110,994 research outputs found

    The q-Binomial Coefficient for Negative Arguments and Some q-Binomial Summation Identities

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    Using a property of the q-shifted factorial, an identity for q-binomial coefficients is proved, which is used to derive the formulas for the q-binomial coefficient for negative arguments. The result is in agreement with an earlier paper about the normal binomial coefficient for negative arguments. Some new q-binomial summation identities are derived, and the formulas for negative arguments transform some of these summation identities into each other. A known q-binomial summation identity is transformed into a new q-binomial summation identity

    A q-rious positivity

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    The qq-binomial coefficients \qbinom{n}{m}=\prod_{i=1}^m(1-q^{n-m+i})/(1-q^i), for integers 0≤m≤n0\le m\le n, are known to be polynomials with non-negative integer coefficients. This readily follows from the qq-binomial theorem, or the many combinatorial interpretations of \qbinom{n}{m}. In this note we conjecture an arithmetically motivated generalisation of the non-negativity property for products of ratios of qq-factorials that happen to be polynomials.Comment: 6 page

    Non-classical properties and algebraic characteristics of negative binomial states in quantized radiation fields

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    We study the nonclassical properties and algebraic characteristics of the negative binomial states introduced by Barnett recently. The ladder operator formalism and displacement operator formalism of the negative binomial states are found and the algebra involved turns out to be the SU(1,1) Lie algebra via the generalized Holstein-Primarkoff realization. These states are essentially Peremolov's SU(1,1) coherent states. We reveal their connection with the geometric states and find that they are excited geometric states. As intermediate states, they interpolate between the number states and geometric states. We also point out that they can be recognized as the nonlinear coherent states. Their nonclassical properties, such as sub-Poissonian distribution and squeezing effect are discussed. The quasiprobability distributions in phase space, namely the Q and Wigner functions, are studied in detail. We also propose two methods of generation of the negative binomial states.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in EPJ

    Statistical Power Law due to Reservoir Fluctuations and the Universal Thermostat Independence Principle

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    Certain fluctuations in particle number at fixed total energy lead exactly to a cut-power law distribution in the one-particle energy, via the induced fluctuations in the phase-space volume ratio. The temperature parameter is expressed automatically by an equipartition relation, while the q-parameter is related to the scaled variance and to the expectation value of the particle number. For the binomial distribution q is smaller, for the negative binomial q is larger than one. These results also represent an approximation for general particle number distributions in the reservoir up to second order in the canonical expansion. For general systems the average phase-space volume ratio expanded to second order delivers a q parameter related to the heat capacity and to the variance of the temperature. However, q differing from one leads to non-additivity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. We demonstrate that a deformed entropy, K(S), can be constructed and used for demanding additivity. This requirement leads to a second order differential equation for K(S). Finally, the generalized q-entropy formula contains the Tsallis, Renyi and Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon expressions as particular cases. For diverging temperature variance we obtain a novel entropy formula.Comment: Talk given by T.S.Biro at Sigma Phi 2014, Rhodos, Greec

    Nonextensive Statistics and Multiplicity Distribution in Hadronic Collisions

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    The multiplicity distribution of particles in relativistic gases is studied in terms of Tsallis' nonextensive statistics. For an entropic index q>1 the multiplicity distribution is wider than the Poisson distribution with the same average number of particles, being similar to the negative binomial distribution commonly used in phenomenological analysis of hadron production in high-energy collisions

    Negative qq-Stirling numbers

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    International audienceThe notion of the negative qq-binomial was recently introduced by Fu, Reiner, Stanton and Thiem. Mirroring the negative qq-binomial, we show the classical qq -Stirling numbers of the second kind can be expressed as a pair of statistics on a subset of restricted growth words. The resulting expressions are polynomials in qq and (1+q)(1+q). We extend this enumerative result via a decomposition of the Stirling poset, as well as a homological version of Stembridge’s q=−1q=-1 phenomenon. A parallel enumerative, poset theoretic and homological study for the qq-Stirling numbers of the first kind is done beginning with de Médicis and Leroux’s rook placement formulation. Letting t=1+qt=1+q we give a bijective combinatorial argument à la Viennot showing the (q;t)(q; t)-Stirling numbers of the first and second kind are orthogonal.La notion de la qq-binomial négative était introduite par Fu, Reiner, Stanton et Thiem. Réfléchissant la qq-binomial négative, nous démontrons que les classiques qq-nombres de Stirling de deuxième espèce peuvent être exprimés comme une paire de statistiques sur un sous-ensemble des mots de croissance restreinte. Les expressions résultantes sont les polynômes en qq et 1+q1+q. Nous étendons ce résultat énumératif via une décomposition du poset de Stirling, ainsi que d’une version homologique du q=−1q=-1 phénomène de Stembridge. Un parallèle énumératif, poset théorique et étude homologique des qq-nombres de Stirling de première espèce se fait en commençant par la formulation du placement des tours par suite des auteurs de Médicis et Leroux. On laisse t=1+qt=1+q et on donne les arguments combinatoires et bijectifs à la Viennot qui démontrent que les (q;t)(q;t)-nombres de Stirling de première et deuxième espèces sont orthogonaux
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