102 research outputs found

    The Moser-Tardos Framework with Partial Resampling

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    The resampling algorithm of Moser \& Tardos is a powerful approach to develop constructive versions of the Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma (LLL). We generalize this to partial resampling: when a bad event holds, we resample an appropriately-random subset of the variables that define this event, rather than the entire set as in Moser & Tardos. This is particularly useful when the bad events are determined by sums of random variables. This leads to several improved algorithmic applications in scheduling, graph transversals, packet routing etc. For instance, we settle a conjecture of Szab\'{o} & Tardos (2006) on graph transversals asymptotically, and obtain improved approximation ratios for a packet routing problem of Leighton, Maggs, & Rao (1994)

    An Algorithmic Proof of the Lovasz Local Lemma via Resampling Oracles

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    The Lovasz Local Lemma is a seminal result in probabilistic combinatorics. It gives a sufficient condition on a probability space and a collection of events for the existence of an outcome that simultaneously avoids all of those events. Finding such an outcome by an efficient algorithm has been an active research topic for decades. Breakthrough work of Moser and Tardos (2009) presented an efficient algorithm for a general setting primarily characterized by a product structure on the probability space. In this work we present an efficient algorithm for a much more general setting. Our main assumption is that there exist certain functions, called resampling oracles, that can be invoked to address the undesired occurrence of the events. We show that, in all scenarios to which the original Lovasz Local Lemma applies, there exist resampling oracles, although they are not necessarily efficient. Nevertheless, for essentially all known applications of the Lovasz Local Lemma and its generalizations, we have designed efficient resampling oracles. As applications of these techniques, we present new results for packings of Latin transversals, rainbow matchings and rainbow spanning trees.Comment: 47 page

    Algorithmic and enumerative aspects of the Moser-Tardos distribution

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    Moser & Tardos have developed a powerful algorithmic approach (henceforth "MT") to the Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL); the basic operation done in MT and its variants is a search for "bad" events in a current configuration. In the initial stage of MT, the variables are set independently. We examine the distributions on these variables which arise during intermediate stages of MT. We show that these configurations have a more or less "random" form, building further on the "MT-distribution" concept of Haeupler et al. in understanding the (intermediate and) output distribution of MT. This has a variety of algorithmic applications; the most important is that bad events can be found relatively quickly, improving upon MT across the complexity spectrum: it makes some polynomial-time algorithms sub-linear (e.g., for Latin transversals, which are of basic combinatorial interest), gives lower-degree polynomial run-times in some settings, transforms certain super-polynomial-time algorithms into polynomial-time ones, and leads to Las Vegas algorithms for some coloring problems for which only Monte Carlo algorithms were known. We show that in certain conditions when the LLL condition is violated, a variant of the MT algorithm can still produce a distribution which avoids most of the bad events. We show in some cases this MT variant can run faster than the original MT algorithm itself, and develop the first-known criterion for the case of the asymmetric LLL. This can be used to find partial Latin transversals -- improving upon earlier bounds of Stein (1975) -- among other applications. We furthermore give applications in enumeration, showing that most applications (where we aim for all or most of the bad events to be avoided) have many more solutions than known before by proving that the MT-distribution has "large" min-entropy and hence that its support-size is large

    Parallel algorithms and concentration bounds for the Lovasz Local Lemma via witness DAGs

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    The Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma (LLL) is a cornerstone principle in the probabilistic method of combinatorics, and a seminal algorithm of Moser & Tardos (2010) provides an efficient randomized algorithm to implement it. This can be parallelized to give an algorithm that uses polynomially many processors and runs in O(log3n)O(\log^3 n) time on an EREW PRAM, stemming from O(logn)O(\log n) adaptive computations of a maximal independent set (MIS). Chung et al. (2014) developed faster local and parallel algorithms, potentially running in time O(log2n)O(\log^2 n), but these algorithms require more stringent conditions than the LLL. We give a new parallel algorithm that works under essentially the same conditions as the original algorithm of Moser & Tardos but uses only a single MIS computation, thus running in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time on an EREW PRAM. This can be derandomized to give an NC algorithm running in time O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) as well, speeding up a previous NC LLL algorithm of Chandrasekaran et al. (2013). We also provide improved and tighter bounds on the run-times of the sequential and parallel resampling-based algorithms originally developed by Moser & Tardos. These apply to any problem instance in which the tighter Shearer LLL criterion is satisfied

    Simple Local Computation Algorithms for the General Lovasz Local Lemma

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    We consider the task of designing Local Computation Algorithms (LCA) for applications of the Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma (LLL). LCA is a class of sublinear algorithms proposed by Rubinfeld et al.~\cite{Ronitt} that have received a lot of attention in recent years. The LLL is an existential, sufficient condition for a collection of sets to have non-empty intersection (in applications, often, each set comprises all objects having a certain property). The ground-breaking algorithm of Moser and Tardos~\cite{MT} made the LLL fully constructive, following earlier results by Beck~\cite{beck_lll} and Alon~\cite{alon_lll} giving algorithms under significantly stronger LLL-like conditions. LCAs under those stronger conditions were given in~\cite{Ronitt}, where it was asked if the Moser-Tardos algorithm can be used to design LCAs under the standard LLL condition. The main contribution of this paper is to answer this question affirmatively. In fact, our techniques yield LCAs for settings beyond the standard LLL condition

    Deterministic algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Includes bibliographical references (p. 34-36).The Lovász Local Lemma [6] (LLL) is a powerful result in probability theory that states that the probability that none of a set of bad events happens is nonzero if the probability of each event is small compared to the number of events that depend on it. It is often used in combination with the probabilistic method for non-constructive existence proofs. A prominent application is to k-CNF formulas, where LLL implies that, if every clause in the formula shares variables with at most d < 2k/e other clauses then such the formula has a satisfying assignment. Recently, a randomized algorithm to efficiently construct a satisfying assignment was given by Moser [17]. Subsequently Moser and Tardos [18] gave a randomized algorithm to construct the structures guaranteed by the LLL in a very general algorithmic framework. We address the main problem left open by Moser and Tardos of derandomizing these algorithms efficiently. Specifically, for a k-CNF formula with m clauses and d < 2k/(l+)/e for some c E (0, 1), we give an algorithm that finds a satisfying assignment in time O(m2(1+1/E)). This improves upon the deterministic algorithms of Moser and of Moser- Tardos with running times mn (k2) and mD(k 1/c) which are superpolynomial for k = w(1) and upon other previous algorithms which work only for d </= 2k/ 16 /e. Our algorithm works efficiently for the asymmetric version of LLL under the algorithmic framework of Moser and Tardos [18] and is also parallelizable, i.e., has polylogarithmic running time using polynomially many processors.by Bernhard Haeupler.S.M