1,958 research outputs found

    Average-case complexity of detecting cliques

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-83).The computational problem of testing whether a graph contains a complete subgraph of size k is among the most fundamental problems studied in theoretical computer science. This thesis is concerned with proving lower bounds for k-CLIQUE, as this problem is known. Our results show that, in certain models of computation, solving k-CLIQUE in the average case requires Q(nk/4) resources (moreover, k/4 is tight). Here the models of computation are bounded-depth Boolean circuits and unbounded-depth monotone circuits, the complexity measure is the number of gates, and the input distributions are random graphs with an appropriate density of edges. Such random graphs (the well-studied Erdos-Renyi random graphs) are widely believed to be a source of computationally hard instances for clique problems (as Karp suggested in 1976). Our results are the first unconditional lower bounds supporting this hypothesis. For bounded-depth Boolean circuits, our average-case hardness result significantly improves the previous worst-case lower bounds of Q(nk/Poly(d)) for depth-d circuits. In particular, our lower bound of Q(nk/ 4 ) has no noticeable dependence on d for circuits of depth d ; k- log n/log log n, thus bypassing the previous "size-depth tradeoffs". As a consequence, we obtain a novel Size Hierarchy Theorem for uniform AC0 . A related application answers a longstanding open question in finite model theory (raised by Immerman in 1982): we show that the hierarchy of bounded-variable fragments of first-order logic is strict on finite ordered graphs. Additional results of this thesis characterize the average-case descriptive complexity of k-CLIQUE through the lens of first-order logic.by Benjamin Rossman.Ph.D

    A feasible interpolation for random resolution

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    Random resolution, defined by Buss, Kolodziejczyk and Thapen (JSL, 2014), is a sound propositional proof system that extends the resolution proof system by the possibility to augment any set of initial clauses by a set of randomly chosen clauses (modulo a technical condition). We show how to apply the general feasible interpolation theorem for semantic derivations of Krajicek (JSL, 1997) to random resolution. As a consequence we get a lower bound for random resolution refutations of the clique-coloring formulas.Comment: Preprint April 2016, revised September and October 201

    On monotone circuits with local oracles and clique lower bounds

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    We investigate monotone circuits with local oracles [K., 2016], i.e., circuits containing additional inputs yi=yi(x⃗)y_i = y_i(\vec{x}) that can perform unstructured computations on the input string x⃗\vec{x}. Let μ∈[0,1]\mu \in [0,1] be the locality of the circuit, a parameter that bounds the combined strength of the oracle functions yi(x⃗)y_i(\vec{x}), and Un,k,Vn,k⊆{0,1}mU_{n,k}, V_{n,k} \subseteq \{0,1\}^m be the set of kk-cliques and the set of complete (k−1)(k-1)-partite graphs, respectively (similarly to [Razborov, 1985]). Our results can be informally stated as follows. 1. For an appropriate extension of depth-22 monotone circuits with local oracles, we show that the size of the smallest circuits separating Un,3U_{n,3} (triangles) and Vn,3V_{n,3} (complete bipartite graphs) undergoes two phase transitions according to μ\mu. 2. For 5≤k(n)≤n1/45 \leq k(n) \leq n^{1/4}, arbitrary depth, and μ≤1/50\mu \leq 1/50, we prove that the monotone circuit size complexity of separating the sets Un,kU_{n,k} and Vn,kV_{n,k} is nΘ(k)n^{\Theta(\sqrt{k})}, under a certain restrictive assumption on the local oracle gates. The second result, which concerns monotone circuits with restricted oracles, extends and provides a matching upper bound for the exponential lower bounds on the monotone circuit size complexity of kk-clique obtained by Alon and Boppana (1987).Comment: Updated acknowledgements and funding informatio

    Quantum Query Complexity of Subgraph Isomorphism and Homomorphism

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    Let HH be a fixed graph on nn vertices. Let fH(G)=1f_H(G) = 1 iff the input graph GG on nn vertices contains HH as a (not necessarily induced) subgraph. Let αH\alpha_H denote the cardinality of a maximum independent set of HH. In this paper we show: Q(fH)=Ω(αH⋅n),Q(f_H) = \Omega\left(\sqrt{\alpha_H \cdot n}\right), where Q(fH)Q(f_H) denotes the quantum query complexity of fHf_H. As a consequence we obtain a lower bounds for Q(fH)Q(f_H) in terms of several other parameters of HH such as the average degree, minimum vertex cover, chromatic number, and the critical probability. We also use the above bound to show that Q(fH)=Ω(n3/4)Q(f_H) = \Omega(n^{3/4}) for any HH, improving on the previously best known bound of Ω(n2/3)\Omega(n^{2/3}). Until very recently, it was believed that the quantum query complexity is at least square root of the randomized one. Our Ω(n3/4)\Omega(n^{3/4}) bound for Q(fH)Q(f_H) matches the square root of the current best known bound for the randomized query complexity of fHf_H, which is Ω(n3/2)\Omega(n^{3/2}) due to Gr\"oger. Interestingly, the randomized bound of Ω(αH⋅n)\Omega(\alpha_H \cdot n) for fHf_H still remains open. We also study the Subgraph Homomorphism Problem, denoted by f[H]f_{[H]}, and show that Q(f[H])=Ω(n)Q(f_{[H]}) = \Omega(n). Finally we extend our results to the 33-uniform hypergraphs. In particular, we show an Ω(n4/5)\Omega(n^{4/5}) bound for quantum query complexity of the Subgraph Isomorphism, improving on the previously known Ω(n3/4)\Omega(n^{3/4}) bound. For the Subgraph Homomorphism, we obtain an Ω(n3/2)\Omega(n^{3/2}) bound for the same.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Query Complexity of Subgraph Containment with Constant-sized Certificates

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    We study the quantum query complexity of constant-sized subgraph containment. Such problems include determining whether an n n -vertex graph contains a triangle, clique or star of some size. For a general subgraph H H with k k vertices, we show that H H containment can be solved with quantum query complexity O(n2−2k−g(H)) O(n^{2-\frac{2}{k}-g(H)}) , with g(H) g(H) a strictly positive function of H H . This is better than \tilde{O}\s{n^{2-2/k}} by Magniez et al. These results are obtained in the learning graph model of Belovs.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, published under title:"Quantum Query Complexity of Constant-sized Subgraph Containment

    The parameterised complexity of counting connected subgraphs and graph motifs

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    We introduce a family of parameterised counting problems on graphs, p-#Induced Subgraph With Property(Φ), which generalises a number of problems which have previously been studied. This paper focuses on the case in which Φ defines a family of graphs whose edge-minimal elements all have bounded treewidth; this includes the special case in which Φ describes the property of being connected. We show that exactly counting the number of connected induced k-vertex subgraphs in an n-vertex graph is #W[1]-hard, but on the other hand there exists an FPTRAS for the problem; more generally, we show that there exists an FPTRAS for p-#Induced Subgraph With Property(Φ) whenever Φ is monotone and all the minimal graphs satisfying Φ have bounded treewidth. We then apply these results to a counting version of the Graph Motif problem
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