23 research outputs found

    Performance Modeling of Parallel Applications on MPSoCs

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    In this paper we present a new technique for automatically measuring the performance of tasks, functions or arbitrary parts of a program on a multiprocessor embedded system. The technique instruments the tasks described by OpenMP, used to represent the task parallelism, while ad hoc pragmas in the source indicate other pieces of code to profile. The annotations and the instrumentation are completely target-independent, so the same code can be measured on different target architectures, on simulators or on prototypes. We validate the approach on a single and on a dual LEON 3 platform synthesized on FPGA, demonstrating a low instrumentation overhead. We show how the information obtained with this technique can be easily exploited in a hardware/software design space exploration tool, by estimating, with good accuracy, the speed-up of a parallel application given the profiling on the single processor prototype

    ReSP: A Nonintrusive Transaction-Level Reflective MPSoC Simulation Platform for Design Space Exploration

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    Exploiting Nested Parallelism on Heterogeneous Processors

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    Heterogeneous computing systems have become common in modern processor architectures. These systems, such as those released by AMD, Intel, and Nvidia, include both CPU and GPU cores on a single die available with reduced communication overhead compared to their discrete predecessors. Currently, discrete CPU/GPU systems are limited, requiring larger, regular, highly-parallel workloads to overcome the communication costs of the system. Without the traditional communication delay assumed between GPUs and CPUs, we believe non-traditional workloads could be targeted for GPU execution. Specifically, this thesis focuses on the execution model of nested parallel workloads on heterogeneous systems. We have designed a simulation flow which utilizes widely used CPU and GPU simulators to model heterogeneous computing architectures. We then applied this simulator to non-traditional GPU workloads using different execution models. We also have proposed a new execution model for nested parallelism allowing users to exploit these heterogeneous systems to reduce execution time

    Performance estimation of embedded software with confidence levels

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    Since time constraints are a very critical aspect of an embedded system, performance evaluation can not be postponed to the end of the design flow, but it has to be introduced since its early stages. Estimation techniques based on mathematical models are usually preferred during this phase since they provide quite accurate estimation of the application performance in a fast way. However, the estimation error has to be considered during design space exploration to evaluate if a solution can be accepted (e.g., by discarding solutions whose estimated time is too close to constraint). Evaluate if the possible error can be significant analyzing a punctual estimation is not a trivial task. In this paper we propose a methodology, based on statistical analysis, that provides a prediction interval on the estimation and a confidence level on meeting a time constraint. This information can drive design space exploration reducing the number of solutions to be validated. The results show how the produced intervals effectively capture the estimation error introduced by a linear model

    Towards providing low-overhead data race detection for large OpenMP applications

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    pre-printNeither static nor dynamic data race detection methods, by themselves, have proven to be sufficient for large HPC applications, as they often result in high runtime overheads and/or low race-checking accuracy. While combined static and dynamic approaches can fare better, creating such combinations, in practice, requires attention to many details. Specifically, existing state of the art dynamic race detectors are aimed at low level threading models, and cannot handle high level models such as OpenMP. Further, they do not provide mechanisms by which static analysis methods can target selected regions of code with sufficient precision. In this paper, we present our solutions to both challenges. Specifically, we identify patterns within OpenMP run times that tend to mislead existing dynamic race checkers and provide mechanisms that help establish an explicit happens before relation to prevent such misleading checks. We also implement a fine-grained blacklist mechanism to allow a runtime analyzer to exclude regions of code at line number granularity. We support race checking by adapting Thread Sanitizer, a mature data-race checker developed at Google that is now an integral part of Clang and GCC; and we have implemented our techniques within the state-of-the-art Intel OpenMP Runtime. Our results demonstrate that these techniques can significantly improve run time analysis accuracy and overhead in the context of data race checking of Open MP applications

    Performance modeling of embedded applications with zero architectural knowledge

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    Performance estimation is a key step in the development of an embedded system. Normally, the performance evaluation is performed using a simulator or a performance mathematical model of the target architecture. However, both these approaches are usually based on the knowledge of the architectural details of the target. In this paper we present a methodology for automatically building an analytical model to estimate the performance of an application on a generic processor without requiring any information about the processor architecture but the one provided by the GNU GCC Intermediate Representation. The proposed methodology exploits the linear regression technique based on an application analysis performed on the Register Transfer Level internal representation of the GNU GCC compiler. The benefits of working with this type of model and with this intermediate representation are three: we take into account most of the compiler optimizations, we implicitly consider some architectural characteristics of the target processor and we can easily estimate the performance of portions of the specification. We validate our approach by evaluating with cross-validation technique the accuracy and the generality of the performance models built for the ARM926EJ-S and the LEON3 processor

    Performance Estimation for Task Graphs Combining Sequential Path Profiling and Control Dependence Regions

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    The speed-up estimation of parallelized code is crucial to efficiently compare different parallelization techniques or task graph transformations. Unfortunately, most of the time, during the parallelization of a specification, the information that can be extracted by profiling the corresponding sequential code (e.g. the most executed paths) are not properly taken into account. In particular, correlating sequential path profiling with the corresponding parallelized code can help in the identification of code hot spots, opening new possibilities for automatic parallelization. For this reason, starting from a well-known profiling technique, the Efficient Path Profiling, we propose a methodology that estimates the speed-up of a parallelized specification, just using the corresponding hierarchical task graph representation and the information coming from the dynamic profiling of the initial sequential specification. Experimental results show that the proposed solution outperforms existing approaches

    LLOV: A Fast Static Data-Race Checker for OpenMP Programs

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    In the era of Exascale computing, writing efficient parallel programs is indispensable and at the same time, writing sound parallel programs is highly difficult. While parallel programming is easier with frameworks such as OpenMP, the possibility of data races in these programs still persists. In this paper, we propose a fast, lightweight, language agnostic, and static data race checker for OpenMP programs based on the LLVM compiler framework. We compare our tool with other state-of-the-art data race checkers on a variety of well-established benchmarks. We show that the precision, accuracy, and the F1 score of our tool is comparable to other checkers while being orders of magnitude faster. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the only tool among the state-of-the-art data race checkers that can verify a FORTRAN program to be data race free