30 research outputs found

    ЕКО-середовище інформаційно-аналітичної системи підготовки наукових кадрів як засіб відкритої науки

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    The changes in the system of higher engineering education (HEE), the development of the scientific vector of STEM and the demands of Industrial Revolution 4.0 determine the revision of the concept of Scientific Personnel Training (SPT) of engineering direction. It is important to modernize the content of such education and to focus on meeting stakeholders in the context of open science. Methodologically substantiated principles of the construction information-analytical system (IAS) in integration software engineering with scientific approaches to teaching in physics will adequately affect the level of quality organization of the research in open science using the proposed ECO-environment of IAS for SPT. The purpose of SPT, based on the fundamentalization of the practical logic and of the provisions of transdisciplinary, systematic, competency and synergetic approaches is to provide subjects of scientific education with methodological tools for solving research problems in specific knowledge areas. At the transdisciplinary level, taking into account the concepts of STEM and open science justify adapting the methodology of constructing the transdisciplinary IAS; the terminology is systematized; the adaptive processes in an ECO-environment are revealed; the trajectory of development of transdisciplinary competence of applicants of scientific education is substantiated.Зміни в системі вищої інженерної освіти (HEE), розвиток наукового вектору STEM та вимоги Industrial Revolution 4.0 зумовлюють перегляд концепції Scientific Personnel Training (SPT) інженерного напрямку. Важливо модернізувати зміст такої освіти та зосередитися на зустрічах із зацікавленими сторонами в контексті відкритої науки. Методологічно обґрунтовані принципи побудови інформаційно-аналітичної системи (ІАС) в інтеграції програмної інженерії з науковими підходами до викладання фізики адекватно вплинуть на рівень якісної організації дослідження відкритої науки з використанням запропонованого ЕКО-середовища ІАС для СПТ. Метою СПТ, що ґрунтується на фундаменталізації практичної логіки та положень трансдисциплінарного, системного, компетентнісного та синергетичного підходів, є забезпечення суб’єктів наукової освіти методичним інструментарієм для вирішення дослідницьких завдань у конкретних галузях знань. На трансдисциплінарному рівні з урахуванням концепцій STEM та відкритої науки обґрунтувати адаптацію методології побудови трансдисциплінарної ІАС; систематизовано термінологію; виявлено адаптивні процеси в ЕКО-середовищі; обґрунтовано траєкторію розвитку трансдисциплінарної компетентності здобувачів наукової освіти

    Modeling Urban Street Lighting Infrastructure Using Open Source Data Sets

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    Streetlights in urban settings have been increasingly ubiquitous assets in cities worldwide. The illumination of street networks accounts for a major and growing burden on the environment, municipalities's budgets and power supply systems. The global demand for street lighting is expected to increase by 80% by 2030 compared to 2005. This paper introduces an open source GIS-based tool to simulate urban street infrastructures and calculate the electricity demand for streetlights. Furthermore, different scenarios of operating street lighting systems using local available renewable energy resources and flexibilization technologies are investigated. Using solely open source data sets, this research confirms the possibility of replicating realistic urban street infrastructures. The extracted OpenStreetMap geospatial road networks for the case study of the city of Berlin is validated against available public data sets. It is found that, a self sufficient streetlight system, 100% renewables, for the investigated case study requires significant investments in renewables and storage technologies. The developed tool, called FlexiGIS-light, establishes a strong basis for further analysis and discussion for the planning of sustainable and integrated street lighting systems in urban areas

    Requirements for an Open Digital Platform for Interdisciplinary Energy Research and Practice

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    Energy systems are changing rapidly and energy research is fundamental to enable and optimize this change involving academics, practitioners, and the public. Therefore, an open digital platform to share knowledge and experiences is crucial for the energy sector. We identify and discuss requirements from 36 semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders for a platform based on five essential elements. The competence element enables researchers and developers to find suitable partners for their research and practice projects, and the best practices element delivers ideas to structure cooperative energy research. The repository element helps to find available data and frameworks for energy systems’ simulation and optimizations. Frameworks and models are coupled by using the simulation element. Last, results and contents from the energy community can be published within the transparency element to reach various interested stakeholders. We discuss implications and recommendations as well as further research directions

    'oemof.tabular' – Introducing Data Packages for Reproducible Workflows in Energy System Modeling

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    The paper describes how Data Packages can be used for creating reproducible workflows in energy system modeling. The presented concept has been implemented in the Python package 'oemof.tabular'. The package is designed as an interface to instantiate energy system models from tabular data sources based on the 'oemof.solph' library. To implement the data model, 'oemof.tabular' extends the Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) by facada classes. The developed data model allows users to work with Data Packages and meta data information. The simplified tabular data structure can be used for large energy system models as well as in teaching environments leveraging functionalities of the already widely used 'oemof.solph' library

    The potential of simulating energy systems: The multi energy systems simulator model

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    Energy system modelling is an essential practice to assist a set of heterogeneous stakeholders in the process of defining an effective and efficient energy transition. From the analysis of a set of open-source energy system models, it emerged that most models employ an approach directed at finding the optimal solution for a given set of constraints. On the contrary, a simulation model is a representation of a system used to reproduce and understand its behaviour under given conditions without seeking an optimal solution. In this paper, a new open-source energy system model is presented. Multi Energy Systems Simulator (MESS) is a modular, multi-energy carrier, multi-node model that allows the investigation of non optimal solutions by simulating an energy system. The model was built for urban level analyses. However, each node can represent larger regions allowing wider spatial scales to be represented as well. In this work, the tool’s features are presented through a comparison between MESS and Calliope, a state of the art optimization model, to analyse and highlight the differences between the two approaches, the potentialities of a simulation tool and possible areas for further development. The two models produced coherent results, showing differences that were tracked down to the different approaches. Based on the comparison conducted, general conclusions were drawn on the potential of simulating energy systems in terms of a more realistic description of smaller energy systems, lower computational times and increased opportunity for participatory processes in planning urban energy systems

    Methodology to design district heating systems with respect to local energy potentials, CO2-emission restrictions, and federal subsidies using oemof

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    To combine a variety of different heat generating technologies, static design methods will not be sufficient to design future heat supply systems. New energy system design approaches are being developed with consideration of fluctuating renewable energy sources, different subsidy measures, as well as CO2-emission reduction targets. The motive of this study is to develop a new methodology to design and optimise an energy system considering these constraints. The methodology is developed based on the Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) and applied on a sub-urban region in northern Germany. Local specifics of energy source potentials are taken into account. It adapts the boundary conditions of a German federal funding program for innovative heat supply networks “Heating Network Systems 4.0.” Federal funding restrictions of combined heat and power systems and self-consumption are also considered. An economic optimisation was conducted considering a variety of energy sources. Cost optimal energy system design was computed regarding investments costs, energy prices and annual CO2-emission restrictions. The integration of combined heat and power (CHP), photovoltaic (PV) and heat pump (HP) systems in combination with storage size optimisation can reduce CO2-emission of heat production by approx. 69% compared to the current state of heat production

    Optimal Power Dispatch in Energy Systems Considering Grid Constraints

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    In this research, an energy system dispatch optimization model is employed. It includes an iterative approach for generating grid constraints, which is decoupled from the linear unit commitment problem. The dispatch of all energy carriers in the system is optimized while considering the physical electrical grid limits

    Deduction of Optimal Control Strategies for a Sector-Coupled District Energy System

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    We present a method to turn the results of model-based optimisations into resilient and comprehensible control strategies. Our approach is to define priority lists for all available technologies in a district energy system. Using linear discriminant analysis and the results of the optimisations, these are then assigned to discrete time steps using a set of possible steering parameters. In contrast to the model-based optimisations, the deduced control strategies do not need predictions or even perfect foresight but solely rely on data about the present. The case study using priority lists presents results in terms of emissions and prices that are only about 5\% off the linear optimum. Considering that the priority lists only need information about the present, the results of the control strategies obtained using the proposed method can be considered competitive

    Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles as Mobile Coupled Heat and Power Backup-Plant in Neighbourhoods

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    Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) can be used during idle times to convert hydrogen into electricity in a decentralised manner, thus ensuring a completely renewable energy supply. In addition to the electric power, waste heat is generated in the fuel cell stack that can also be used. This paper investigates how the energy demand of a compiled German neighbourhood can be met by FCEVs and identifies potential technical problems. For this purpose, energy scenarios are modelled in the Open Energy System Modelling Framework (oemof). An optimisation simulation finds the most energetically favourable solution for the 10-day period under consideration. Up to 49% of the heat demand for heating and hot water can be covered directly by the waste heat of the FCEVs. As the number of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to be charged increases, so does this share. 5 of the 252 residents must permanently provide an FCEV to supply the neighbourhood. The amount of hydrogen required was identified as a problem. If the vehicles cannot be supplied with hydrogen in a stationary way, 15 times more vehicles are needed than required in terms of performance due to the energy demand