208 research outputs found

    Algorithmic counting of nonequivalent compact Huffman codes

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    It is known that the following five counting problems lead to the same integer sequence~ft(n)f_t(n): the number of nonequivalent compact Huffman codes of length~nn over an alphabet of tt letters, the number of `nonequivalent' canonical rooted tt-ary trees (level-greedy trees) with nn~leaves, the number of `proper' words, the number of bounded degree sequences, and the number of ways of writing 1=1tx1+⋯+1txn1= \frac{1}{t^{x_1}}+ \dots + \frac{1}{t^{x_n}} with integers 0≤x1≤x2≤⋯≤xn0 \leq x_1 \leq x_2 \leq \dots \leq x_n. In this work, we show that one can compute this sequence for \textbf{all} n<Nn<N with essentially one power series division. In total we need at most N1+εN^{1+\varepsilon} additions and multiplications of integers of cNcN bits, c<1c<1, or N2+εN^{2+\varepsilon} bit operations, respectively. This improves an earlier bound by Even and Lempel who needed O(N3)O(N^3) operations in the integer ring or O(N4)O(N^4) bit operations, respectively

    Canonical Trees, Compact Prefix-free Codes and Sums of Unit Fractions: A Probabilistic Analysis

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    For fixed t≥2t\ge 2, we consider the class of representations of 11 as sum of unit fractions whose denominators are powers of tt or equivalently the class of canonical compact tt-ary Huffman codes or equivalently rooted tt-ary plane "canonical" trees. We study the probabilistic behaviour of the height (limit distribution is shown to be normal), the number of distinct summands (normal distribution), the path length (normal distribution), the width (main term of the expectation and concentration property) and the number of leaves at maximum distance from the root (discrete distribution)

    Egyptian Fractions

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    Any rational number can be written as the sum of distinct unit fractions. In this survey paper we review some of the many interesting questions concerning such 'Egyptian fraction' decompositions, and recent progress concerning them.Comment: 10 pages, survey article written for Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Comments welcome

    Compositions into Powers of bb: Asymptotic Enumeration and Parameters

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    For a fixed integer base b≥2b\geq2, we consider the number of compositions of 11 into a given number of powers of bb and, related, the maximum number of representations a positive integer can have as an ordered sum of powers of bb. We study the asymptotic growth of those numbers and give precise asymptotic formulae for them, thereby improving on earlier results of Molteni. Our approach uses generating functions, which we obtain from infinite transfer matrices. With the same techniques the distribution of the largest denominator and the number of distinct parts are investigated

    File compression using probabilistic grammars and LR parsing

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    Data compression, the reduction in size of the physical representation of data being stored or transmitted, has long been of interest both as a research topic and as a practical technique. Different methods are used for encoding different classes of data files. The purpose of this research is to compress a class of highly redundant data files whose contents are partially described by a context-free grammar (i.e. text files containing computer programs). An encoding technique is developed for the removal of structural dependancy due to the context-free structure of such files. The technique depends on a type of LR parsing method called LALR(K) (Lookahead LRM). The encoder also pays particular attention to the encoding of editing characters, comments, names and constants. The encoded data maintains the exact information content of the original data. Hence, a decoding technique (depending on the same parsing method) is developed to recover the original information from its compressed representation. The technique is demonstrated by compressing Pascal programs. An optimal coding scheme (based on Huffman codes) is used to encode the parsing alternatives in each parsing state. The decoder uses these codes during the decoding phase. Also Huffman codes, based on the probability of the symbols c oncerned, are used when coding editing characterst comments, names and constants. The sizes of the parsing tables (and subsequently the encoding tables) were considerably reduced by splitting them into a number of sub-tables. The minimum and the average code length of the average program are derived from two different matrices. These matrices are constructed from a probabilistic grammar, and the language generated by this grammar. Finally, various comparisons are made with a related encoding method by using a simple context-free language

    Algorithms for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes

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    Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) are complex instruments for ground-based -ray astronomy and require sophisticated software for the handling of the measured data. In part one of this work, a modular and efficient software framework is presented that allows to run the complete chain from reading the raw data from the telescopes, over calibration, background reduction and reconstruction, to the sky maps. Several new methods and fast algorithms have been developed and are presented. Furthermore, it was found that the currently used file formats in IACT experiments are not optimal in terms of flexibility and I/O speed. Therefore, in part two a new file format was developed, which allows to store the camera and subsystem data in all its complexity. It offers fast lossy and lossless compression optimized for the high data rates of IACT experiments. Since many other scientific experiments also struggle with enormous data rates, the compression algorithm was further optimized and generalized, and is now able to efficiently compress the data of other experiments as well. Finally, for those who prefer to store their data as ASCII text, a fast I/O scheme is presented, including the necessary compression and conversion routines. Although the second part of this thesis is very technical, it might still be interesting for scientists designing an experiment with high data rates
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