7,020 research outputs found

    Ground controlled robotic assembly operations for Space Station Freedom

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    A number of dextrous robotic systems and associated positioning and transportation devices are available on Space Station Freedom (SSF) to perform assembly tasks that would otherwise need to be performed by extravehicular activity (EVA) crewmembers. The currently planned operating mode for these robotic systems during the assembly phase is teleoperation by intravehicular activity (IVA) crewmembers. While this operating mode is less hazardous and expensive than manned EVA operations, and has insignificant control loop time delays, the amount of IVA time available to support telerobotic operations is much less than the anticipated requirements. Some alternative is needed to allow the robotic systems to perform useful tasks without exhausting the available IVA resources; ground control is one such alternative. The issues associated with ground control of SSF robotic systems to alleviate onboard crew time availability constraints are investigated. Key technical issues include the effect of communication time delays, the need for safe, reliable execution of remote operations, and required modifications to the SSF ground and flight system architecture. Time delay compensation techniques such as predictive displays and world model-based force reflection are addressed and collision detection and avoidance strategies to ensure the safety of the on-orbit crew, Orbiter, and SSF are described. Although more time consuming and difficult than IVA controlled teleoperations or manned EVA, ground controlled telerobotic operations offer significant benefits during the SSF assembly phase, and should be considered in assembly planning activities

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    Described here is the progress made by Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Space Station Freedom in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology. Emphasis was placed on the Space Station Freedom program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) Progress Report 13, and issues of A&R implementation into the payload operations integration Center at Marshall Space Flight Center. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for Space Station Freedom

    Safe Robotic Grasping: Minimum Impact-Force Grasp Selection

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    This paper addresses the problem of selecting from a choice of possible grasps, so that impact forces will be minimised if a collision occurs while the robot is moving the grasped object along a post-grasp trajectory. Such considerations are important for safety in human-robot interaction, where even a certified "human-safe" (e.g. compliant) arm may become hazardous once it grasps and begins moving an object, which may have significant mass, sharp edges or other dangers. Additionally, minimising collision forces is critical to preserving the longevity of robots which operate in uncertain and hazardous environments, e.g. robots deployed for nuclear decommissioning, where removing a damaged robot from a contaminated zone for repairs may be extremely difficult and costly. Also, unwanted collisions between a robot and critical infrastructure (e.g. pipework) in such high-consequence environments can be disastrous. In this paper, we investigate how the safety of the post-grasp motion can be considered during the pre-grasp approach phase, so that the selected grasp is optimal in terms applying minimum impact forces if a collision occurs during a desired post-grasp manipulation. We build on the methods of augmented robot-object dynamics models and "effective mass" and propose a method for combining these concepts with modern grasp and trajectory planners, to enable the robot to achieve a grasp which maximises the safety of the post-grasp trajectory, by minimising potential collision forces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through several experiments with both simulated and real robots.Comment: To be appeared in IEEE/RAS IROS 201

    User Needs, Benefits, and Integration of Robotic Systems in a Space Station Laboratory

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    The methodology, results and conclusions of all tasks of the User Needs, Benefits, and Integration Study (UNBIS) of Robotic Systems in a Space Station Laboratory are summarized. Study goals included the determination of user requirements for robotics within the Space Station, United States Laboratory. In Task 1, three experiments were selected to determine user needs and to allow detailed investigation of microgravity requirements. In Task 2, a NASTRAN analysis of Space Station response to robotic disturbances, and acceleration measurement of a standard industrial robot (Intelledex Model 660) resulted in selection of two ranges of microgravity manipulation: Level 1 (10-3 to 10-5 G at greater than 1 Hz) and Level 2 (less than equal 10-6 G at 0.1 Hz). This task included an evaluation of microstepping methods for controlling stepper motors and concluded that an industrial robot actuator can perform milli-G motion without modification. Relative merits of end-effectors and manipulators were studied in Task 3 in order to determine their ability to perform a range of tasks related to the three microgravity experiments. An Effectivity Rating was established for evaluating these robotic system capabilities. Preliminary interface requirements for an orbital flight demonstration were determined in Task 4. Task 5 assessed the impact of robotics

    Motion Planning for the On-orbit Grasping of a Non-cooperative Target Satellite with Collision Avoidance

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    A method for grasping a tumbling noncooperative target is presented, which is based on nonlinear optimization and collision avoidance. Motion constraints on the robot joints as well as on the end-effector forces are considered. Cost functions of interest address the robustness of the planned solutions during the tracking phase as well as actuation energy. The method is applied in simulation to different operational scenarios

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    The progress made by levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Office of Space Station in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology is described. Emphasis is placed upon the Space Station Freedom Program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) progress report 10, the flight telerobotic servicer, and the Advanced Development Program. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom

    JSC flight experiment recommendation in support of Space Station robotic operations

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    The man-tended configuration (MTC) of Space Station Freedom (SSF) provides a unique opportunity to move robotic systems from the laboratory into the mainstream space program. Restricted crew access due to the Shuttle's flight rate, as well as constrained on-orbit stay time, reduces the productivity of a facility dependent on astronauts to perform useful work. A natural tendency toward robotics to perform maintenance and routine tasks will be seen in efforts to increase SSF usefulness. This tendency will provide the foothold for deploying space robots. This paper outlines a flight experiment that will capitalize on the investment in robotic technology made by NASA over the past ten years. The flight experiment described herein provides the technology demonstration necessary for taking advantage of the expected opportunity at MTC. As a context to this flight experiment, a broader view of the strategy developed at the JSC is required. The JSC is building toward MTC by developing a ground-based SSF emulation funded jointly by internal funds, NASA/Code R, and NASA/Code M. The purpose of this ground-based Station is to provide a platform whereby technology originally developed at JPL, LaRC, and GSFC can be integrated into a near flight-like condition. For instance, the Automated Robotic Maintenance of Space Station (ARMSS) project integrates flat targets, surface inspection, and other JPL technologies into a Station analogy for evaluation. Also, ARMSS provides the experimental platform for the Capaciflector from GSPC to be evaluated for its usefulness in performing ORU change out or other tasks where proximity detection is required. The use and enhancement of these ground-based SSF models are planned for use through FY-93. The experimental data gathered from tests in these facilities will provide the basis for the technology content of the proposed flight experiment
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