99 research outputs found

    Latin Via Proverbs: 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin

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    Latin Via Proverbs is a collection of 4000 Latin proverbs organized by grammatical categories. It can be used as a supplement for any first-year Latin textbook or as a systematic grammar review for intermediate Latin students. For additional information, visit the BestLatin.net website

    Frogs in pre-industrial Britain

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    MĂşsica: detecciĂłn sin contacto del gesto en tiempo real y ropa activa

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    Existen diferentes maneras de producir música en tiempo real sin utilizar instrumentos convencionales, sean estos electrónicos o acústicos. En realidad en el campo de la música el calificativo “convencional” es efímero o, en algunos casos, al menos forzado ya que una vez que las innovaciones se instalan en la práctica, dejan obviamente de ser innovaciones y entonces pasarían de la no convencionalidad a la convencionalidad. Para focalizar mejor entonces el objeto de este estudio voy a hablar de instrumentos musicales que surgen con el apoyo de la tecnología y que utilizan para ser accionados algún dispositivo que trata de mimetizarse con la propia vestimenta del interprete. En otros casos el accionar del intérprete se realiza en el espacio que lo rodea, como si el dispositivo de acción fuera invisible. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Eje temático: Lenguajes múltiplesFacultad de Bellas Arte

    MĂşsica: detecciĂłn sin contacto del gesto en tiempo real y ropa activa

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    Existen diferentes maneras de producir música en tiempo real sin utilizar instrumentos convencionales, sean estos electrónicos o acústicos. En realidad en el campo de la música el calificativo “convencional” es efímero o, en algunos casos, al menos forzado ya que una vez que las innovaciones se instalan en la práctica, dejan obviamente de ser innovaciones y entonces pasarían de la no convencionalidad a la convencionalidad. Para focalizar mejor entonces el objeto de este estudio voy a hablar de instrumentos musicales que surgen con el apoyo de la tecnología y que utilizan para ser accionados algún dispositivo que trata de mimetizarse con la propia vestimenta del interprete. En otros casos el accionar del intérprete se realiza en el espacio que lo rodea, como si el dispositivo de acción fuera invisible. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Eje temático: Lenguajes múltiplesFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Mille Fabulae et Una: 1001 Aesop’s Fables in Latin

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    The book contains 1001 Aesop's fables in Latin, arranged by character. The fables are in Latin prose, adapted as needed so that each fable is 120 words in length at most. Verse fables have been rephrased in prose form; Greek fables appear in Latin translation, and there are also some French fables in Latin translation. Source notes and bibliography are provided, along with Perry reference numbers. Among the authors included are Abstemius, Ademar, Alexander Nequam, Aphthonius, Avianus, Babrius, Desbillons, Faernus, La Fontaine, Odo of Cheriton, Phaedrus, and Syntipas. For additional information, visit the BestLatin.net website

    The Flora of the Papuk Nature Park (Slavonia, Croatia)

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    U radu je analizirana flora Parka prirode Papuk. Istraživanjasu obavljena u razdoblju od 2001. do 2005. godine. Ukupno su zabilježene1223 vrste i podvrste vaskularne flore unutar 121 porodice i 497 rodova. Uradu je obavljena sintaksonomska analiza te ekološka i fitogeografska anali za. Rezultati su predočeni u tablicama (tab. 1–2) i slikama (sl. 1 i 2). U taksonomskoj analizi najzastupljenije su Angiospermae (1171 svojta,95,7 %) od kojih na Magnoliopsida otpada 931 takson (76,1 %), a na Liliopsi da 240 taksona (19,6 %). S obzirom na broj vrsta najzastupljenija je porodica Asteraceae (106 vrstaili 8,83 %), a zatim slijede Poaceae (96 vrsta ili 7,85 %) i Fabaceae (77 vrstaili 6,30 %). Od 1223 vrste i podvrste tijekom ovih istraživanja nije potvrđenona laz za njih deset. Rezultati analize životnih oblika u flori nekog područja pokazuju odnosflore prema općim klimatskim karakteristikama toga područja. Najzastupljeniji životni oblik u flori Papuka su hemikriptofiti s 589 taksona (48,16 %),zatim slijede terofiti (251 takson, 20, 52 %), geofiti (12,92 %), fanerofiti(12,43 %), kamefiti (3,52 %) i hidrofiti (2,45 %). U fitogeografskoj analizi dominiraju biljke euoroazijskoga flornog elementa (335 taksona, 27,39 %). Velik je udio biljaka široke rasprostranjenosti(oko 18 %), što je pokazatelj jakog antropogenog djelovanja. Na istraživanom području zabilježeno je 50 ugroženih svojti (4,09 %) s popi sa Crvene knjige Republike Hrvatske, od kojih je šest kritično ugroženih, 14ugro ženih i 30 osjetljivih svojti. U flori Papuka zabilježene su 33 vrste iz porodice orhideja (Orchidaceae)koje dolaze na otvorenim površinama i po travnjacima. Preduvjet za njihovooču vanje je održavanje tradicionalnog načina košnje i ispaše travnjačkih povr šina, jer se samo na taj način mogu sačuvati i njihova staništa. U prirodnoj vegetaciji zabilježene su i adventivne biljke. Od adventivnihbi ljaka osobito su zanimljivi neofiti (Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Artemisia verlotiorum, Bidens tripar tita, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Reynoutria japonica i dr.).Potrebno je pratiti njihovo širenje i poduzimati odgovarajuće mjere za njihovo suzbijnje.The researches of the Papuk Natural Reserve flora were carried out from 2001 to 2005. The area was formally declared a natural reserve on April 23rd, 1999. It covers 335 km2 approximately. The borders of the Reserve are defined by the law on declaring the Papuk Natural Reserve (NN/99). The Reserve includes parts of the Papuk-Krndija mountains, lying in the east-west directed, along the Kutjevo-Velika-Kamenska-Vučjak-Zvečevo-Voćin-Slatinski Drenovac-Orahovica-Petrov vrh-Kutjevo line and belong to the so-called Slavonija mountains region. Within this region, Papuk and Krndija form one relief body. The floral diversity of Papuk is predetermined by its geological-lithological structure as well as its climatological characteristics. According to Köppen, the climate of the east Slavonija, from Daruvar to Ilok, belongs to cfwb”x” climate (temperately warm and rainy), without dry periods, precipitation evenly distributed throughout the year, the driest period being in winter (Seletković i Katušin 1992). The average year temperature for a 30 year period (1961–1990) measured by the climatological station of Požega, is 10.6 oC and year precipitation quantity is 782 mm. There are three vegetational zones: (re. Trinajstić 1995, 1998) firstly low-hills area (from 100 to 250 m) belonging to the durmast-oak forests zone; secondly, the mid-hills area (250 to 900 m) dominated by European beach forests and finally the mountainous area (above 900 m) with European beach and silver fir. These three zones include a range of associations, depending on particular conditions of their habitats (floods, lithological base structure etc.). The phytocenological researches of Papuk (Franjić 2002) resulted with 13 plant associations that form the major part of the vegetation of this area. Forests cover the majority of the Reserve. Apart from forest associations, there are other important habitats abundant in plant species, meadows, forest border-lines, swamp vegetation etc, even though they don’t cover large areas. There were 1223 species and subspecies of the vascular flora recorded within the Reserve, classified in 121 families and 497 genera. The syntaxonomic analysis and the analysis of the life forms and floral elements were carried out as well (tab. 1–2 fig. 1 and 2). The taxonomic analysis showed a predominance of the Angiospermae (1171 species, 95.7 %) including the Magnoliopsida (931 taxa, 76.1 %) and Liliopsida (240 taxa, 19.6 %). M. Pandža: FLORA PARKA PRIRODE PAPUK (SLAVONIJA, HRVATSKA) Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIV (2010), 25-44 The largest number of species belongs to the Asteraceae (106 species, 8.83 %) followed by the Poaceae (96 species, 7.85 %) and Fabaceae (77 species, 6.30 %). Out of 1223 previously recorded species and subspecies, 10 were not confirmed during this research. The results of the flora life forms analysis of a certain region show the relations between its flora and the general climate characteristics of the region. The most frequent life forms in the flora of Papuk are hemicryptophytes (589 taxa, 48.16 %), therophytes (251 taxa, 20.52 %), geophytes (12.92 %), phanerophytes (12.43 %), chamaephytes (3.52 %) and hydrophytes (2.45 %). The phytogeographical analysis showed a domination of Euroasian floral element plants (335 taxa, 27,39 %). Widespread plants are represented by as large a number as 18 % pointing to a strong antropogenous actovity. 50 endangered species (4.09 %) from the Red Book list of the Republic of Croatia were found within the borders of the Reserve – six critically endangered, 14 endangered and 30 vulnerable species. There were also 33 species of the Orchidaceae family found on clearings and meadows. The traditional manners of mowing and grazing of meadows are of essential importance for the preservation of orchids, as the only way to preserve their habitats. Several adventive plants were recorded within the natural vegetation. Among them, the neophytes (Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Artemisia verlotiorum, Bidens tripartita, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Reynoutria japonica etc.) are particularly interesting. The require observation focused on their spreading and steps for their eradication

    Alapkutatás a hazai Duna-ártér és Dráva-mellék erdeinek összehasonlító-cönológiai vizsgálatához, tekintettel a térség természetvédelmi célú rekonstrukciójára = Comparative phyto-sociological research of the forests of home Duna flood-area and Drava plains regarding to the possibilities of the forest restoration in the region

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    A hazai Duna- és Dráva-ártér bejárása teljes hosszában megtörtént, s kb. 1200 cönológiai felvétel készült. Ezek többsége a síksági tölgy-kőris-szil ligetekből és gyertyános-tölgyesekből, kisebb része fűzligetekből, fehér nyárligetekből, égerligetekből és száraz tölgyesekből származik. E felmérések során néhány új asszociáció leírására került sor: fekete galagonya-cserjés, ártéri gyertyános-tölgyes, homoki gyertyános-tölgyes, lösz gyertyános-tölgyes, kiszáradó kavicson fejlődő gyertyános-tölgyes, zárt lösztölgyes. A Szigetközben a Duna szlovákiai elterelésének hatását is vizsgáltuk: 6 fás társulásban bekövetkezett változásokat. 15 fás társulás 41 szubasszociációjából 5-5 talajmintát küldtünk laboratóriumba, így összesen 205 talajminta elemzésére került sor. A hagyományos cönológiai felmérések mellett a Dráva mentén monitoring-vizsgálatokat is végeztünk. | The wandering of the native Danube-Drava's floodplain in entire length has been carried out and about 1200 coenological records have been made. Most of them come from the oak, ash, elm groves of the plain and horn beamed-oak, the miner apart of willow groves, white poplar groves, alder groves and of dry oak groves. In course of the observation some new associations have been described: black hawthorn shrubs, floodplain-horn beamed-oaks, sand-horn beamed-oaks, loess-horn beamed-oaks. In the Szigetköz impact of the diversion of the Danube in Slovakia has been studied: the changes which occurred in woody phytosocialisation. We have sent ground-sample of 41 subassociations of 15 woody phytosocialisation to laboratory, so there has been a dissection of 205 ground-samples altogether. Besides the traditional coenological assessments along the River Dráva monitoring-analyzations have been carried out, too
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