4 research outputs found

    An Improved Algorithm For Online Min-Sum Set Cover

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    We study a fundamental model of online preference aggregation, where an algorithm maintains an ordered list of nn elements. An input is a stream of preferred sets R1,R2,,Rt,R_1, R_2, \dots, R_t, \dots. Upon seeing RtR_t and without knowledge of any future sets, an algorithm has to rerank elements (change the list ordering), so that at least one element of RtR_t is found near the list front. The incurred cost is a sum of the list update costs (the number of swaps of neighboring list elements) and access costs (position of the first element of RtR_t on the list). This scenario occurs naturally in applications such as ordering items in an online shop using aggregated preferences of shop customers. The theoretical underpinning of this problem is known as Min-Sum Set Cover. Unlike previous work (Fotakis et al., ICALP 2020, NIPS 2020) that mostly studied the performance of an online algorithm ALG against the static optimal solution (a single optimal list ordering), in this paper, we study an arguably harder variant where the benchmark is the provably stronger optimal dynamic solution OPT (that may also modify the list ordering). In terms of an online shop, this means that the aggregated preferences of its user base evolve with time. We construct a computationally efficient randomized algorithm whose competitive ratio (ALG-to-OPT cost ratio) is O(r2)O(r^2) and prove the existence of a deterministic O(r4)O(r^4)-competitive algorithm. Here, rr is the maximum cardinality of sets RtR_t. This is the first algorithm whose ratio does not depend on nn: the previously best algorithm for this problem was O(r3/2n)O(r^{3/2} \cdot \sqrt{n})-competitive and Ω(r)\Omega(r) is a lower bound on the performance of any deterministic online algorithm.Comment: Presented at AAAI 202

    On the Approximability of Multistage Min-Sum Set Cover

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    We investigate the polynomial-time approximability of the multistage version of Min-Sum Set Cover (DSSC\mathrm{DSSC}), a natural and intriguing generalization of the classical List Update problem. In DSSC\mathrm{DSSC}, we maintain a sequence of permutations (π0,π1,,πT)(\pi^0, \pi^1, \ldots, \pi^T) on nn elements, based on a sequence of requests (R1,,RT)(R^1, \ldots, R^T). We aim to minimize the total cost of updating πt1\pi^{t-1} to πt\pi^{t}, quantified by the Kendall tau distance DKT(πt1,πt)\mathrm{D}_{\mathrm{KT}}(\pi^{t-1}, \pi^t), plus the total cost of covering each request RtR^t with the current permutation πt\pi^t, quantified by the position of the first element of RtR^t in πt\pi^t. Using a reduction from Set Cover, we show that DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} does not admit an O(1)O(1)-approximation, unless P=NP\mathrm{P} = \mathrm{NP}, and that any o(logn)o(\log n) (resp. o(r)o(r)) approximation to DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} implies a sublogarithmic (resp. o(r)o(r)) approximation to Set Cover (resp. where each element appears at most rr times). Our main technical contribution is to show that DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} can be approximated in polynomial-time within a factor of O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) in general instances, by randomized rounding, and within a factor of O(r2)O(r^2), if all requests have cardinality at most rr, by deterministic rounding

    The Online Min-Sum Set Cover Problem

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    We consider the online Min-Sum Set Cover (MSSC), a natural and intriguing generalization of the classical list update problem. In Online MSSC, the algorithm maintains a permutation on n elements based on subsets S₁, S₂, … arriving online. The algorithm serves each set S_t upon arrival, using its current permutation π_t, incurring an access cost equal to the position of the first element of S_t in π_t. Then, the algorithm may update its permutation to π_{t+1}, incurring a moving cost equal to the Kendall tau distance of π_t to π_{t+1}. The objective is to minimize the total access and moving cost for serving the entire sequence. We consider the r-uniform version, where each S_t has cardinality r. List update is the special case where r = 1. We obtain tight bounds on the competitive ratio of deterministic online algorithms for MSSC against a static adversary, that serves the entire sequence by a single permutation. First, we show a lower bound of (r+1)(1-r/(n+1)) on the competitive ratio. Then, we consider several natural generalizations of successful list update algorithms and show that they fail to achieve any interesting competitive guarantee. On the positive side, we obtain a O(r)-competitive deterministic algorithm using ideas from online learning and the multiplicative weight updates (MWU) algorithm. Furthermore, we consider efficient algorithms. We propose a memoryless online algorithm, called Move-All-Equally, which is inspired by the Double Coverage algorithm for the k-server problem. We show that its competitive ratio is Ω(r²) and 2^{O(√{log n ⋅ log r})}, and conjecture that it is f(r)-competitive. We also compare Move-All-Equally against the dynamic optimal solution and obtain (almost) tight bounds by showing that it is Ω(r √n) and O(r^{3/2} √n)-competitive.ISSN:1868-896