8 research outputs found

    Universal Forgery Attack against GCM-RUP

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    International audienceAuthenticated encryption (AE) schemes are widely used to secure communications because they can guarantee both confidentiality and authenticity of a message. In addition to the standard AE security notion, some recent schemes offer extra robustness, i.e. they maintain security in some misuse scenarios. In particular, Ashur, Dunkelman and Luykx proposed a generic AE construction at CRYPTO'17 that is secure even when releasing unverified plaintext (the RUP setting), and a concrete instantiation, GCM-RUP. The designers proved that GCM-RUP is secure up to the birthday bound in the nonce-respecting model. In this paper, we perform a birthday-bound universal forgery attack against GCM-RUP, matching the bound of the proof. While there are simple distinguishing attacks with birthday complexity on GCM-RUP, our attack is much stronger: we have a partial key recovery leading to universal forgeries. For reference, the best known universal forgery attack against GCM requires 2 2n/3 operations, and many schemes do not have any known universal forgery attacks faster than 2 n. This suggests that GCM-RUP offers a different security trade-off than GCM: stronger protection in the RUP setting, but more fragile when the data complexity reaches the birthday bound. In order to avoid this attack, we suggest a minor modification of GCM-RUP that seems to offer better robustness at the birthday bound

    Lightweight MACs from Universal Hash Functions

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    International audienceLightweight cryptography is a topic of growing importance, with the goal to secure the communication of low-end devices that are not powerful enough to use conventional cryptography. There have been many recent proposals of lightweight block ciphers, but comparatively few results on lightweight Message Authentication Codes (MACs). Therefore, this paper focuses on lightweight MACs. We review some existing constructions, and revisit the choices made in mainstream MACs with a focus on lightweight cryptography. We consider MACs based on universal hash functions, because they offer information theoretic security , can be implemented efficiently and are widely used in conventional cryptography. However, many constructions used in practice (such as GMAC or Poly1305-AES) follow the Wegman-Carter-Shoup construction , which is only secure up to 2 64 queries with a 128-bit state. We point out that there are simple solutions to reach security beyond the birthday bound, and we propose a concrete instantiation, MAC611, reaching 61-bit security with a 61-bit universal hash function. We wrote an optimized implementation on two ARM micro-controllers, and we obtain very good performances on the Cortex-M4, at only 3.7 c/B for long messages, and less than one thousand cycles for short messages

    Brute Force Cryptanalysis

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    The topic of this contribution is the cryptanalytic use of spurious keys, i.e. non-target keys returned by exhaustive key search. We show that the counting of spurious keys allows the construction of distinguishing attacks against block ciphers that are generically expected to start working at (marginally) lower computational cost than is required to find the target key by exhaustive search. We further show that if a brute force distinguisher does return a strong distinguishing signal, fairly generic optimizations to random key sampling will in many circumstances render the cost of detecting the signal massively lower than the cost of exhaustive search. We then use our techniques to quantitatively characterize various non-Markov properties of round-reduced Speck32/64. We fully compute, for the first time, the ciphertext pair distribution of 3-round Speck32/64 with one input difference Δ\Delta without any approximations and show that it differs markedly from Markov model predictions; we design a perfect distinguisher for the output distribution induced by the same input difference for 5-round Speck32/64 that is efficient enough to process millions of samples on an ordinary PC in a few days; we design a generic two-block known-plaintext distinguisher against Speck32/64 and show that it achieves 58 percent accuracy against 5-round Speck, equivalent e.g. to a linear distinguisher with 50\approx 50 percent bias. Turning our attention back to differential cryptanalysis, we show that our known-plaintext distinguisher automatically handles the 5-round output distribution induced by input difference Δ\Delta as well as the perfect differential distinguisher, but that no significant additional signal is obtained from knowing the plaintexts. We then apply the known-plaintext brute force distinguisher to 7-round Speck32/64 with fixed input difference Δ\Delta, finding that it achieves essentially the same distinguishing advantage as state-of-the-art techniques (neural networks with key averaging). We also show that our techniques can precisely characterize non-Markov properties in longer differential trails for Speck32/64

    Saturnin: a suite of lightweight symmetric algorithms for post-quantum security

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    Soumission à la compétition "Lightweight Cryptography" du NISTThe cryptographic algorithms needed to ensure the security of our communications have a cost. For devices with little computing power, whose number is expected to grow significantly with the spread of the Internet of Things (IoT), this cost can be a problem. A simple answer to this problem is a compromise on the security level: through a weaker round function or a smaller number of rounds, the security level can be decreased in order to cheapen the implementation of the cipher. At the same time, quantum computers are expected to disrupt the state of the art in cryptography in the near future. For public key cryptography, the NIST has organized a dedicated process to standardize new algorithms. The impact of quantum computing is harder to assess in the symmetric case but its study is an active research area. In this document, we specify a new block cipher, Saturnin, and its usage in different modes to provide hashing and authenticated encryption in such a way that we can rigorously argue its security in the post-quantum setting. Its security analysis follows naturally from that of the AES, while our use of components that are easily implemented in a bitsliced fashion ensures a low cost for our primitives. Our aim is to provide a new lightweight suite of algorithms that performs well on small devices, in particular micro-controllers, while providing a high security level even in the presence of quantum computers. Saturnin is a 256-bit block cipher with a 256-bit key and an additional 9-bit parameter for domain separation. Using it, we built two authenticated ciphers and a hash function. • Saturnin-CTR-Cascade is an authenticated cipher using the counter mode and a separate MAC. It requires two passes over the data but its implementation does not require the inverse block cipher. • Saturnin-Short is an authenticated cipher intended for messages with a length strictly smaller than 128 bits which uses only one call to Saturnin to provide confidentiality and integrity. • Saturnin-Hash is a 256-bit hash function. In this document, we specify this suite of algorithms and argue about their security in both the classical and the post-quantum setting