4 research outputs found

    NetJobs: A new approach to network monitoring for the Grid using Grid jobs

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    With grid computing, the far-fl�ung and disparate IT resources act as a single "virtual datacenter". Grid computing interfaces heterogeneous IT resources so they are available when and where we need them. Grid allows us to provision applications and allocate capacity among research and business groups that are geographically and organizationally dispersed. Building a high availability Grid is hold as the next goal to achieve: protecting against computer failures and site failures to avoid downtime of resource and honor Service Level Agreements. Network monitoring has a key role in this challenge. This work is concerning the design and the prototypal implementation of a new approach to Network monitoring for the Grid based on the usage of Grid scheduled jobs. This work was carried out within the Network Support task (SA2) of the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project. This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1: Grid Computing From the origins of Grid Computing to the latest projects. Conceptual framework and main features characterizing many kind of popular grids will be presented. Chapter 2: The EGEE and EGI projects This chapter describes the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project and the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). EGEE project (2004-2010) was the�flagship Grid infrastructure project of the EU. The third and last two-year phase of the project (started on 1 May 2008) was financed with a total budget of around 47 million euro, with a further estimated 50 million euro worth of computing resources contributed by the partners. A total manpower of 9,000 Person Months, of which over 4,500 Person Months has been contributed by the partners from their own funding sources. At its close, EGEE represented a worldwide infrastructure of approximately to 200,000 CPU cores, collaboratively hosted by more than 300 centres around the world. By the end of the project, around 13 million jobs were executed on the EGEE grid each month. The new organization, EGI.eu, has then been created to continue the coordination and evolution of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) based on EGEE Grid. Chapter3: gLite Middleware Chapter three gives an overview on the gLite Grid Middleware. gLite is the middleware stack for grid computing used by the EGEE and EGI projects with in a very large variety of scientifi�c domains. Born from the collaborative efforts of more than 80 people in 12 different academic and industrial research centers as part of the EGEE Project, gLite provides a complete set of services for building a production grid infrastructure. gLite provides a framework for building grid applications tapping into the power of distributed computing and storage resources across the Internet. The gLite services are currently adopted by more than 250 Computing Centres and used by more than 15000 researchers in Europe and around the world. Chapter 4: Network Activity in EGEE/EGI Grid infrastructures are distributed by nature, involving many sites, normally in different administrative domains. Individual sites are connected together by a network, which is therefore a critical part of the whole Grid infrastructure; without the network there is no Grid. Monitoring is a key component for the successful operation of any infrastructure, helping in the discovery and diagnosis of any problem which may arise. Network monitoring is able to contribute to the day-to-day operations of the Grid by helping to provide answers to specific questions from users and site administrators. This chapter will discuss all the effort lavished by EGEE and EGI in the Grid Network domain. Chapter 5: Grid Network Monitoring based on Grid Jobs Net Jobs is a prototype of a light weight solution for the Grid network monitoring. A job-based approach has been used in order to prove the feasibility of this non intrusive solution. It is currently configured to monitor eight production sites spread from Italy to France but this method could be applied to the vast majority of Grid sites. The prototype provides coherent RTT, MTU, number of hops and TCP achievable bandwidth tests

    Multi-domain service and resource management in federated network environments

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