesise that this contrast-variant-pooling mechanism can address some of the shortcomings of max-pooling. We modelled this contrast variation through a histogram clipping in which the percentage of pooled signal is inversely proportional to the local contrast of an image. We tested our hypothesis by applying it to the phenomenon of colour constancy where a number of popular algorithms utilise a max-pooling step (e.g. White-Patch, Grey-Edge and Double-Opponency). For each of these methods, we investigated the consequences of replacing their original max-pooling by the proposed contrast-variant-pooling. Our experiments on three colour constancy benchmark datasets suggest that previous results can significantly improve by adopting a contrast-variant-pooling mechanism

    Spatial distributions of local illumination color in natural scenes

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    In natural complex environments, the elevation of the sun and the presence of occluding objects and mutual reflections cause variations in the spectral composition of the local illumination across time and location. Unlike the changes in time and their consequences for color appearance and constancy, the spatial variations of local illumination color in natural scenes have received relatively little attention. The aim of the present work was to characterize these spatial variations by spectral imaging. Hyperspectral radiance images were obtained from 30 rural and urban scenes in which neutral probe spheres were embedded. The spectra of the local illumination at 17 sample points on each sphere in each scene were extracted and a total of 1904 chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperatures (CCTs) derived. Maximum differences in chromaticities over spheres and over scenes were similar. When data were pooled over scenes, CCTs ranged from 3000 K to 20,000 K, a variation of the same order of magnitude as that occurring over the day. Any mechanisms that underlie stable surface color perception in natural scenes need to accommodate these large spatial variations in local illumination color.This work was supported by the Centro de Física of Minho University, Braga, Portugal, by the European Regional Development Fund through Program COMPETE (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009858/029564), by the National Portuguese funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (Grants PTDC/EEA-EEL/098572/2008 and PTDC/MHC-PCN/4731/2012), and by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom (Grants GR/R39412/01, EP/B000257/1 and EP/E056512/1). We thank Paulo D. A. Pinto and João M. M. Linhares for collaboration in the acquisition of hyperspectral data of some scenes and Paulo D. A. Pinto for the preparation of the gray spheres

    Colour constancy beyond the classical receptive field

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    The problem of removing illuminant variations to preserve the colours of objects (colour constancy) has already been solved by the human brain using mechanisms that rely largely on centre-surround computations of local contrast. In this paper we adopt some of these biological solutions described by long known physiological findings into a simple, fully automatic, functional model (termed Adaptive Surround Modulation or ASM). In ASM, the size of a visual neuron's receptive field (RF) as well as the relationship with its surround varies according to the local contrast within the stimulus, which in turn determines the nature of the centre-surround normalisation of cortical neurons higher up in the processing chain. We modelled colour constancy by means of two overlapping asymmetric Gaussian kernels whose sizes are adapted based on the contrast of the surround pixels, resembling the change of RF size. We simulated the contrast-dependent surround modulation by weighting the contribution of each Gaussian according to the centre-surround contrast. In the end, we obtained an estimation of the illuminant from the set of the most activated RFs' outputs. Our results on three single-illuminant and one multi-illuminant benchmark datasets show that ASM is highly competitive against the state-of-the-art and it even outperforms learning-based algorithms in one case. Moreover, the robustness of our model is more tangible if we consider that our results were obtained using the same parameters for all datasets, that is, mimicking how the human visual system operates. These results suggest a dynamical adaptation mechanisms contribute to achieving higher accuracy in computational colour constancy

    Time-lapse ratios of cone excitations in natural scenes

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    The illumination in natural environments varies through the day. Stable inferences about surface color might be supported by spatial ratios of cone excitations from the reflected light, but their invariance has been quantified only for global changes in illuminant spectrum. The aim here was to test their invariance under natural changes in both illumination spectrum and geometry, especially in the distribution of shadows. Time-lapse hyperspectral radiance images were acquired from five outdoor vegetated and nonvegetated scenes. From each scene, 10,000 pairs of points were sampled randomly and ratios measured across time. Mean relative deviations in ratios were generally large, but when sampling was limited to short distances or moderate time intervals, they fell below the level for detecting violations in ratio invariance. When illumination changes with uneven geometry were excluded, they fell further, to levels obtained with global changes in illuminant spectrum alone. Within sampling constraints, ratios of cone excitations, and also of opponent-color combinations, provide an approximately invariant signal for stable surface-color inferences, despite spectral and geometric variations in scene illumination.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom (Grant Nos. GR/R39412/01, EP/B000257/1, and EP/E056512/1). We thank Iván Marín-Franch for advice on statistical analysis and Oscar González for critical comments on the manuscript

    Fluctuating environmental light limits number of surfaces visually recognizable by colour

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    Small changes in daylight in the environment can produce large changes in reflected light, even over short intervals of time. Do these changes limit the visual recognition of surfaces by their colour? To address this question, information-theoretic methods were used to estimate computationally the maximum number of surfaces in a sample that can be identified as the same after an interval. Scene data were taken from successive hyperspectral radiance images. With no illumination change, the average number of surfaces distinguishable by colour was of the order of 10,000. But with an illumination change, the average number still identifiable declined rapidly with change duration. In one condition, the number after two minutes was around 600, after 10 min around 200, and after an hour around 70. These limits on identification are much lower than with spectral changes in daylight. No recoding of the colour signal is likely to recover surface identity lost in this uncertain environment