1,985 research outputs found

    The effect of service time variability on maximum queue lengths in M^X/G/1 queues

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    We study the impact of service-time distributions on the distribution of the maximum queue length during a busy period for the M^X/G/1 queue. The maximum queue length is an important random variable to understand when designing the buffer size for finite buffer (M/G/1/n) systems. We show the somewhat surprising result that for three variations of the preemptive LCFS discipline, the maximum queue length during a busy period is smaller when service times are more variable (in the convex sense).Comment: 12 page

    Elastic calls in an integrated services network: the greater the call size variability the better the QoS

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    We study a telecommunications network integrating prioritized stream calls and delay tolerant elastic calls that are served with the remaining (varying) service capacity according to a processor sharing discipline. The remarkable observation is presented and analytically supported that the expected elastic call holding time is decreasing in the variability of the elastic call size distribution. As a consequence, network planning guidelines or admission control schemes that are developed based on deterministic or lightly variable elastic call sizes are likely to be conservative and inefficient, given the commonly acknowledged property of e.g.\ \textsc{www}\ documents to be heavy tailed. Application areas of the model and results include fixed \textsc{ip} or \textsc{atm} networks and mobile cellular \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} and \textsc{umts} networks. \u

    Human activity modeling and Barabasi's queueing systems

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    It has been shown by A.-L. Barabasi that the priority based scheduling rules in single stage queuing systems (QS) generates fat tail behavior for the tasks waiting time distributions (WTD). Such fat tails are due to the waiting times of very low priority tasks which stay unserved almost forever as the task priority indices (PI) are "frozen in time" (i.e. a task priority is assigned once for all to each incoming task). Relaxing the "frozen in time" assumption, this paper studies the new dynamic behavior expected when the priority of each incoming tasks is time-dependent (i.e. "aging mechanisms" are allowed). For two class of models, namely 1) a population type model with an age structure and 2) a QS with deadlines assigned to the incoming tasks which is operated under the "earliest-deadline-first" policy, we are able to analytically extract some relevant characteristics of the the tasks waiting time distribution. As the aging mechanism ultimately assign high priority to any long waiting tasks, fat tails in the WTD cannot find their origin in the scheduling rule alone thus showing a fundamental difference between the present and the A.-L. Barabasi's class of models.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Revisiting Size-Based Scheduling with Estimated Job Sizes

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    We study size-based schedulers, and focus on the impact of inaccurate job size information on response time and fairness. Our intent is to revisit previous results, which allude to performance degradation for even small errors on job size estimates, thus limiting the applicability of size-based schedulers. We show that scheduling performance is tightly connected to workload characteristics: in the absence of large skew in the job size distribution, even extremely imprecise estimates suffice to outperform size-oblivious disciplines. Instead, when job sizes are heavily skewed, known size-based disciplines suffer. In this context, we show -- for the first time -- the dichotomy of over-estimation versus under-estimation. The former is, in general, less problematic than the latter, as its effects are localized to individual jobs. Instead, under-estimation leads to severe problems that may affect a large number of jobs. We present an approach to mitigate these problems: our technique requires no complex modifications to original scheduling policies and performs very well. To support our claim, we proceed with a simulation-based evaluation that covers an unprecedented large parameter space, which takes into account a variety of synthetic and real workloads. As a consequence, we show that size-based scheduling is practical and outperforms alternatives in a wide array of use-cases, even in presence of inaccurate size information.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS 201
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