5 research outputs found

    Where We Are With Enterprise Architecture

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    Enterprise architecture has been continuously developing since the mid-1980s. Although there is now 35 years of research and use, there is still a lack consistent definitions and standards. This is apparent in the proliferation of so many different enterprise architecture frameworks. Despite the significant body of research, there is a need for standardization of terminology based upon a meta-analysis of the literature. Enterprise architecture programs require commitment throughout an organization to be effective and must be perceived to add value. This research offers an initial basis for researchers who need to expand and continue this research topic with an actual meta-analysis, and for practitioners who would like to use an efficient method for EA projects

    Модернизация машиностроительных предприятий в соответствии с требованиями мировых рынков

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    Разработаны основные принципы модернизации украинских машиностроительных предприятий, которые основываются на анализе спроса потенциальных потребителей на машиностроительную продукцию и оценке возможностей предприятия по освоению выпуска этой продукции. Применение разработанных принципов позволяет обеспечить конкурентоспособность украинских машиностроительных предприятий в условиях евроинтеграции. Развитию данных принципов поможет разработка экономико-математических моделей модернизации и управления машиностроительными предприятиями.Розроблено основні принципи модернізації українських машинобудівних підприємств, які ґрунтуються на аналізі попиту потенційних споживачів на машинобудівну продукцію і оцінці можливостей підприємства з освоєння випуску цієї продукції. Використання розроблених принципів надає можливість забезпечити конкурентоспроможність українських машинобудівних підприємств в умовах євроінтеграції. Розвитку даних принципів допоможе розробка економіко-математичних моделей модернізації і управління машинобудівними підприємствами.Basic principles modernization of the Ukrainian machine-building enterprises are developed. Principles are based on the analysis of demand of potential users on machine-building products and estimation of possibilities of enterprise on mastering of issue of this products. Application of the developed principles allows to provide the competitiveness of the Ukrainian machine-building enterprises in the conditions of eurointegration. Development of economic-mathematical models of modernization and management machine-building enterprises can development of these principles

    Exploring the future of enterprise architecture : a Zachman perspective

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    Today, and for the foreseeable future, organizations will face ever-increasing levels of complexity and uncertainty. Many believe that enterprise architecture (EA) will help organizations address such difficult terrain by guiding the design of adaptive and resilient enterprises and their information systems. This paper presents the “Grand Challenges” that we believe will challenge organizations in the future and need to be addressed by enterprise architecture. As a first step in using enterprise architecture as a solution for overcoming identified challenges, the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework is used to guide and structure the discussion. The paper presents the “Grand Challenges” and discusses promising theories and models for addressing them. In addition, current advances in the field of enterprise architecture that have begun to address the challenges will be presented. In conclusion, final thoughts on the future of enterprise architecture as a research field and a profession are offered.http://www.elsevier.com /locate/compind2017-06-30hb2016Industrial and Systems Engineerin

    Strategies to overcome challenges when implementing an Enterprise Engineering Innovation Life-cycle

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    The delivery of innovative IT solutions that support business strategy is an increasing, growing competitive aspect of organisations in the financial sector. Previous research has shown the need to follow an innovative or a more agile and flexible methodology when delivering IT solutions to save cost and enable the solutions to reach the consumer market as soon as possible. To apply agile/innovative methodologies across large organisations requires more alternative approaches than to implement them in small enterprises. The organisation used in the case study, implemented an enterprise engineering innovative lifecycle (EEILC). Limited research has been done concerning the challenges and strategies during implementation of an EEILC. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strategies to overcome the challenges when implementing an EEILC. The research was inductive qualitative following an in-depth case study approach. The researcher conducted a case study using documentation analysis, informal interviews, in-depth interviews and observations with multiple stakeholders who are experts in their fields of software design and development. An inductive grounded theory approach was followed using a case study within an organisation in the financial sector in South Africa. Results show there are seven core category challenges when implementing an innovation life cycle. Each of these core challenges has a core enterprise strategy to address the challenges occurring in the applicable domain. The core challenges are: (1) innovation process challenges (addressed by an agile product delivery innovation strategy) (2) invention challenges (addressed by an idea management strategy) (3) business model challenges (addressed by a client’s value proposition strategy), (4) commercialization challenges, which include implementation and operations challenges, (addressed by a product portfolio management strategy), (5) culture challenges (addressed by an innovation culture strategy) and (6) knowledge management challenges and strategy, and (7) innovation management related challenges and strategy An innovation management strategy will manage all these challenges. Most prominent is the innovation management strategy which has links to all other categories in other domains. The relationship between enterprise client value proposition strategy show that enterprise client value proposition serves as a coherent link between how the innovation life cycle is adopted or changed to address the enterprise client value chain. This is driven by demand management to align between business and IT regarding the business model and application portfolio alignment. Thereafter, the alignment between the demand for enterprise application capabilities and the business service portfolio is shown. This is supported by service-oriented architecture (SOA) services. The resource management has to make sure the right resources, competencies and skills are available to deliver the product portfolio. During innovation and life-cycle's execution, there is a lot of interaction between individuals and teams. Therefore, communication and culture play a vital role to create synergies by collaboration of work practice and living the values of the organization. Through grounded theory analysis, a practical theory was developed, to show how challenges that occur during implementation of an innovation life-cycle, based upon enterprise engineering principles, can be addressed by best by putting the right strategies in place. This theory contributes to the body of knowledge by providing data and analysis from practical insight into how an innovation life cycle can be implemented. The challenges thereof and the mitigating strategies make it work. This study also suggested the key re best practices for enterprise architecture driving such an implementation. The research is an area of interest for development or customizing an Innovation Life-cycle using an Enterprise Engineering Framework

    A performance reporting tool for electricity service delivery for selected local South African municipalities

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    Thesis (PhD (Industrial Systems))--University of Pretoria, 2021.Basic services such as sanitation, waste removal, water, and electricity supplies are necessary for life, well-being, and human dignity. In South Africa, municipalities are the sphere of government constitutionally designated to provide these services. With months of rolling blackouts and volatile operating performance, Electricity Service Delivery (ESD) deserves some attention and improvement because it is setting the country on a pathway to national emergency, weakening investors’ confidence and stagnating the country’s already problematic economic growth prospects. Since improvement does not materialise spontaneously, deliberate and purposeful actions are required to understand the current state of ESD, extract stakeholders’ intentions for an improved ESD (diagnosis), and then devise means to operationalise the intentions. This study focuses on performance assessment with initial reporting capabilities to provide adequate information and insight for diagnosis of ESD within South African local municipalities. It starts by exploring a systematic literature review of available tools for diagnostic service performance assessment. Then, it extracts and validates, through a focus group session, the criteria which such tools must satisfy to be considered useful in the South African context. The study is based on a Design Science Research (DSR) methodology and follows an inquisitive process of multi-stakeholder engagement to extract evidence about existing functional and constructional ESD areas of concern/requirements. The study inductively develops an artefact, the ESD Performance Reporting Tool (ESD-PRT) to guide improvement in electricity service delivery in South African local municipalities. The ESD-PRT continuously extracts performance metrics from Power System Resources (PSR), citizens, and organisational competencies of the municipalities, with provisions for emerging areas of concern and requirements within design domains and sub-domains. It was evaluated for practicality and usefulness based on the DSR iterative approach and compared to the closest available similar solution. This entry point solution to an optimised local municipality ESD would guide the redesign of ESD and potentially save South Africa billions of Rands currently lost to energy losses, downtime in economic activities and social discontent occasioned by power outages and rolling blackouts. The study was demonstrated in three local municipalities geo-located in two different provinces. The researcher believes that the study outcome would apply to most local municipalities in South Africa. However, its applicability to metropolitan municipalities still needs to be tested.Industrial and Systems EngineeringPhD (Industrial Systems)Unrestricte