148,893 research outputs found

    Construction of Neural Network Classification Expert Systems Using Switching Theory Algorithms

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    A new family of neural network architectures is presented. This family of architectures solves the problem of constructing and training minimal neural network classification expert systems by using switching theory. The primary insight that leads to the use of switching theory is that the problem of minimizing the number of rules and the number of IF statements (antecedents) per rule in a neural network expert system can be recast into the problem of minimizing the number of digital gates and the number of connections between digital gates in a Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuit. The rules that the neural network generates to perform a task are readily extractable from the network's weights and topology. Analysis and simulations on the Mushroom database illustrate the system's performance

    One-to-many face recognition with bilinear CNNs

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    The recent explosive growth in convolutional neural network (CNN) research has produced a variety of new architectures for deep learning. One intriguing new architecture is the bilinear CNN (B-CNN), which has shown dramatic performance gains on certain fine-grained recognition problems [15]. We apply this new CNN to the challenging new face recognition benchmark, the IARPA Janus Benchmark A (IJB-A) [12]. It features faces from a large number of identities in challenging real-world conditions. Because the face images were not identified automatically using a computerized face detection system, it does not have the bias inherent in such a database. We demonstrate the performance of the B-CNN model beginning from an AlexNet-style network pre-trained on ImageNet. We then show results for fine-tuning using a moderate-sized and public external database, FaceScrub [17]. We also present results with additional fine-tuning on the limited training data provided by the protocol. In each case, the fine-tuned bilinear model shows substantial improvements over the standard CNN. Finally, we demonstrate how a standard CNN pre-trained on a large face database, the recently released VGG-Face model [20], can be converted into a B-CNN without any additional feature training. This B-CNN improves upon the CNN performance on the IJB-A benchmark, achieving 89.5% rank-1 recall.Comment: Published version at WACV 201

    Improving SQL Server Perform

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    With the development of client server technology and multilayer architectures the systems ef-ficiency issue has been increasingly discussed. Lacking knowledge in optimization methods and tools offered by DBMS's, database administrators and developers of applications based on Microsoft technologies cannot optimally design and service performing systems. In this article we review the objectives that should be considered (in order) to improve performance of SQL Server instances and we describe the techniques used to optimize queries. Also, we explain and illustrate the new optimization features offered by SQL Server 2008.Query, Optimization, SQL Server

    The Database Query Support Processor (QSP)

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    The number and diversity of databases available to users continues to increase dramatically. Currently, the trend is towards decentralized, client server architectures that (on the surface) are less expensive to acquire, operate, and maintain than information architectures based on centralized, monolithic mainframes. The database query support processor (QSP) effort evaluates the performance of a network level, heterogeneous database access capability. Air Force Material Command's Rome Laboratory has developed an approach, based on ANSI standard X3.138 - 1988, 'The Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS)' to seamless access to heterogeneous databases based on extensions to data dictionary technology. To successfully query a decentralized information system, users must know what data are available from which source, or have the knowledge and system privileges necessary to find out this information. Privacy and security considerations prohibit free and open access to every information system in every network. Even in completely open systems, time required to locate relevant data (in systems of any appreciable size) would be better spent analyzing the data, assuming the original question was not forgotten. Extensions to data dictionary technology have the potential to more fully automate the search and retrieval for relevant data in a decentralized environment. Substantial amounts of time and money could be saved by not having to teach users what data resides in which systems and how to access each of those systems. Information describing data and how to get it could be removed from the application and placed in a dedicated repository where it belongs. The result simplified applications that are less brittle and less expensive to build and maintain. Software technology providing the required functionality is off the shelf. The key difficulty is in defining the metadata required to support the process. The database query support processor effort will provide quantitative data on the amount of effort required to implement an extended data dictionary at the network level, add new systems, adapt to changing user needs, and provide sound estimates on operations and maintenance costs and savings

    National launch strategy vehicle data management system

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    The national launch strategy vehicle data management system (NLS/VDMS) was developed as part of the 1990 NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. The system was developed under the guidance of the Engineering Systems Branch of the Information Systems Office, and is intended for use within the Program Development Branch PD34. The NLS/VDMS is an on-line database system that permits the tracking of various launch vehicle configurations within the program development office. The system is designed to permit the definition of new launch vehicles, as well as the ability to display and edit existing launch vehicles. Vehicles can be grouped in logical architectures within the system. Reports generated from this package include vehicle data sheets, architecture data sheets, and vehicle flight rate reports. The topics covered include: (1) system overview; (2) initial system development; (3) supercard hypermedia authoring system; (4) the ORACLE database; and (5) system evaluation